News subject to hate crimes

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 6 Aug 2007.

  1. Hells_Bliss

    Hells_Bliss What's a Dremel?

    6 Apr 2007
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    OMG WTF YOU *** WTF WTF YOU SUCK COK!!!1! just kill somebody in CSS and you'll get plenty of quotes
  2. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    Or my favourite bible passage; Proverbs 24:6: "By wise council you shall wage your wars and only in a multitude of councilors is there any safety".

    Sounds to me like the majority of councillors disagree with the whole god-as-a-defense arguement...

    Oh, and the REASON for a gaygamer site is to provide a safe haven for like minded individuals who may other wise be subject to abuse whilst, at the same time, generating money and interest from and for readers. It's the same way bit-tech works, except we don't call bit-tech "hardware-geeks-with-interest-in-games-and-who-would-have-been-abused-as-nerds-or-squares-in-slightly-earlier-decades.....dotnet."
  3. Tyinsar

    Tyinsar 6 screens 1 card since Nov 17 2007

    26 Jul 2006
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    As a left-handed person I'd welcome, well, not a clan, but a site that focused on gaming as a lefty - the default WASD is a huge annoyance for me as is the fact that almost all peripherals (esp the high end and "ergonomic" ones) are tailored for righties.

    that would be your own image of them.

    As a Christian and as one who thinks homosexuality is wrong (there are even Christians who think homosexuality is ok, but that's another debate) I feel a need to speak up about this issue since that has once again been brought up. I believe that God has given us choices and lets us live with our choices. I highlight that because to me that is also part of the example of Jesus - he was very harsh on those who falsely claimed to represent God (or who did so in corrupt or improper ways) BUT he was very kind to those who were outside of the religious community. I am not a "homophobe" - there is neither hate nor the implied fear in my disagreement with homosexual practices. I have worked with, and currently work alongside, a few people who happen to be "gay" - I treat them no differently than I treat anyone else.

    Now here's the part that amuses me: As a "conservative Christian" (though that probably does not mean the same thing to you as it means to me) I find myself identifying with some of the same issues those behind the gaygamer site faced. I regularly see my beliefs mocked as "backward", "fantasy", "fairy tales", ... and blamed for much of what is wrong in the world. I sometimes make the effort to dispute those claims but the hate still pours in. I see other sites dedicated specifically towards "my demographic" and sometimes I am active on those but I also chose to do things outside of what those sites offer. I'm not sure I would want a single site that combined more of my beliefs and interests but I can see how others would. However that lead me to a thought similar to Bindi's:
    Fill in the blanks with one of many other groups and it might be as true. (Richard (Bindi) also went on to clarify that although this might be ironic that doesn't mean the idea is invalid).

    Thanks for reading my post. It was simply a roundabout way of saying
  4. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    roffle, catchy.
  5. Tyinsar

    Tyinsar 6 screens 1 card since Nov 17 2007

    26 Jul 2006
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    Despite the "religion malarkey" comment I think you've hit the nail on the head.

    The funny thing is that I often see "live and let live" and "assimilate or die" merged into: assimilate "live and let live" or die.

    too true. It doesn't even have to be FPS, Ive seen similar in "pre" (starter area that won't even let you play PvP) in Guild Wars.
  6. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Excellent post. :thumb:

    I also want to remind people that at the moment the world is experiencing some considerable trouble with a certain small group of people who have very strong religious views on how others should live (and what should happen to them if they don't). These people obviously misinterpreted their scriptures too; again they see them as a rather black-and-white rules of how other people should live, rather than as moral and spiritual guidance for their own lives. You know what we call them: terrorists.

    Are the DoS attacks that has been suffering not a sort of terrorism? Think it over.
  7. friskies

    friskies What's a Dremel?

    17 Nov 2003
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    1, now that`s asking for stupid comments, heh. I never knew they existed and they never bothered me, but the fourteen year old "h4ckers" found someone to target, that`s kind of stupid
  8. Hells_Bliss

    Hells_Bliss What's a Dremel?

    6 Apr 2007
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    Yes, it is terrorism...But I don't think Lil' Bush is gonna go after the perpetrators :)
  9. Naked_Dave

    Naked_Dave What's a Dremel?

    30 Nov 2003
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    I'm going to pass by the original discussion, and ask how you feel you can look down on people for wanting others to live by their religion, when you want them to live by yours (atheism)? You both want to stop other people living as they wish to, just in different ways.
  10. blade_10w40

    blade_10w40 What's a Dremel?

    22 Jul 2004
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    First, I'm glad to see there are some supporters of equal rights and treating all citizens of our planet as human beings. Shame there are some that are so quick to judge.

    To the Christians. I have no problem with your religion and your right to choose (as religion is a choice, unlike sexuality). I have a good friend that I have know since I was 2 that's one of your kind and I treat him like I do anyone else. But I have to ask the ones quoting Leviticus if they eat shellfish?


    I would now like to appologise for that because it is childish and petty but needed to be said. Most Christians have never been made aware of that part of the bible or see the rules on 'Kosher' foods as the 'Jewish only' part, but this is the same part of the bible you like to quote against us and therefor you should be informed of it.

