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Scratch Build – Complete ⭐ The Iron Turnip--6-2019-complete. final pictures on page 29

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by Cheapskate, 18 Jul 2014.

  1. shinji2k

    shinji2k Minimodder

    15 Sep 2012
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    You know, I was going to rag on your for being a pack rat but then I remembered that one corner of my garage is populated with half broken or extra car parts I'll probably never use.
  2. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    I've been trying to organize this mess for decades. Having a 9'x2'x1.5" slab of upright, unmovable granite for a year or so didn't help. To make matters worse, we had a friend that flipped houses that left us a ton of building supplies, and another that dumps random stuff on the driveway. -Have you ever stepped out to find you had a new/used stove?
  3. Jumeira_Johnny

    Jumeira_Johnny 16032 - High plains drifter

    13 Nov 2004
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    Read this, then click here.
  4. shinji2k

    shinji2k Minimodder

    15 Sep 2012
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    Not quite, but I have two half working stoves from the 60's with the double side by side ovens I got for free that I've been meaning to make into one working one for my mom. I haven't torn into them yet but I assume they are full of asbestos wiring and insulation so I haven't been too motivated to mess with it.
  5. Dr. Coin

    Dr. Coin Multimodder

    13 Sep 2013
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    No just a seven piece lawn furniture set on the driveway and it wasn't so much as stepped out as return from vacation.
  6. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    @Johnny - I've gotten a few houses back that looked like the tenants used tannerite, so you can imagine why we stockpile stuff. :worried: The one moving out this week is guaranteed to be trashed.
    @Shinji - Don't inhale wires.:thumb:
    @Dr. Coin - and your pool heater was still on. It was a great weekend.
  7. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    I have an update! Shock! Obviously, I didn't get a house back yet. :lol:

    -I thought I might try putting in all 4 fan screws at the same time on that one that looked off. It turns out the mount and fan were just tweaked. I also got a fan in the first hole. I gave up on using a cordless drill on this stuff. I'm thinking I should try to put a speed chuck on a corded drill someday. Life would be perfect then.[/ramble]
    -I need to trace the fan edge on the cover while it's mounted. I dug out some OLD spare drafting lead...
    -and snapped off an inch of one to get under this edge.
    -Then I traced the fan holes with the same stuff.
    -I drilled the holes using a block of wood to avoid chipping.
    -Once I had the first fan mounted, I pulled one screw out of the other, traced the hole, replaced the screw, and repeated the process until I had all of them traced. It seems to have worked. I think I'm getting better results working by hand than I am with the CNC. :(
    -My ad hoc circle machine.
    -I cut those out with a scroll saw. -No point in a fancy grill between the fan and radiator.
    -I don't have a gnarly sink anymore, so I made this file "table". I'm using a Chinese ******* file. -Apologies to any fatherless Chinese reading...
    -On an unrelated note: Really, Sears? It's bad enough you charged me $9 to ship a bit of plastic the size of a quarter, and charged sales tax on said shipping, but to have look like this when it only came from Dallas? Oh, and why did it take 2 weeks to get to the post?
    You suck. You obviously know you suck, so go bankrupt already and spare us from your proprietary spare parts.
    -Ahem, ANYWAY.... I cut a bunch of brackets once I figured out how thick the metal was.
    -Oh, Yeah! :D Apparently, I can still measure stuff. These will mount the radiator to the outside, and everything else will mount to the radiator.
    -More wacky shapes. This is a bit of scrap polycarbonate I've had for a while. Some of this was used on the last 'Toad upgrade. Unfortunately, I need something to else cover my nightstand now.
    -Is it starting to make sense yet? This is a little snug. The tank isn't perfectly round, presumably from monkeys throwing it at a little plumber for years.

    I should mention a few groups that made this possible. :D




    Last edited: 12 Jul 2017
    ifohancroft likes this.
  8. Big_malc

    Big_malc Minimodder

    7 Sep 2010
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    "On an unrelated note: Really, Sears? It's bad enough you charged me $9 to ship a bit of plastic the size of a quarter, and charged sales tax on said shipping, but to have look like this when it only came from Dallas? Oh, and why did it take 2 weeks to get to the post?
    You suck. You obviously know you suck, so go bankrupt already and spare us from your proprietary spare parts."

  9. Bartacus

    Bartacus Minimodder

    30 Oct 2014
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    This build is awesome. :D I like this monkeys style! :dremel:
  10. perplekks45

    perplekks45 LIKE AN ANIMAL!

    9 May 2004
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    How can something look so ghetto yet at the same time sooooo good?

