How can I remove (or disable) the annoying green LED's from my Zalman CNPS9500 AM2, I plan on buying a Zalman Fatal1ty FC-ZV9 I think its so stupid how they can't put matching coloured LEDS in them both. Thanks Kingdavies
I guess you can find where they connect onto the fan's power cable and cut / de-solder them off. Otherwise you're pretty much stuffed ;(
I was thinking that but how do you get at the LEDS, is it possible to remove the fan blades from the heatsink without breaking it
I'd say dremel them out from the back, but then you're fan would very probubly fly apart probubly hurting you / your PC / your possesions
use a phillips screw driver and unscrew the mount. the fan is on a mount that screws to the bottom plate, you can unscrew that and remove the fan i believe. then you find the leds and desolder them apart, but im unsure as to removing the fan to get to the leds. either way good luck, i know i want to change my leds myself.
Just a thought but you could remove the LED's on both and then add the proper color to both so that they do match. LED fans in which the LED's have been removed look a little dorky.