    I don;t want to sound petty but I really need to say this. Under leviticus there are many practices that are allowed that as a society we have deemed wrong or imorral and there are many practices that are banned;

    It is ok to burn a bull for sacrifice as it creates a pleasing smell for the lord (Lev 1:9)
    It is not allowed to have contact with a woman during her period [or if the word offends, menstrual uncleanliness](Lev 15:19-24)
    Touching the skin of a dead pig is makes you unclean (Lev 11:6-8)
    it is not allowed for anyone to approach the alter of god if they have a sight defect (Lev 21:20)
    It is not allowed to have your hair trimmed, especially around the temples (Lev 19:27)
    It is ok to sell your daughter into slavery (Lev 21:7)
    It is allowed to have male or female slaves as long as they are bought from a neighboring nation (Lev 25:44)

    THis one isn't leviticus but needs to be said...
    It is not allowed to work on the sabbath and anyone that does so should be put to death (Exodus 35:2)

    Now I don't mean for anyone to take offence from this, as I'm sure some will, but my point was ment to be that if religion can 'update' itself in these ways then why can't it exept homosexuality (I know some sects of Chrisitanity do, like theLGMC).

    And I'd like to leave with a story. Recently I was at a good friends weding, a Civil marrage that was done at a place called Cliff Barnes. While talking to my Evangelical Christian friend and his girlfriend I asked simply why two people regardless of gender or religion that are of sound mind and completely withought pressure join together in a union if it is completely devoid of any religion that might be offended of it (Civil Marrage or Civil Partnerships). All I got as a reply was, "By that logic a man could mary a cow"

    Now how in can you argue that?

  11. Hugo.B

    Hugo.B What's a Dremel?

    4 May 2007
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    Because though Jesus "updated" some of the laws of the Old Testament, He still hates sin, but not the sinners.
    Last edited: 6 Aug 2007
  12. Da Dego

    Da Dego Brett Thomas

    17 Aug 2004
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    I don't ask people to live by my ways. You can think homosexuality is wrong. You can think there is no evolution. Or even think that there's a big purple and green dinosaur singing "I love you..." behind you. I don't really care. That is your right and I leave you to it.

    I simply believe that if you use that belief to instead attack and disrespect others, then you are missing the basic pattern of that belief. I point out the inconsistency - but you don't exactly see me defacing religious pages or burning churches. You have a right to your belief, but you do not have a right to damage others or their property for it.

    The only way I seek to stop someone else living as he or she wishes to is when that way of life is based around manifesting their beliefs in a way that severely impairs and infringes on other peoples' decisions. That is the same reason that murder, battery, and arson are illegal in pretty much every civilized country - your right to swing your fist ends where someone else's nose begins. To me, that's not "my way" - that part is kind of everyone's way, unless you think it'd be fun to get stabbed simply because someone has the right to find out what it feels like to kill another person.
  13. severedhead

    severedhead What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2002
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    While I don't agree with whats happened (as its basically just another site for like minded people with a mutual interest/preference in one or more things forming a community), it doesn't really surprise me either. There are always intolerant or just plain immature people around that target certain groups for whatever reason, whether it be because of sexual preference, race or even wearing certain clothing.

    Being on the internet is like being at school again, wearing a grey shirt instead of white? Beats! Have a site called DoS attack! Far too much immaturity around atm.
  14. blade_10w40

    blade_10w40 What's a Dremel?

    22 Jul 2004
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    Good point. Infact most people I raise those points to use that as justification. The rules of the old testament being removed by the new. Now if I could only find the part in the new testament about homosexuality.
  15. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    I'm not a Christian, I'm an atheist (or lapsed agnostic - I believe in god, I just don't trust him). I don't ask people to stop believing in God if people can be content to stop asking me too believe in god. I can get on fine with anybody most people (barring my usual grumpiness) provided they can get on with me.

    But if someone is bringing up a fight, over gays, chrisitans, muslims or anything else...well, then I reserve the right to jump into the fight too. Fists flinging until I run out of piss and vinegar. That's just the way I roll; if someone raises an arguement then they have to expect opposition.
  16. DougEdey

    DougEdey I pwn all your storage

    5 Jul 2005
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    I believe in myself, no-one else will be there all the time to help me through thick and thin. You're quite welcome to believe in me if you want :p
  17. steveo_mcg

    steveo_mcg What's a Dremel?

    26 May 2005
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    Blasphemy there is only one true relix!
  18. DougEdey

    DougEdey I pwn all your storage

    5 Jul 2005
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    I know there's a relix, no belief required ;)
  19. olly_lewis

    olly_lewis What's a Dremel?

    19 May 2006
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    I've always wanted to ask the guys at Gay Gamer: "How do you play games differently because you are of a different sexual persuasion?" I mean whats different about being gay and playing a game?
    Last edited: 6 Aug 2007
  20. DougEdey

    DougEdey I pwn all your storage

    5 Jul 2005
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    olly_lewis: as has been explained in the thread, GG is not about games for Gays, it's more about the gay community joining together to discuss games.
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