If this were on Reddit, someone would be having a hissy fit about the three exclamation marks, followed by Americans having a hissy fit that it's 'exclamation points' because British English is 'incorrect'.
I have a boss who says things like "undermind" and it really grinds my gears. I'm fairly sure that I heard them use the term "escape goat" the other day too
A local farmer near us had one of those. It used to escape from his paddock into our back garden, around once a month. I think it enjoyed the battle with my dad, who had the rather challenging task of getting the bloody thing out of the garden. My favorite miss-spelling was in our local free ads. I can't remember the item but the reason for selling was: "Surplus to requirements - I boart one too many" Genius
I can't deal with how Americans pronounce "pat(e)ronizing"...that would mean that they are frequenting a particular bar or restaurant, not that their complaining about something being a smug git