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Memory Crucial RMA dilemma

Discussion in 'Tech Support' started by CrapBag, 31 Jul 2024.

  1. CrapBag

    CrapBag Multimodder

    17 Jul 2008
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    One of my sticks of Ram has failed.

    Started an RMA with crucial but they don't make ballistix ram anymore and are offering an equivalent.

    I don't really want the equivalent as in my eyes it's not as good so what can I do, take it and sell it at a loss but at least I can buy what I'd see as equivalent or do I have other options?

    What I have now


    What they are offering


    If it had been a speed bump or something I might have taken it but they don't have the better (and white) heat sink.
    Last edited: 31 Jul 2024
  2. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    How long ago did you buy the RAM? Did you pay on a credit card, and if so did you spend over £100 in that transaction?
  3. CrapBag

    CrapBag Multimodder

    17 Jul 2008
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    19th November 21
    No £82.99 from Amazon

    Thank you in advance
  4. noizdaemon666

    noizdaemon666 I'm Od, Therefore I Pwn

    15 Jun 2010
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    Yeah, they aren't equivalent. They're the same capacity and speed, but the timings are completely different, as a starting point.
    I'll defer to Gareth on whether there's some recourse to be had credit card wise, but I would definitely push back on Crucial.
  5. David

    David μoʍ ɼouმ qᴉq λon ƨbԍuq ϝʁλᴉuმ ϝo ʁԍɑq ϝμᴉƨ

    7 Apr 2009
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    It's not an equivalent - the timings are much worse. Can be significant if you're running a ryzen chip, especially if it's an APU.

    Start with that - see what they say.
  6. CrapBag

    CrapBag Multimodder

    17 Jul 2008
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    Yeh I'm not happy about it, maybe some recourse through Amazon.

    I'd rather some sort of refund so I can buy another brand now that Crucial have dumped Ballistix
  7. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    So, you did pay by credit card but it's under £100, so Section 75's out.

    The Consumer Rights Act (2015) says that goods must be of satisfactory quality (§9), and that they are to be fit for all the purposes for which goods of that kind are usually supplied (§9.3(a)) and durable (§9.3(e)). As you used the RAM in the usual manner and it has died well within its expected lifetime, you may be covered.

    The Act applies to the trader, not the manufacturer - meaning that it's on Amazon to make right. You are free to demand a repair or replacement (§23), but Amazon can turn around and say that repair or replacement is impossible (§23.3(a)). You also have the right of price reduction or final right to reject (§24), which would give you a refund - but the trader has the right to reduce the refund to account for the use you've had of the goods (§24.8).

    In other words: Amazon does not have to give you the full value of the RAM back, and any refund you do get may not be enough to cover the cost of new RAM.

    The manufacturer's responsibilities in this aren't covered by the Act at all, but by Crucial's warranty terms. On a quick skim, they've got plenty of get-out clauses in there: you agreed at the time of purchase, whether you knew it or not, that "ALL SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS EXPERIENCE FAILURE RATES, WHICH MAY VARY ACCORDING TO USE CONDITIONS AND OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES" (emphasis Crucial's own.)

    The limited lifetime warranty states: "Micron CPG, at its option, will repair, replace, or provide an in-store credit or refund of either the original purchase price or fair market value, whichever is lower, of any product that is determined by Micron CPG to be defective during the warranty period." (Emphasis mine this time.)

    That means Crucial gets to choose whether it repairs, replaces, credits, or refunds your goods. You can't demand one or the other, it's entirely up to Crucial.

    Elsewhere: "Micron CPG reserves the right to substitute functionally equivalent new or serviceable used parts." The argument, then, is on whether the RAM they're offering is "functionally equivalent." They'd argue it is: it literally serves the same function. You'd argue it's not: it's markedly slower than the faulty RAM.

    Unfortunately, that's the sort of thing that can only really be sorted out through a protracted legal tussle, the cost of which would outweigh the RAM several times over.

    This leaves you with two choices. The first is to contact Amazon and argue that you're exercising your right of final rejection under the Consumer Rights Act (2015) as the goods have failed well within their expected lifespan and the manufacturer is refusing to make right. Amazon will not like this. Worst case outcome: you get a refund, but you also get your account cancelled.

    The second is to tell Crucial that you reject its claim that the offered replacement is "functionally equivalent," being of markedly different specification, and request that the company choose one of the other remedies available to it under the terms of the warranty - either replacement with an actually equivalent item or a refund (or, if you're happy buying your replacement from Crucial, in-store credit - the most likely option to succeed, especially if what they give you is less than the value of what you'll buy.)

    Or, as you said, accept the replacement and flog it.

    ...blimey, I didn't mean to write that much. I'm supposed to be working!
  8. CrapBag

    CrapBag Multimodder

    17 Jul 2008
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    That's a very comprehensive response, thank you very much and sorry for clogging up your work day.

    I have politely asked Crucial if there are any other options and await to hear from them, then if that isn't satisfactory then I'll ask Amazon, have to tread lightly there as I bought them through my daughter's account as we didn't have prime back then and I don't want that getting shut down (would not be impressed obviously :jawdrop:).
    Last edited: 31 Jul 2024
    Arboreal likes this.
  9. CrapBag

    CrapBag Multimodder

    17 Jul 2008
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    So crucial are still just offering the same ram saying it's compatible, which it is of course and they have also agreed to £56 store credit.

    Amazon have refused to help.

    So my options are

    1. Take the ram and put it in my wife's pc even though she doesn't need 32gb and sell the 16gb of patriot 3200mhz (my old ones before I bought crucial)
    2. Take the ram and sell it at a small loss
    3. Take the store credit and buy something I don't need
    You would think that Crucial would hold on to ex amount of stock for warranty purposes but obviously not, years n years ago they actually replaced some failed ddr2 and it was about 10 years old but they still had stock.

    Definitely not buying crucial anymore mainly because they only seem to sell basic ram now.
  10. CrapBag

    CrapBag Multimodder

    17 Jul 2008
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    This should be a reasonable equivalent shouldn't it, it's fast with similar timings.

    There's an intel variant with lower timings too

    Or if there are other kits people think would be good, 3600mhz cl16 or 18, 32gb, got to be low profile to go under my mahoosive cooler (can lift the fan a little) and white would be bonus but not essential.
    Last edited: 2 Aug 2024
  11. VictorianBloke

    VictorianBloke Man in a box

    31 Oct 2007
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    That's exactly the same kit I bought a week ago, because I couldn't find anything else low profile even close to the price.
  12. CrapBag

    CrapBag Multimodder

    17 Jul 2008
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  13. VictorianBloke

    VictorianBloke Man in a box

    31 Oct 2007
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    Those are 3200, Vs 3600 for the Corsair. From what I understand, overall latency of both kits will be pretty much the same, but the Corsair will likely nudge ahead on performance as FCLK (infinity fabric) will be running at the higher rate.

    Also pretty sure the reference to intel is just XMP, which is an intel standard. The Corsair kit is also XMP 2.0. No clue if there's any actual difference in the sub timings for the 'amd tuned' kits though Vs the non AMD branded ones.
  14. CrapBag

    CrapBag Multimodder

    17 Jul 2008
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    I've made that same mistake about 5 times while googling 3600mhx ram and yet I still fell for it again, I have been purely on my phone at the in laws for 5 days. (back on my pc now)

    Think the corsair will do me just fine, I did read just today that 3600mhz cl8 is very similar to 3200mhz cl16.
  15. CrapBag

    CrapBag Multimodder

    17 Jul 2008
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    Ordered the Corsair 3600, just have to decide what to do with the crucial return.

    Thanks for everyone's help.

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