Case Mod - Complete Inwin Tou2.0 build (Mandy, the mistress)

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by Karma_IT, 12 May 2017.

  1. Karma_IT

    Karma_IT What's a Dremel?

    30 Mar 2017
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    Hi guys,

    Just thought I would share with you the wild ride of a week of afternoons putting together a build for Inwin. It was for media event here in Aus, so time was a little tight (when isnt it).

    Everything i did along the way was out of order.
    Having to wire the entire build, before putting covers in, and then having the water lines over that meant the process was a little, interesting....

    It all began with a covered box and a guessing game

    First Look inside

    Finally out of the box

    Dont get too keen

    And there she is, wowsers

    Turns out you can be cheeky with reflections

    Day 1 light test

    The Asus core of this build

    EK Waterblocks <3

    Little bit of storage

    Making sure it runs :)

    The real fun begins

    Test fit 1/304949

    The only badge that matters

    Playing with the colour palette

    Experimenting with routing 1

    Experimenting with routing 2

    Playing with different mounting options, sadly this didnt fit :(

    More fitment testing

    Can i fit these here, yes!!!

    Playing with mounting and clearances, mod required

    Potential solution

    MB Tray in place

    MB tray and midplate in place, begin toying with tubing

    To cover the midplate or not

    Prepping for a photo to digitise the pattern on top cover, this will make sense soon

    Playing with rear cover concept

    Rear cover test fit

    Rear cover windowed

    Rear cover installed

    Begin detailing

    Realisation that photos are going to be tough

    The core shot, almost there

    Lighting test



    Thanks for staying with me til the end, see you on the next project

  2. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    Well, that was quick. Love the final product. I particularly like how you stacked the SSDs. My brain is still locked in the mechanical HD rule of keeping them level.
  3. rolldog

    rolldog What's a Dremel?

    23 Jul 2016
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    Did those reservoirs fit between the front radiator mount and the front of the case? It's hard to tell, but did you fit both reservoirs there along with a 360 rad and 3 fans? I've been struggling with placement for everything in this case.
  4. Karma_IT

    Karma_IT What's a Dremel?

    30 Mar 2017
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    certainly did, dual 250 res in front of rad mount, then the 360 rad and fans.

    you'll need to make spacers/long nut inserts though
  5. rolldog

    rolldog What's a Dremel?

    23 Jul 2016
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    I have a quick question for you, since not very many people own this case. Do you know if the 8 pin PCIe pinout powering a GPU with this SIV-1065W PSU is the same as any other PSU? Obviously, the voltages of each pin where it plugs into the GPU has to be the same, but how about on the PSU end?

    I had a set of sleeved cables made for this PSU, and he's done quite a few sets for this case already. After receiving my cables installing them, and installing a jumper on the 24 pin ATX cable, so I could leak test my system, I discovered that my PSU wasn't working. I don't know if it was bad from the very beginning because I didn't get far enough in my build to find out if the PSU was working or not. When I plugged it in with the jumped 24 pin cable, the new ones, none of my PCIe devices were getting power. It took me a month and a half to get a replacement but I still don't know if the pinout is different and if it's possible that the new cables fried my PSU, and I don't want to go through this again

    I used a continuity tester in my multimeter to test each end of the cables, and the sleeved cables are wired differently than the cables that came with the In Win Tou 2.0. I guess I could plug them into the PSU and measure the voltage of each pin for comparison purposes. Did you use all the original cables that came with the SIV-1065W PSU?

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