Hi. I won't beat around the bush, this is my simple problem: Basically, roller coaster tycoon 2 has no way of turning down the volume, or turning off the sound. and its insanely loud on headphones. so i cant wear headphones and go on vent etc when i play that game. is there a way of getting round that?
like what? How do you use the windows audio thing to block out a single program? I cant delete the files as there are no clear cut ones. it seems to be merged all together. Theres no "audio" folder, just "game files" and they all have the same file ending so i cant differentiate. im a total noob at pcs.
No sorry, it's xp. I just tried using the xp volume control panel, doesnt work because the same slide affects vent as rct2.
just wondering but why do you want to turn it down for just that game? why not use the windows volume control to turn down the volume before you start to play. and then when you are finished, turn it back up. sure its a little bit of work but its not that hard to do each time.
Yeah, but he says that he uses Vent, and turning down the whole volume would make it so he couldn't hear his buddies. Don't know how to fix your problem, sorry. Although, if I recall correctly, nVidia's software has very specific volume controls. Maybe check into that?