No, I was saying that Im not in trouble with the law. Im pretty much gona be banned from the computer for a few months now... *bye*
surely you could call up and pretend to be your parents? your not very enterprising. prob deserve to be banned till you learn how to use one properly
Personaly, I think I am an idiot as well... I kinda wish I had gotten into more trouble than I did... I feel like I deserve it. Im very surprised that the company took it so well, concidering that Im just a kiniving theaving little teenager. About the thing... I do know one person (in collage) that got one from that site. The way they finance that kinda stuff is that the companies pay them money to have their offers up there. And yes, I did use one of my extra email accounts ment for spam only, so spam isnt a problem (Funny thing is, I went for the "weight-loss patch"... Its funny cause Im 115 lbs and skiny as a twig). I do wish they would have given me a screen to conferm my order, so I coulda just backed out right then and there. It would keep more kids like me from getting f'ed in the a... Other than that, Im gona go watch TV and stay away from the comp for a while... (I scerrred myself)
This is a fantastic story. A beginning, a suspenseful middle, a happy end, and a moral. Aesop would be proud
Got a letter in the mail today from my bank: Will post a scan tomarrow. My scanner is busted, but the one at work is fine. Coincidence??? WHERE'S MY DAMN iPOD!?!?
Dont be an idiot and try to use other peoples money to pay for your own pleasure, its stealing in the absolute worst way, taking money from people who are likely to have little to spare. Dont do it again, and if you do i wouldnt post on a forum like this. If for instance you posted something like this on THIS forum again, I would report it (one time, ok, shame on you. 2 times, thats trying...). edit: btw - i havent read any posts but the first one so please dont relate this to any other posts
Well, Im pretty sure it wasnt anyone's actual number. I think it was just one that matched the same algorithm they use for mastercard numbers. I dont think I would ever have even concidered anything like what I did If I had known it was someones number... Anyway, I dont wana go into this anymore. Its over, and Im embarassed in every way possible.
Oh Î'm so sorry; very well done... Classy, couldn't have done it better myself You just went a notch up in my book
Just call them up and cancel your order, i've accidentally used a debit card that was expired before.. had it go through fine.. and all i had to do was have them refund my payment and i used my new debit card. Easy as cake. Just relax, do what I told you to do and you should be alright. I'm sure you've learned a lesson, so I won't say a thing more. Edit: Note to self "Read all posts before posting"
Well idiot in my pinion if your gonna do that why not just skip the middle man and bought the ipod with that. By any chance you wanna share the number .