once again, just picking smth from this month's photos since were close to the deadline again... i should really start thinking of it in advance and plan the shoot specially for potm ^^
Even though not planned, still damn good I cant decide if I like the plane in the sky or not, a tough decision. Darkened
i personally cant stand the dust bunnies on the image XD time to buy some canned air and a good brush.... yeah, i know what you mean... couldnt decide so i just left it like it was
good ol Nikon D40 with 18-55 kit lens dreaming of the d90 but have to wait until after the army... atleast the price will have dropped by then
That's an awesome pic. I think the plane in the sky identifies the blue bit as sky. Otherwise it's not imediately obvious. What is the building anyway? Assuming it's a building.
yer.. discovered the dust after seeing these photos... been planning on going through the shop and getting some canned air. as for the building... rooftop of bruuns gallery in arhus, denmark... the vent systems are covered up with this foggy glass thingie.... http://www.flickr.com/photos/20467005@N08/2369475050/