    Oh, easy... Cheaps made it! :thumb:
  11. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    @Perplekks -It won't be ghetto forever. I'm just in the basic shaping phase.
  12. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    -I drilled and tapped the polycarbonate blocks to mount to the rad grill. For a good laugh, watch the carpet go south during this log.
    -I mentioned needing a corded drill with a speed chuck earlier. My corded drill collection are all 0-10,000 rpm in a second, and dismantling 2 drills to maybe make one good one seemed silly. I have two late '80s-ish cordless drills that were absolute beasts, but try buying batteries for something more than 3 years old. I'm too lazy to solder up new battery packs for them, so I dug around for a good 12v transformer to wire them to. The biggest non-laptop brick was only .9amp, so it was too weak to drive screws. I ended up using a 6 amp laptop brick. The downside is the surge protection kicks in if you pull the trigger to fast. It's still better than a battery dying after tapping one hole.
    -Aw, yeah.:D I still can't believe how well that worked.
    -Since the rad grill was a little crooked, :worried: (OK, very crooked,) I had to shave a little off some of the brackets on the part that touched the radiator.
    -I got the tapped brick and the bracket lined up and fused them together. -Or tried to. I ended up with a massive air pocket in the middle, and only the edges sealed.
    -SHOCK! It still bolts on.
    -The Silverstone SFF PSU arrived. I'd have liked it to be packed a little better, -especially since amazon tossed it in the bottom of a huge box with a couple of plastic pillows. It's not even impact-friendly cardboard.
    -It comes with a bracket that gives you an idea how much difference there is from ATX form factor. I'll use this for a bracket template.
    -That's not GabeN's arm, It's just the camera angle. I need a bracket to mount to the bracket...bracket.
    -I need to wrap-around the back of the psu. I have some extruded angle brackets that I can use. Here I'm cutting one in half with the mill.
    -Remember the power button piston head? Since the drill was out of it's cave, I tackled the button holes.
    -PIG NOSE. :D Here I'm in the process of working up to a 1/2" bit. Of course, the 1/2" bit is a...pig and ripped the part free, etc. -That stuff always happens at the very last step.:duh:
    -Nothing says your countersink has reached the end of it's life quite like the oil turning into that stuff in the bottom of your oil filter. I guess I'll have to move to abrasives.
    -Time to sweep the carpet.
    Last edited: 12 Jul 2017
    ifohancroft likes this.
  13. GiraffePencils

    GiraffePencils What's a Dremel?

    1 Jul 2014
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    Great build, looking good
  14. bulldogjeff

    bulldogjeff The modding head is firmly back on.

    2 Mar 2010
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    So lets see what we have so far.. A fire extinguisher,a piston, various bits of metal holding things up. Some plastic goodies and now a laptop powered cordless drill.

    This is quite possibly the most random mod I have ever seen Cheaps..

    I love it. :D:dremel:
  15. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    @Jeff - You missed page one. There's a kitchen sink and car parts.
  16. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    -Previously on Matlock: I was chopping out brackets for mounting the PSU.
    -OK, I stopped here. I decided I should crank everything up to see if it survived shipment first.
    -First I need a new temp/ghetto reservoir. The old one ended up cooling my mill controller. That thing impersonating the sun is a pvc cap.
    -I got the end flattened, bored, and tapped. I dug around for scrap that fit the other end.
    -Blah,blah,blah- DONE. I had about 20 minutes invested in this one. Most of that was looking for the scrap plexi disc. I was all ready to party when I realized I didn't have any ghetto tubing.
    -What? Yeah! It's that fan clutch attached to a rotary table, bolted to a drill press, and set up to mill the fins down.:D
    -Milling down to where I want to cut the center out...
    -I flipped it and tackled the crimp holding the cover on. I was prepared for spring-loaded asbestos flinging hell, but it popped off gently.
    -Instead I found aluminum+grease paste, and a plate welded to the shaft.:( I had to saw the steel shaft.
    -Some hammering later, I got part of the plate loose. Neat! I had a hell of a time getting the bearings out. I tried tapping out the inner bearing cover. I tried drilling a channel in the bearing ring to let the balls out, (Wow. That stuff's tough..) I even tried more hammering. Eventually, the center just FELL out as the bearings magically aligned like some kind of cosmic equinox.
    -These bad boys make great earplugs, BTW. You can imagine all that swearing and hammering with these suckers sticking out of my head.
    -Back to the rotary table. The 4 bolt layout came in handy. It gets pretty close to center just bolting it down. You can see the fins on the other side peeking out from the bottom of the cut here.
    -I'm cutting from the other side here, only with the added torment of tilting the table. You have to get a tilt, line up the bit, and not have 10 pounds of metal fall on you while you try to get it clamped down. -fun.:( You can see I've taped a wrench to the turning knob's bolt. I left the motor mount in place instead of replacing the knob because this way is a lot easier on your wrist.
    -DONE! :D
    -A quick mockup with my high-tech fastening material.
    I'm currently filing down a spot to clear the bump on the tank.
    -and I bought the wrong size of cheap hardware store tubing, so no test boot yet.
    Last edited: 12 Jul 2017
  17. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    -Oh, off topic: GG is due a fluid change. I thought I'd see what some color looked like.:D
  18. shinji2k

    shinji2k Minimodder

    15 Sep 2012
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  19. Bartacus

    Bartacus Minimodder

    30 Oct 2014
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    "Out ghetto THAT", LOL!!
  20. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    :lol: The replies I get.

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