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Should trans women be allowed to take part in womens sports?

Discussion in 'Serious' started by Weekly_Estimate, 9 Apr 2023.



  1. Yes

    4 vote(s)
  2. No

    30 vote(s)
  1. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    Or we could... Y'know, actually debate the matter ourselves with facts and figures from primary sources rather than typing "why is transes evil" into YouTube and pasting whatever shows up without even watching it first?

    (Yes, I'm being facetious, I know that's not what you typed. I also know that you hadn't watched the video you pasted earlier, 'cos you told me so over PM.)

    This comes across meaner than I intended. It's early, and my eldest woke me at 0300 this morning.
    Last edited: 21 Nov 2023
    Byron C likes this.
  2. ElThomsono

    ElThomsono Multimodder

    18 Mar 2005
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    I watched two five second snippets chosen at random and it was enough lo let me know that it was unscientific.
  3. sonicgroove

    sonicgroove Radical Atheist

    16 Mar 2011
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    I posted the original video while I was watching it, yeah, and the first half was relevant and made good points. It did veer off course eventually and I came back to delete the post but you beat me to it. This next video though...actual thing...thing that actually happened. Thing that has cause and effect. the fact that the little woman beat the big strong....woman(?)....I can't decide whether the video is pro or against trans people in combat sport tbh!
  4. sonicgroove

    sonicgroove Radical Atheist

    16 Mar 2011
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    I have not seen one scientific argument yet in this thread, so there's that!
  5. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    I can come in with some Proper Research if you promise you'll at least skim over it with an open mind. It'll be later today, though, 'cos I've actual work I'm supposed to be doing now!
    sonicgroove and Byron C like this.
  6. ElThomsono

    ElThomsono Multimodder

    18 Mar 2005
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    This is a subjective discussion on how sporting bodies should handle their rules, much like if runners should be allowed to wear slightly springier shoes or if swimmers should be allowed to wear those super slippy wetsuits.

    But when a video is posted with content that is objectively incorrect, I'm gonna stop watching it.
    Byron C likes this.
  7. sonicgroove

    sonicgroove Radical Atheist

    16 Mar 2011
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    Please do, because I am finding it very hard to find any! this subject has become so politicised that everything I am seeing is violently skewed
  8. Byron C

    Byron C Multimodder

    12 Apr 2002
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    More relevant perhaps, but not balanced (or at least free of opinion) in any way. Neither the video itself or the media coverage.

    Top Google News results for this subject:
    • Daily Mail - I ain’t clicking that
    • Fox News - I ain’t clicking that either
    • New York Post - cited 5 examples, not all of which were from under NAGA “jurisdiction”, and… er… what was I saying about this not really being a major problem…?
    From there the headlines get… well… worse.
    • “Women Forced to Fight Men in Jiu-Jitsu”
    • “Martial Arts Org Changes Rules After Women Were Forced To Fight Men”
    • “How to Change Trans Policies in Sports? Women Refuse to Play”
    • “Martial Arts Org Prohibits Men From Competing Against Women”
    And no, I did not change the hideous capitalisation of some of these.

    I’m not clicking any more of those articles, but the one I did actually read - the New York Post - seemed to vastly over-sensationalise a very small number of cases and provided no journalistic balance whatsoever. From what I can tell, there were only two instances under NAGA “jurisdiction” where transgender women were participating.

    I’m not watching any more videos either. I’m not putting anything else in my YouTube history; even if you delete it from your history, the algorithm still knows that you watched even a small part of it.

    Also: are weight classes just not a thing any more? Regardless of gender, surely a 135lb contender is going to be at a disadvantage against a 200lb opponent…? Am I missing something here…?

    I’d be amazed if I did see someone making a cogent scientific argument here - frankly the science is probably beyond anyone in this thread… Unless of course we’ve got some very quiet biology researchers here…

    As @ElThomsono alluded to, this is a social issue not a scientific one. And one that I am yet to be convinced is actually even “an issue” in the first place.
  9. sonicgroove

    sonicgroove Radical Atheist

    16 Mar 2011
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    ...But you bemoaned the lack of scienific rigour, then suggested that this is a subjective discussion....Where are you going with this?
  10. Byron C

    Byron C Multimodder

    12 Apr 2002
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    …the lack of scientific rigour in a video you posted. Not this thread.
  11. ElThomsono

    ElThomsono Multimodder

    18 Mar 2005
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    I bemoaned the lack of "scientific rigour" in the piece you linked, as it's objectively wrong.

    I'm in no way saying this is an objective discussion, or that it should be.

