Graphics Nvidia 3xxx series thread

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by The_Crapman, 6 Jun 2020.

  1. Osgeld

    Osgeld Minimodder

    9 Jul 2019
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    wut I can shove a 3090 into a ps5 shell, strip its cooler its smaller than the itx 1650 I just bought ... I am sure there's an aliexpress GPU water-cooling kit that can fit it
  2. David

    David μoʍ ɼouმ qᴉq λon ƨbԍuq ϝʁλᴉuმ ϝo ʁԍɑq ϝμᴉƨ

    7 Apr 2009
    right here
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    Well, I just grabbed one for almost half the price it was on special for in July (admittedly used vs new, but still a bargain), so I'd definitely feel a wee bit miffed.

    The 3000 series would be a nice to have, but I don't game anywhere near hard enough to warrant one, they're all (currently) massive anyway and wouldn't be the best choice for my M1, this has a reference pcb so I can grab a block for it easily so I can continue the dream of a twin 240mm rad M1 build, plus I've never spent £500 on a card and I'd be kidding myself to think that would change now.

    I did spend a massive (for me) £450 on a used 1080 Ti from Edzeiba, but only because I grabbed an MSI 1080 Ti gaming for a little under £400 locally and made a huge profit that offset a chunk of the cost of Ed's 1080 Ti - I sold that one for more than I paid after 18 months use. In fact, that sale has financed the 2070 super and almost all of my watercooling gear for the M1. Even the 1080 Ti was overkill for my rig these days - like i said, I just don't game that hard any more.

    I had the option of a cheap EVGA 2060 KO a while back too, and that would have been just fine for me, but full cover blocks don't appear to be a thing for them.
  3. RedFlames

    RedFlames not a Belgian football team

    23 Apr 2009
    The wrong quantum reality
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    Most of the uber compact ITX efforts probably wouldn't play nice with the funky cooling, let alone the chonk of the 3090.
  4. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
    In Rainbows
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    I would be hesitant about the 2060, as from what I hear the VRAM will soon make it a paper weight.

    You bought a 2070, right? they are fine cards. Much better now than at launch, and I was still clipping 100 FPS with mine in COD MW. Which I do consider a well coded next gen game. I mean, it's absolutely gorgeous. I play through the London part so many times as it just feels so surreal.

    Red. The smallest 3070 I have yet seen is this.

    Seems pretty compact right? then you see the absolutely enormous shoulder. That thing has 80s pads as big as my bloody Kingpin. I don't think many ITX cases could take that.
  5. David

    David μoʍ ɼouმ qᴉq λon ƨbԍuq ϝʁλᴉuმ ϝo ʁԍɑq ϝμᴉƨ

    7 Apr 2009
    right here
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    Yeah, I saw that zotac card the other day - they put up the product page too early and someone flashbacked it and posted it after they took it down again - the PCB looks taller than the MSI Gaming cards; which were too big for the M1. Well, I think you could get the side panel on but it was touching, and you needed low profile pcie power cables.

    The idea that 8GB is going to be a hard minimum sounds like crap. That might be the case for all the bells and whistles at QHD and above going forward, but that'd be unrealistic for a 2060 anyway.
  6. wyx087

    wyx087 Homeworld 3 is happening!!

    15 Aug 2007
    N London
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    With all the talks with VRAM, I'm tempted to go for a 2080 Ti for around £550.

    Although 3070 is said to be "faster than 2080 Ti", it only has 8GB, it will be out of stock until early next year and it's probably actually 80-90% speed in normal gaming.
  7. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    I've been wondering about the VRAM situation, and the claims that the 3000 series are going to direct-load stuff rather than having it trundle through RAM and whatnot before getting to the GPU.

    Are games not going to need that kind of content flagging so the GPU knows what to take over? Are, for example, textures commonly identifiable as something the GPU wants instead?

    I'm curious how that's going to work, and what requirements there are going to be on the part of the software to fully leverage that kind of performance.

    As for 8GB being the baseline, I can see that. I don't play many games that do, but a couple definitely start making nervous noises and tweaking their collar when I start turning everything on and I've only got 8gb to play with.

    If PC GPU's are going to start unpacking stuff and bypassing RAM, I can definitely imagine the "recommended" amount floating around 10+gb.

    Incidentally, does that mean that there could be a time where VRAM eclipses RAM because system RAM is being used less?
  8. wyx087

    wyx087 Homeworld 3 is happening!!

    15 Aug 2007
    N London
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    From what I understand, the GPU direct loading is done with Microsoft DirectStorage API. So the game engine has to be able to advantage of this API for this feature to work.

    It's early days for this tech. I think it would only be utilised to warrant increased GPU VRAM in a few years time, near next gen console's mid life cycle.

    So I'm going back to my previous stance. I'll be waiting for their refresh, 3070 Ti/Super 16GB. I certainly won't be buying anything less than 10GB and less than 66% increase from 1070 Ti (so 2080 Ti or a card with 3070+ speed but more VRAM).
    Osgeld and liratheal like this.
  9. add1ct3dd

    add1ct3dd What's a Dremel?

