I'm surprised no one has said try building models. I know theres a group of members who collect the warhammer peices for the game and paint them and whatnot. I always enjoy building a model car every now and than, though I do dislike the painting.
I would advise windsurfing as it is the greatest thing ever (other than maybe cricket). Only be warned, it leads to obsessive wind-checking as well as the odd ritual of driving down to a beach and then driving straight back despite it being a beautiful sunny day.
LOL. Zoon speaks the truth... It IS a valid way to deal with the spare time and any time you don't have to spare...
I agree with that It has occupied days of spare (and not so spare)time for me. It has also kept me out of trouble with the wife when i traveled away from home, as well as got me in trouble at home. 2-lvl 85 3-lvl 80 1-lvl 76 1-lvl 74 1-lvl 67
- Minecraft, no matter how much time you have it will fly. - Maybe pick up a microcontroller board and learn to program it. Something like an Arduino, or TI launchpad if you want to keep it cheap. The launchpad costs $4,30, even if you find out you hate messing with microcontrollers it's not like you lost a lot of money. - Excercise, walking, running, cycling, swimming, hit the gym, full contact chess, what you like. Not only does it keeps you busy, but you also stay/get in shape. - If you have a garden, start growing stuff, the feeling you get from growing your own food is incredible.