Is there a way of checking its a barton? just that a mate ordered his and its green so i thorght it was a lil strange and wondered if they had sent the wrong chip e.g Thoroughbred chip. Leigh
My Barton 3000+ is brown; It was purchased in a retail box. I also got a 2500+, OEM. This was green. I do beleive that the OEM CPUs are Green, and the Retail ones are brown.
My green XP3200+ was BOX, I also saw a green Barton XP2500+ which was also the BOX version at my PC store. Cheers, Mike P.S. My GREEN XP-M2500+ was OEM
Yeah, by it's setping on the cpu it's self or a software like cpu-z will tell u if it's a barton or not.
I heard that the colour depends on which factory they were made. One in Dresden + the other somewhere else. Malaysia maybe?
That doesnt work; both the green and the brown processors that I own/ed were made in malaysia. Maybe Zapwizard can clear this up for us all?
Then why did my Athlon XP 2500+ say Made in Malaysia on it? It was green too. Something doesnt work here.
Well, I guess you learn something new everyday after all (To date, I still havent found a day where this phrase hasnt held true! )
both my 2500+ (can't overclock for nuts, only slightly better ghz:voltage ratio then my 1800+) and 1800+ are brown, the 2500+ is lighter colour though.
Perhaps it has to do with whether the cpus are unlocked or not? (can someone confirm this or have everyone with these chips tell us whether they're unlocked and their color) Just my 3 cents. -Rob