Hardware Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan First Look

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Baz, 19 Feb 2013.

  1. Baz

    Baz I work for Corsair

    13 Jan 2005
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  2. theshadow2001

    theshadow2001 [DELETE] means [DELETE]

    3 May 2012
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    hmm quite expensive especially versus two 680s or a 690. On the other hand, no dependence on crossfire support or drivers in games for what will probably be a similar performance level to the 690
  3. Gurdeep14

    Gurdeep14 Minimodder

    25 Apr 2009
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    Nice review even though you guys are limited on what you can say due to the NDA.
    As amazing as this new card sounds, I really don't see the need for it, I mean you can get a 680 or a 7970 to max out any current game at above 1920x1200 easily and above. Even with multi monitor set ups, those cards are still able to run most games near max and if not, it would still be cheaper to buy an additional card for sli/crossfire.
    We need games to push the current gen cards harder before cards like the Titan seem appropriate
  4. BennieboyUK

    BennieboyUK CPC Folder of the Month Sep 2011

    24 Nov 2010
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    I agree need isn't a word i'd be using for this card, nor do I need a Lambo, but dam I want one. Just like I want this card - one will be mine, MINE!
  5. Madness_3d

    Madness_3d Bit-Tech/Asus OC Winner

    26 Apr 2009
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    Realistically this card is built for gaming on 4K screens, and before everyone goes "there aren't any", you clearly weren't at CES. They're on their way. Chuck a couple of these in SLI and you can BF3 with 8 million pixels per frame. Realistically if you can drop £20k+ on a screen you can afford a couple of grands of hardware to play games on it. And by the time the screens have become cheaper the next gen will be here anyway.

    As for the line "With a huge increase in stream processor count and memory, you’d be forgiven for expecting a similar increase in clock speeds" That's not really true, whenever you move from a chip which has a smaller die with good yields to a much larger die with much lower yields it's inevitable that clock speeds will come down to compensate. It's happened in pretty much every generation going back, think the 280 and 480

    The sad thing is this is the card that should have been the 680. The GK104 should have been the 660 hence why it's such a low spec small card, so everyone who bought a 680 has kinda been ripped off by Nvidia. I guess the only people you can blame are AMD for letting them get away with it.

    As for the screen overdriving thing, it makes sense given this card is probably largely going to be bought by the over-rich uninformed who will probably just use it to play DOTA at 1080p. Might as well let them run it at some crazy frame rates. Realistically is just gonna use more power and put out more heat and more noise for not much visual gain but meh. Drivers need optimising to cope better with FPS drops rather than looking at max fps.

    At the end of the day yeah, if you're gaming at 2560*1600 or below you're probably better off with just 2x 680's in SLI for this generation. If you're running a 3x 2560*1600 setup or something equally mental than yeah you might get some good use out of these.
  6. Gurdeep14

    Gurdeep14 Minimodder

    25 Apr 2009
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    I agree, even though at the moment they seem way over powered, I would still love one or two :p
    But as it's been said, for most users with a single monitor, Totally pointless, unless it's 4k.
    But coming from someone who has always has ATI, kudos for Nvidia for pushing things forward, even though there isn't a market for it just yet
  7. Baz

    Baz I work for Corsair

    13 Jan 2005
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    It's going to be a weird year when this is the last major GPU release to expect before 2014 :( Hurry up next-gen consoles, we need you to arrive so we can build PCs to crush you!
  8. rwb97

    rwb97 Addicted to modding

    1 Jul 2012
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    hmmm, this is going to make the ROG MARS III seem a bit less special... unless of course they stick with the past theme for mars and ares of taking the flagship sku chips (now the gk110) and put two of them on one board... so the mars iii would be 2x titan's rather than 2x 680's.... that would be incredible!!
  9. Paradigm Shifter

    Paradigm Shifter de nihilo nihil fit

    10 May 2006
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    Eagerly awaiting benchmarks, although it's quite shocking that you can get GTX670 Tri-SLI for roughly the same money, or GTX680 SLI for less.

    Wonder what the extra markup will be? I fully expect to see it at ~£1000.

    Of course, it does have an improved memory controller, more VRAM... eh, let's wait for the benchmarks, further debate is pointless when they're so close.
  10. Baz

    Baz I work for Corsair

    13 Jan 2005
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    As I say on the final page, expect 25-35% improvement over a single 680. I doubt it'll be as quick as 690, but will be more reliable due to lack of driver reliance. Retailers tell us £1000, Nvidia says £832 ($1000). No pre-order pages up yet I think.
  11. runadumb

    runadumb What's a Dremel?

    20 Jan 2010
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    2014!? Ah man. I have 2x570GTX's running 3 displays and newer titles choke it out on anything higher than medium. The cost/benefit of moving to dual 6xx is not good enough. I was hoping for something "next-gen" soon. BAH!

    Oh and the Titan doesn't count, seeing as it costs 500 million pounds.
  12. borandi

    borandi What's a Dremel?

    27 Jan 2010
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    $1000, converted to GBP at a rate of 1.6 (rate ~ 1.55 atm), then adjusted for 20% UK tax comes to £750. If you put in $1100, you get out £832. Maths.

    Using the current rate, I'd expect £775/800 on the UK side. Don't forget that RRP/MSRP from the manufacturer also includes the retailer markup. The R stands for Retail. Whether it gets boosted due to low supply (UK isn't a primary market) is another issue.
  13. Ayrto

    Ayrto What's a Dremel?

    20 Jun 2007
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    So this (with possibly 3GB of ram)is basically what the 680 could have been if required?

    btw . typo p3. second para. "bolted to the card to ensure *to* amount" , should be no I think.
  14. PingCrosby

    PingCrosby What's a Dremel?

    16 Jan 2010
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    Ordered two
  15. ModSquid

    ModSquid Multimodder

    16 Apr 2011
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    I have a video somewhere with some DP in it.

    No graphics cards though.
  16. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Think nvidia and amd just don't have the production for a new card this year.
  17. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    Far to high a price, as I was going to get 2 of these and run them in SLI but I will stick to my GTX680 SLI setup as I am not, willing to drop £1660 on 2 graphics cards that is just INSANE.

    If they were either £500 or £600 then no problem but at £830 each I think it's a massive joke regardless of how it performs, especially when you can get a set of GTX680's 4Gb cards that will play anything out there anyway.
  18. Jimbob

    Jimbob Minimodder

    2 Jul 2009
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    Looking good, I'm after an upgrade to the howling banshee of a HD6990 that has provided me good service so far. Getting rid of SLi or crossfire whilst keeping the same performance is worth the premium over the cheaper dual card setups.
  19. Shirty

    Shirty W*nker! Super Moderator

    18 Apr 1982
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    I don't think it's quite as mathematically logical as that, there are various other costs and mark-ups applied to UK/EU pricing that will ensure it is not a like-for-like price when compared to North America.

    I think your final sentence is more like it. If retailers only get a handful of units, they are going to charge as much as they damn well please in the short term. After all, what's an extra £50 to someone who can already afford £800?

    Also, what percentage of PC gamers actually need this amount of GPU horsepower? Maybe 0.1% of what is already a very small market, remember Nvidia makes the lion's share of it's money on products and services other than retail GPUs.

    I can see some hardcore folders dropping a few grand on these though.
  20. Guest-44432

    Guest-44432 Guest

    Ha, this is why I went and bought Bennyboys 2x GTX 580 3GB cards, as performance is going to be identical at nearly a third of the cost. :D

    I just hope no one is stupid enough to pay the premium.... £500 is what this should be, if AMD got their arse in gear.

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