I really want to win this Icy Box Multimedia player because... the sight and tech of this ickle black box will make any crappy film on my new Bravia look crystal cool...
I really want to win this ICY BOX Multimedia player because…im fed up of everybody else in my house coming to me for games and movies, and with this they can just access my collection over the wireless and stop bothering me
I really want to win this Icy Box Multimedia player because... my XBMC'ed XBox is dying and my wife will kill me if she can't watch her stuff on the big screen any more! (Plus the XBox is HUUUUUUGE!)
I really want to win this Icy Box Multimedia player because... I really want to win this Icy Box Multimedia player because... because it is the best hard drive!
"I really want to win this Icy Box Multimedia player because I could do with an icecube machine.... oh wait....!"
I really want to win this Icy Box Multimedia player because .... I want to listen to cool sounds on my Icy Box, whilst sipping whisky on the rocks.
I really want to win this Icy Box Multimedia player because it would a brilliant external HDD to use as a network drive for all files, as well as for multimedia files!
“I really want to win this ICY BOX Multimedia player because…” i have alot of mulitmedia that i would love to watch on the comfort of my sofa but i dont have the $ available to make it happen right now this would be the first step in realizing a dream to be able to stream a BluRay movie from a pc and watch it on another PC/media box
I really want to win this ICY BOX Multimedia player because of ease of access to my back catalogue of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. With the NMT unlocked, remote in my hand, my Mac can sleep while I dole out commands. I'll 1st watch some Buffy, then listen to that Duffy, while ftp'ing...will it make me a butty? (and yes, I'm desperate to win it!).
I really want to win this ICY BOX Multimedia player because… because I know that each of these entries will be read by bit-tech Staff
I want to win an Icybox multimedia player because I'm a skint, tech-mad student nurse and it would be the ultimate addition to my lovely new flat!
I really want to win this Icy Box Multimedia player because............it would make my home complete!!
I really want to win this ICY BOX Multimedia player because… ... it'll make my life n-ice and fr-easy!!