    Like if you came to a thread asking which was better, McCoy's or Walker's, and someone posted a link to a video where someone was claiming potatoes were poisonous.
  12. sonicgroove

    sonicgroove Radical Atheist

    16 Mar 2011
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    It was open weight apparently, in the video.

    I have watched videos from actual scientists....both biology bigwigs ( who almost unanimously suggest that sex and gender are binary) and social science experts (who suggest its a social contagion effect) so Science doesn't seem to be supportive of the trans movement...unless the algorythm has created a very successful echo chamber surrounding me completely. I have tried very hard to seek both sides of this argument from a rational, scientific viewpoint but have so far failed miserably. Even one of my favourite human beings that ever walked the earth, who is a very well respected Biologist has no time for the trans argument. It seems if you speak against it in any way, you are immediately cancelled...which is utterly mental!!
    Last edited: 21 Nov 2023
  13. sonicgroove

    sonicgroove Radical Atheist

    16 Mar 2011
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    Why is this subject so damn divisive? Why does it stir such radical emotion in people? I don't think this is healthy at all. I also don't think an 'answer' can be found until an a mutually acceptable answer is given to the first two questions in this post. Nobody like a debate as much as me, but I feel there is only losing to be had by both sides in this instance as its just too radical.
  14. Byron C

    Byron C Multimodder

    12 Apr 2002
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    That’s what social media and search engines do.

    Here’s an article from Science Based Medicine by Dr Steven Novella and Dr David Gorsky - it was an article I found when looking up the author in that first video: https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/the-science-of-transgender-treatment/

    I haven’t read the full thing in depth, but both Novella and Gorsky have repeatedly proven themselves to be excellent science communicators. It’s important to point out that anything they post is based on science, and not opinion or policy; of course one can never be free of bias, and understanding that is a cornerstone of scientific skepticism.

    A brief quote:

    sonicgroove likes this.
  15. sonicgroove

    sonicgroove Radical Atheist

    16 Mar 2011
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    Thank you for that, from the first few paragraphs, it looks promising. I shall take a 'deep dive' shortly.
  16. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    I mean... every part of the potato plant is poisonous, except the tubers... if you harvest them at the right time. And don't store them too long...
    Then I suggest you dig deeper into their credentials, because even if you subscribe to the most conservative of interpretations sex is not binary: it's estimated that as many as 0.05% of babies are born with "ambiguous genitals" and are assigned a sex pretty much at random, and if you add in other nondimorphic sexual characteristics it could be as high as 1.7%.

    Those might sound like small numbers, but there are, what, eight billion people on the planet? That's 4,000,000 people whose sex could not be properly determined at birth, and 136,000,000 who exhibit nondimorphic sexual characteristics. Biologically, I'm not talking about gender at all here. If a biologist tells you sex is binary, they're either lying to you or need to hand in their gun and badge diploma.

    This ain't a new thing brought about by the "trans agenda," either: the term "intersexuality" was coined in 1917. By a geneticist. The earlier term "hermaphrodite," no longer used to refer to humans, can be found in documents as far back as the 12th century.

    (Yes, yes, I know, I know, I'm supposed to be working...)
    bawjaws, yuusou and Byron C like this.
  17. Byron C

    Byron C Multimodder

    12 Apr 2002
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    Indeed, and to further reinforce this, there is a great deal of literature linked/cited in another SBM article: The Science of Biological Sex.

    And to illustrate what is meant by “bimodal”:



    So am I, but I’ve only got 1 week left in this job and at this point I’ve given up even pretending to work… :grin:
    bawjaws, yuusou and Gareth Halfacree like this.
  18. bawjaws

    bawjaws Multimodder

    5 Dec 2010
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    I know Gareth and Byron have already replied with far more effort than I'm going to display here, but:

    Er, nope, that's just not true whatsoever. Either listen to better bigwigs or do some basic research of your own.
  19. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    Okay, today has been an absolute bollockache, but I did promise. This is going to be a bit of a half-arsed effort, I'm afraid, but you're welcome to apply for a refund on your entry fee if unsatisfied.

