Did anyone else get thoroughly addicted in the recent Open beta? I feel so lost without it now! The Finals is an upcoming multiplayer FPS from Embark Studios (ex-DICE). It's 3v3v3 objective matches on environmentally-destructible maps. Lots of gadgets and it's very, very fast-paced. It has flame throwers, C4, goo, gas, zip lines, grapple hooks, etc. There are two, slightly different, game modes. There are quickplay and knockout tournaments as well as ranked tournies. The amount of stupid and impressive crap that happened during my time playing in the beta was incredible. I had a lot of fun It's not without issues though, I was playing on Xbox Series S and apparently, controller aiming is a bit janky. I could not get any of the guns to feel quite right. I settled on the M11 as it was the only one I could really consistently do damage with, but it limited me to playing the Light class and I died an awful lot. There were a number of latency issues, falling down holes when I wasn't near them happened a lot. Towards the end of the beta, they did fix back-filling so at least I didn't have to be solo against two teams of 3 all that often. I'd also have really appreciated being able to test guns and gadgets out in the practice range before buying them. They're also using AI instead of traditional voice acting, which I'm not a fan of. It does seem one of the less problematic uses of AI, especially when it's not scraped data and people are actually paid for training the AI. But it's still a bit of a shame to take work away from talent, especially when they didn't make the most of having TTS that could've been a lot more dynamic. Instead, they just said the same lines over and over, they also didn't pause or get cut off, so were out of date and backed up a lot of the time. It should be free to play when it launches and I believe they are aiming for a release this year, so realistically probably early December. site | discord | twitter | reddit | youtube | steam
I'd have posted this at the time, but I've been too busy playing it! As speculated, The Finals launched as The Game Awards 2023 ended. I'm having even more fun with it than I did in the beta.
I'm so addicted, still pretty terrible- though I do have my moments! At least this game amuses with the weird stuff everyone's managing to do, so when I'm not winning it can still be fun.
What I like is that I am not completely crap at it.. can actually kill people on there. Not like apex
Season 2 is almost here! I am super-hyped for this. Love the aesthetic and I can be a goth in-game - woooo!
After a day of playing Season 2, I'm really liking most of the changes! I never used Recon Sense anyway so that going isn't a huge issue to me. I played around with the dematerializer and the data reshaper and they were great fun. The Gateway grenades got me killed a lot! Loved the feel of the Famas, but I am so bad with it. I need more practice! Power Shift is great, I like that a lot. I had a crazy match last night where the enemy was seconds away from winning, with the platform almost in their base and somehow, we managed to gain control and hold it all the way to our base for the win. I did not expect that! The new Career paths look to be a way to halt the harsh player drop-off we had last season when we ran out of stuff to unlock. I'm just a casual player, though I play most evenings, and I'd unlocked everything and ranked up to 50 so the "number get bigger" dopamine just stopped. Being able to re-roll contracts with VRs is another welcome addition. I was full on those for the last 2 months of Season 1, so giving them a use is sensible.
Is there a barrier to noobs on this one? If we join now are we just going to ditch it in a day after getting smashed by everyone like COD?
Honestly, I'm not sure. You have to put some thought into it, every mode is an objective mode- as of right now anyway, there is no deathmatch style mode. If you leap in now though, we're all trying out the new weapons, gadgets, and game mode, so none of us has a clue what we're doing! I will say, I've been playing Warface: Clutch on Xbox for a few years now and I've had a couple of friend requests and a handful of messages post-game after that. But I've had so many nice messages and friend requests after matches in this game! It's such a nice change! I am on Xbox though, so I can't say what it's like on PC.
You know what? I might give it a go if I get some spare time then. Maybe rope the eldest in. If I do, I'll PM you for your gamertag so you can shepherd us through!
Friend request sent! Now to finish the house tidy and see if we get some time this evening. Will kick off the download as well
They finally dropped the Goth Girl skin. Pretty sure everyone bought it, I haven't played a match without at least one person using part of it since we got it
Season 3 is so close now! I wasn't sure at first that switching out Cashout for terminal Attack was a good idea for ranked, but since they've explained it's so they can make more changes to Cashout while it's not the ranked mode and it will still be the main mode for the new World Tours. It does make more sense. I'll probably still shy away from Ranked as I only play solo, but I'll definitely be giving World Tours a go. Then I'll spend the rest of my time absolutely sucking with the katanas in Power Shift More info on World Tour:
This looks pretty interesting, Hex. The eldest and I have started dipping into it now but we're not the greatest, by any stretch! Sent a couple of invites over, but think we've missed each other. What sort of times do you tend to get on?
Oh I'm rubbish, I only get lucky sometimes when I know the maps really well I saw one invite, but I didn't see it until hours later, I'd left my Xbox on, gone downstairs and got accosted into doing things! I normally get on in the evenings. After about 22:15, is when I'm usually free to play, but I can be flexible! I definitely want to try out the World Tour, but it'll be weird as I've only really played Power Shift for months! I did complete all my Career Circuits though, so had to play a few matches of Cashout.
This is exactly what happens here! Or someone grabs the TV. I need to find a spare figure 8 power lead and then I THINK I've got a cable set upstairs so I can just move the console ad hoc if required. Righto - in that case, I'll try and clear some time out and get some practice in. Haven't even seen the career circuits yet so I'll have to get cracking! Nice one .
I can't seem to get into World Tour unless I switch crossplay on. It didn't go very well and e got knocked out immediately. I knew it was bad when I had most kills on my team I've just been playing Power Shift again as that mode actually starts for me, trying out the katanas and they were so much more fun than I expected!
Ha! As soon as I join in, you'll get even more elevated! I'm on the back foot a bit tonight, but hoping it eases up tomorrow ...
@Hex - I'm still struggling to get some time but my youthful delegate has sent you a friend request. Go easy (but in fairness, she was racking up some wins today...).