so.... no too long ago i bought i bought logitech's x-530s and yesterday i bought a sound card (Blaster Audigy LS). came home hooked everything up and install the software play a song and i only hear sound from the woofer,rightfront, and leftfront!!!!! so i used their software and it has a button that says test speakers so i click on it and i hear sound from all speakers when it says "right front,leftfront,centerfront.......etc" so all of em work when tested but when i play a song on any player only 3 of em work!!! i need help any suggestions creative's website is no help whatsoever!!! You guys at bit-tech have never failed me when i have problems i know i'll get some help! Thanx -Nikon
ive got the x-530's and had the same prob with a creative card until i did soe looking around in the options. you have to set our speaker settings to 5.1 in the windows speaker setting and then 5.1 in the creative tools.
Well i checked and both of the option have 5.1 selected still nothing!!!! Any other suggestions??????
check all plugs are correctly placed, as said make sure system control panel and creative one are saying the same, or just tick the option for the creative to sync with the control panel. update drivers then if that doesnt work, contact creatives support or logitech
What software are you using to play your music? Are you using the latest drivers? Most music is 2 chans by default, so drivers/software need to expand it to the other channels - if using winamp try enabling hardware acceleration (preferences > output > configure directsound). This sounds like your problem since the test program works fine.
yeah but what he is saying is that when he runs the test program it uses the left front and right front for all of the sounds instead of having the left back speaker saying "left back" and center saying "center" and so on. make sure in the creative audioHQ in the speaker settings check the box that says sync with control panel.
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr aight so i tried everything everyone has been suggesting still nothing So today i went baq to microcenter and exchanged both my soundcard and the speakers for new ones of the same kind i came home hooked evrything up and NOTHING!!!!!!!! same problem when i test em they all work by saying the position in where they r suppose to be. but when playing something only two of em work and the sub. I think sound blaster made the card so that it is not compatible with logitech's speakers is that possible cuz i dunno what else to do but to buy the ones recommended in the baq of the soundcard box which cost more and don't look as cool!!! what should i do now.?????
As I've said already, you can't expect "surround sound" from a stereo source. You need software to expand to the rear channels, this is usually done by the drivers but sometimes you may need to install plugins or software that is capable of expanding stereo into "surround" eg. powerdvd. I VERY much doubt it is to do with compatibility between the sound card and speakers and I'm pretty sure you will have this problem with any creative sound card as their drivers will all work in a similar fashion. If the diagnosis program works in all speakers it's a software issue, period.
yes jumper is right. most if not all .mp3 files are not surround. pop in a dvd with 5.1 and then listen. you wasted time returning the stuff to the store and getting brand new ones.
Here is what I did when I had my Audigy 2 ZS, go into your EAX settings and go over to the CMSS tab. Then click enable CMSS Upmixing, and then click on CMSS2 This will take all of your audio playback and upmix it to whatever speaker setup you have.
OK Ok OK i get what everyone is saying. ok i get it i am not playing stuff with 5.1 audio but i have one question does everyone else with the same setup as me have the "problem" when playing songs only 2 speakers work???????
Well with my soundcard, it will only play through front center, front left, front right, and the sub. Once you enable CMSS upmixing itwill play through all of your speakers.
FIxed Thanx to all Aight all my speakers work thanx to Sea shadow thanx for the support and to everyone that suggested something bit-tech has never failed me Thanx everyone!!!!! -Nikon
Take the soundcard back to the shop...After stamping on it and setting fire to it (possibly at the same time) and swap it for a Terratec or M-Audio. *n