@S7design Cans for all Mine is round but has a different grill than yours... Coned one is tricky but you did a god job anyway @ Dancingbear84 Thanks a lot @ Dr. Coin Thanks you too @ Vogits Thanks man,! My skills with wood need to be improved --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somebody said "sleeving" ? Simple and quick solution The front grill need to be finished .... I choose to fill the gaps' rods with bondo instead of glue Sorry for the pic a little over-exposed The front side of each rods has been polished.... This is the first round. Rods mounted!! Do you see the dark sides ? It's the matte black film, used to cover the bondo after sanding. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now it's time for some soldering Have a look at this smd chips (qt1010 Atmel ) and some others components I 've purchased My external lab (The yellow bunny it's a lighter for heatshrink ) PCB for Atmel has been done from a "friend" because of the smd dimensions. It's a mess to solder smd but I did it The cabled circuit in its position For who (all ? ) is thinking "what the hell is that fu**ing circuit?" ..... it's the logic bheind a touch button ..and it's working!! A short test ( sorry for the creepy quality ) I am not able to embed it , so here is the link.... Touch The grey cable will be soldered to the stud placed on top of the case. Touching that cable you turn on the logic switch and the led lights it up This is the schema You need more info check datasheet for chip qt1010 Atmel .
Hi guys Let's come back to the front...... To keep close each side I have made this "tie rod", made with some parts taken from an old R/C car and a spring from a plate hanger The top has been painted with 3 layers of water-base wood dye I sanded it alittle bit and at the end some flatting 1- Touch stud for power 2- Power led 3- Eject button for optical drive I had to show you some details about the rear panel and then final pics
@ S7design Thanks It looks good, I am stisfied -------------------------------------------------------------- I choose an old ball-bearing 92mm fan for the rear panel. It has been painted with a "chrome" color. The grid comes from an old radio The internal ring (see red arrow) has been removed This is how it looks like.... But honestly I prefer the "naked" version... At the end I find a new solution with a semi naked style I take some rods from a dead umbrella , I cutted and glued them to the grid frame. I also made a new grill on the botton with the same ubrella's rods I painted it balck ( the left corner on the top needs an adjustment ) You cane see Zalman's rheobus. The rear frame is brush-finished as the whole case
This is really cool. I especially like the exposed heat sink. However, I think the finish really hurts the appearance of the case. It looks like you sanded the case free hand. In order for a brushed finish to look good the lines really need to be parallel. you need some kind of guide for the sanding block. Maybe take a look at this guide. http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=114028 I am just nit-picking now but maybe the fan controller body should be inside the case with only the knob protruding through the panel. The PSU modding you did is pretty hard core.
Really cool! Especially when thinking this was originally a coffee machine and that most parts are retrieved from elsewhere. Also I love this I/O cutout, without any I/o panel. I did the same on my build as well. Although I think it would have been nice if there were more reminder of the color of the wood. Nice work!
I made the "brushed" finish with this tool but as you noticed , lines are not parallel I had to try to brush the case with sandpaper as for the guide you linked even if it will not be easy due to its shape You are right the fan controller could be moved inside. @ S7design Thanks man @Vinch Thanks Honestly I didn't think to use more wood but it's a good idea , maybe for the rear panel.... @Nexxo Thanks ! @Dr. Coin Thanks @Noobas4rusu Thanks you too I 've got interesting feedback and I think there will be an Espresso _ V2 with a better Brush finish ( I hope ) . more wood and a stealth fan controller Ciao Kappa