    First, vis-a-vis the whole YouTube-algorithm-echo-chamber problem, I'll start with a bit of mythbusting. Bear with me on this one, some of this stuff might sound obvious - and none are an attempt at strawmanning, I'm not saying anybody here believes any of 'em, but they come up commonly in these discussions so best deal with 'em now.
    • The millennials are trying to trans the kids! Let's turn to Wikipedia for this one, because lazy: "Roman emperor Elagabalus (d. 222 AD) preferred to be called a lady (rather than a lord) and sought sex reassignment surgery, and in the modern day has been seen as a trans figure." Have a shufti at the second paragraph, there, at least, 'cos it's interesting stuff. TL;DR: what we would recognise as transgender today goes back literally thousands of years, though the term "transgender" dates to the 1950s. Either way, it ain't new and you can't blame the millennials.
    • Doctors are cutting babies' bits off because of the Trans Agenda! Funnily enough, there's a bit of truth here - but it's nowt to do with transgenderism. Remember when I said 0.05% of babies are born intersex, and the doctor picks a gender at random? What actually happens is a quick bit of surgery to remove the confusing bits - and, in the majority of cases, the child is assigned female. You've also got the mohels in Judaism, but they're not doctors so they don't count. Either way, nothing to do with the transes.
    • Doctors are mutilating young children because they're gay/tomboyish/brainwashed! No. Until it became a focus topic of the Culture Wars, doctors could treat gender dysphoria in children by giving them puberty blockers - an unfortunately-named class of drugs which have been in use for decades and which delay, not block, puberty, and which are also used in cisgendered girls to counteract precocious puberty. They're entirely reversible, unlike the effects of puberty - which is why they were used, to give kids time to figure out what's going on before something irreversible happens. If they decide actually, hey, I'm not trans, they stop taking the blockers and go through puberty as normal and as whatever they were assigned at birth; if they decide they are trans then they keep taking the blockers and begin social transitioning (typically by changing pronouns, possibly changing name, wearing clothing associated with the gender with which they identify, and so on) and if and only if they go through that for several years and continue to say they're trans will they be considered for gender confirmation surgery when they have reached adulthood and not before.
    • Transgenderism is a mental illness! I mean, if you're talking about gender dysphoria, then literally yes: it was added to the DSM-5 in 2013, replacing the earlier term gender identity disorder. It's literally a mental illness, but thankfully one we know how to treat: gender confirmation. The suicide rate among those with gender dysphoria who do not transition is sky-high; it's lower, but still high, for those who do, maybe because a bunch of right-wing mouthpieces suffering rectocranial inversion keep telling everyone who'll listen that they're monsters who literally don't deserve to use a toilet much less play sports.
    • Transgender people regret transitioning! Very, very rarely. First, you already have to have lived for a period of time as the gender to which you're aiming to transition and can choose to stop the process at any time with zero consequences. If we're talking post-surgery, then here's a systematic review and meta-analysis (Bustos et al, Regret after Gender-affirmation Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Prevalence, Plast Rconstr Surg Glob Open, 2021) which found the pooled prevalence of regret in the near-8,000-strong sample set was under or equal to one percent. 28 patients expressed minor regret, and 34 expressed major regret. So, sure, it's non-zero. D'you know the regret rate for cosmetic surgery among the general populace? As high as 10.1% (von Soest et al, Psychosocial Changes after Cosmetic Surgery: A 5-Year Follow-Up Study, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2011).
    • Schools are putting litter boxes in classrooms because the kids think they're cats! Just... put down the Daily Mail, will you? No.
    • Sex is binary! We've covered that nicely above, so I don't have to do that one.
    • Gender is binary! When has gender ever been binary? Androgyny, feminine men, masculine women, tomboys... you don't have to be trans to not fit squarely in one of two gender boxes. Some cultures literally have a third gender already (we're kinda behind in the west on that one): hijras in India, kathoeys in Thailand, khanith in Arabia - dating back to 600AD, that one. You go tell the Arabs in 600AD that they're woke, see how far that gets you.
    • "They" is a plural pronoun! Ooh, I love this one: "you" was originally a plural pronoun. If you wanted singular, you used "thou." Better still, singular "they" predates singular "you!"
    • It's all George Soros' fault! Okay, we're done with this bit, I think.
    So, if you've read all that (god help you), we should be closer to an understanding: transgenderism isn't new, it's not a symptom of the collapse of western culture, it's not about chopping kids' bits off, puberty blockers are a delaying tactic to give kids (and their parents/carers) more time to work through their issues, the regret rate for surgical transitioning is literally one-tenth that of general cosmetic surgery, and it literally saves peoples' lives.

    And emphatically yes, if YouTube is feeding you nothing but "bigwigs" who disagree with the above, then you are in a bubble and really, really need to broaden your horizons. The fact that you're saying you've seen multiple videos from multiple biologists who think sex is binary is horrifying: that is exactly against the overwhelming scientific consensus. Maybe give YouTube a break, try some reading?

    If you can agree to the above, I'll put some time aside later this week to dive deeper into the whole transes-in-sportses issue, though I'll warn you now: you're going to be disappointed, 'cos it turns out to be very hard to study on the grounds that there aren't many transes-in-sportses in the first place. I do have a good story I can find for you, though: a female-to-male college wrestler who, because people got their panties in a twist about the transes in the sportses, was forced to compete with the girls. And dominated, because he was on a shedload of testosterone. Ironically, if the school board hadn't gone with "you will compete as the sex you were assigned at birth," he would have been competing with the boys and probably ranked low-mid table at best.

    Anyway, ruminate on all that for a bit. I'm going to shut the office down and find a whisky.
    Last edited: 21 Nov 2023
    yuusou likes this.
  20. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    This could be of interest: The situation of Women and LGBT+ Individuals in European Grassroots Sports, part of the SGS – Sport for all Genders and Sexualities programme.

    I haven't read the full report yet, but this slide breaks down the cohort:


    and this one suggests that it's trans women, rather than trans men, who are feeling most excluded from sports:


    That shouldn't come as a surprise, I guess, as you're getting a double-whammy there: women, cisgender or otherwise, experience sexism in sport already - so as a trans woman, you're hit by anti-trans and anti-woman sentiments. Oof.

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