    3 Sep 2020
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    Really hoping I can pick up a 3080 though I imagine they're going to sell out instantly everywhere and there'll be a supply issue for months!
  10. IanW

    IanW Grumpy Old Git

    2 Aug 2003
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    I'm hoping supplies will stabilise around Xmas, as that's when I plan to upgrade.
  11. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Never did upgrade from the 1080 I got, 3080 looks insane on paper if a bit large.

    i really don’t game enough anymore to justify it but part of me wants one still
  12. xxxsonic1971

    xxxsonic1971 W.O.T xxxsonic1971

    5 Dec 2010
    cumbria england
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    With these new cards in the mix, i hopefully might get used 2080ti at xmas for around £400.....
  13. David

    David μoʍ ɼouმ qᴉq λon ƨbԍuq ϝʁλᴉuმ ϝo ʁԍɑq ϝμᴉƨ

    7 Apr 2009
    right here
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    I think they'll rebound a bit - all this stuff about huge performance increases is making me twitch. I do wonder if they've been quoting RT performance increases and/or performance per watt.

    I wouldnt be shocked to find that the raw performance increase is closer to 35% tier to tier.

    There, I said it. I'm probably completely wrong but it's never stopped me before. :p
    Shirty likes this.
  14. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
    In Rainbows
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    It does sound a bit crap but I can well believe it. Within a year of getting my Fury X cards they ran out of VRAM. I mean, it was at 4k, but that is what those cards were supposed to be for.

    Now? the 970 is barely hanging in there at 1080p with its 3.5gbish. The 3gb cards like the 780 and 780ti are finished, even at 1080p. That includes the 3gb 1060 also.

    However I guess with the new consoles coming and their 8gb or so? games will be coded for that. Only on the PC the textures will be larger, there will be more options and so on, and thus it will soon be very easy I reckon to overcome the VRAM. I mean, you could turn a load of settings down, but why would you do that if you just bought a card supposedly as fast as a 2080Ti? it makes no sense to me.

    What I do know from bad experience is that VRAM is VRAM. No matter what card it's on, no matter how fast your cards, if you run out it absolutely sucks. Oddly enough it was a COD game that caused it first on my Fury X. I can't remember which game it was now, but it would just black screen and hard lock the PC. AMD claimed they had fixed it, but I soon realised that it was texture streaming from my paging file. So I got about 5 FPS in scenes where the VRAM ran out.

    Sure, this may be alleviated at some point down the line with new technology and an API and a very fast SSD but I only care about the games I have. Not what is coming. I will worry about that when it comes, so to speak.

    The only game I am even slightly "worried" by (if you could even call it that) is Cyberpunk. And tbh? if it doesn't run on a 2080Ti admirably I would be incredibly surprised.

    I am hoping that that game will become my new Fallout. The theme is different, but the immersion seems roughly the same. And it's not all stupid potions and magic (yeah, Skyrim fan I ain't).
  15. The_Crapman

    The_Crapman World's worst stuntman. Lover of bit-tech

    5 Dec 2011
    Birmingham, England
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    Likely 4k with dxr and dlss 2. Was what a lot of things seemed to to referencing.
  16. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
    Outside your house.
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    It has got me wondering. If this is a pre-emptive on console releases, that use stripped back RDNA2, what competition will we see from Navi?

    Interesting times.
  17. David

    David μoʍ ɼouმ qᴉq λon ƨbԍuq ϝʁλᴉuმ ϝo ʁԍɑq ϝμᴉƨ

    7 Apr 2009
    right here
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    Maybe Nvidia got a whiff on the downlow and tanked the prices to rain on the parade. It's hard for us to gauge the difference between direct to metal vs performance through a HAL, but I imagine they'd be able to work it out.

    I'm still hoping for a good showing from AMD. If Navi competes well with 3080 and below, we'll know that AMD have a leak. ;) :lol:
  18. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
    In Rainbows
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    The main selling point of the new consoles is 4k. That is why he seems so obsessed with it. Or maybe, finally, there is a card that will do it with everything maxed out at a fair clip, like every one has been wanting since 4k came out lol.

    But yeah, who in their right mind is going to pay £800 for a GPU when there is a console costing £200 or more less that does the same thing pretty much?

    I don't mind paying what I did for another Ti because I know the gaming PC it will upgrade will be better than the new consoles. And it's less money.

    I still reckon there are "better" cards with more VRAM waiting in the wings. These "cheap" ones are just to soften the blow. For example the supposed 20gb 3080Ti is supposed to cost a grand. Pure rumour btw, and even I don't believe any of that crap yet.
  19. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    AMD and Fury X bet the farm on HBM 4gb was out of date before it even launched. I would be amazed if 10gb on the 3080 is not enough VRAM for the next 2-3 years at least. Navi Might cause a price drop a cheap 3080 for xmas could be nice lol.

    New Xbox and ps5 will be at least £400
  20. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
    In Rainbows
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    We had the same rubbish then though fella. People saying "Oh no, it's fine because it's HBM and when it runs out it can load in new textures so fast you will never notice it !". Yeah, right.

    I think 10gb will be fine. 8gb though? would be more of a concern to me. Especially given that every thing seems to be all about 4k now. I mean yeah, the consoles will do 4k with that much VRAM but the whole thing is just so different it's not even funny. That is coding to the metal, with fully known specs and parameters. And then of course PC users demand their games look much better, and thus you end up in a situation where it just guzzles VRAM.

    For a laugh I might DSR COD to 4k later and see how much the VRAM use changes. That said in about a week's time I will be able to test that theory any way, as the new Ti is going into my huge Alienware and will be plugged into my bedroom TV, which is native 4k.

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