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A/V HELP! With 3D Gaming Display

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by g2tegsown, 18 Nov 2012.

  1. g2tegsown

    g2tegsown What's a Dremel?

    28 Jan 2007
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    Alright I need some clarification on this...

    I know that nvidia has their own 3D Vision which requires their glasses and a approved 120Hz Display.

    And I believe you can activate the steroscopic 3D just through their driver/software on any display it just may not work properly.

    I am looking at getting a 32" Samsung 3D 120Hz LED TV (Has to be this size since I am setting rather close to it and 27" is to small) and it comes with its own 3D glasses.

    So can I use those glasses and use nvidia Steroescopic 3D? The TV has the ability to "convert" 2D to 3D, would I just use that for 3D gaming? (Anyone have any experience doing that?)

    Is 3D gaming even worth it at all? (I play mainly FPS titles and some racing).

    Thanks for your time :)
  2. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Depends on your current system

    If it can handle 3d with everything maxed for the Rez then its worth it for certain titles. If you can't then you will likely struggle to use 3d.

    It requires a lot of hardware to make it run correctly, 580 SLI or above if you want to max something like bf3.
  3. ripmax

    ripmax Minimodder

    8 Apr 2010
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    A single 580/overclocked 570 would max BF3 at 30+ fps with 3D, do you have the model number for your TV?
  4. Parge

    Parge the worst Super Moderator

    16 Jul 2010
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    AFAIK - you can't do Nvidia 3D on a TV. Has to be a certified compatible monitor.

    My experience of 3D is that its a cool tech, but not really practical to actually play games with it turned on, you lose a lot of clarity in motion, and its just not as nice.
  5. hamza_tm

    hamza_tm Modder

    10 Apr 2012
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    It will work out for recreational play, not very serious or competitive. Ie if you just want the wonderful experience

    If you want to play such games to win, then the disadvantages of using 3D become apparent as others have mentioned above.
  6. Mechh69

    Mechh69 I think we can make that fit

    16 Sep 2009
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    I love my 3D it give a lot of depth to the game. I'm not sure you can use the glasses supplied with the tv. There is a box that syncs the glasses to the video cards in your system so you get the 60Htz per eye, not sure your tv will sync with the cards.

    There are a few issues with 3D though I play NFS Hot pursuit employes edition and it will give you a warning about the headlights not rendering correctly in the game at night. It's hard to notice but I love playing games in 3D none the less I like the experience! I will caution you if you get the Nvidia 3D set up you will need to ease in to it a hour or so to start then add more time as your eyes adjust.
  7. Guest-44432

    Guest-44432 Guest

    You can run NVida 3D on a HD TV. But you have to pay for the software from NVidia to use it. Though you can download the free 14 day trial. :)

    NVidia 3DTV web pagel

    By using thsee drivers you will be using your own 3D glasses that come supplied with your TV. So you don't need to buy the NVidia 3D glasses kit.
  8. bdigital

    bdigital Is re-building his PC again

    10 Aug 2010
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    I tried it and didnt notice any difference! I think mainly because it only adds depth, which games already have in 3d anyway. So there wasnt much difference except for 2d menus looking 3d.
  9. Guest-44432

    Guest-44432 Guest

    Both NVidia and AMD Tridef 3D works very well on my LG 3D Passive TV. You get awesome depth and the odd thing popping out the screen.

    Assassins Creed - Sleeping Dogs - BF3 - Tomb Raider - Sonic - and many others are all awesome in 3D.
  10. Xonar

    Xonar What's a Dremel?

    2 Nov 2009
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    Only thing I would add is that if you're using 3D on your TV at 1080p you'll be limited to 24hz which is the spec for blu-rays but for gaming is near to unplayable in my opinion.

    Dropping down to 720p however would allow for gameplay at 60hz, same as what you would do with a 3D monitor so whether you'd be willing to take the drop in resolution with a TV over a monitor is something to consider.
    Last edited: 18 Nov 2012
  11. Guest-44432

    Guest-44432 Guest

    Funny you should mention that. For some strange reason my TV runs at 48Hz when running 3D at 1080p even though the set refresh is 24Hz.

    To those limited to 24Hz at 1080p - Just turn sync off. :)
  12. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    30fps classed as playable on bf3 ? you never go online if you think 30fps is acceptable as it truly is not.

    As others have mensioned you can not use a tv as your 3d display as you need an nvidia certified display and no tv is.
  13. Guest-44432

    Guest-44432 Guest

    Wrong - you can use any 3D TV with the NVidia 3D HDTV drivers that I have listed in one of the above posts.

    You cannot use NVIDIA 3D glasses with any TV - You can only use them with a NVidia supported monitor.
  14. g2tegsown

    g2tegsown What's a Dremel?

    28 Jan 2007
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    Thanks for the info guys...

    Thanks to true_gamer you answered my question exactly :)

    Thanks for the info Xonar I totally agree 24Hz would suck...

    So if I buy a 27" 120Hz Monitor I can run 1920x1980P @ 120Hz and still run 3D with the nvidia glasses? Because if that is so then there is no question in the decision... 27" 120Hz Monitor it is...

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