Isn't it just a series of pics that show up with every combination of lights and whatnot turned on and off? Let's say pic1 has the lamp on, lava lamp off, lights off etc. pic2 has the lamp on, lava lamp on, lights off, etc. and so on and so forth. show pic1 if lamp=ON, lava lamp=OFF, lights=OFF, etc...
It's Real With all the options on the site, assuming a 24 hour period of time, it would take 200,000 pictures to convincingly fake it IF nobody was home. The fact that all the features of the site could be developed from scratch in less than 8 hours, and less than 2 hours since all the code necessary is available from the site, it makes no sense to fake it. -Restil
Hehehe, fun But, you have to look at the big picture here. This shows us that it isn't that hard to control your lights, bath, ... from a remote place. I mean, add a password and login to that site and you've got yourself a remote light-changer and burglar-detector... Interesting...
Re: It's Real Hehe I believe you even if these fools dont, great work btw mate, some ingenious stuff Found out about your site on one of the biggest radio stations here in the UK
Restil bbc radio 2 by chance?? There've been about 27 radio stations around the world that have featured the site in the last month. After the first 15 or so I quit keeping track. Thanks for the plug. -Restil
Re: Restil Yup. Radio2 is pretty rockin' My dad made me listen to it when he was educating me in the finer arts of radio listening or something lol