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News Wild Tangent: "Consoles are dead"

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 19 May 2008.

  1. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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  2. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    I think that big cigar is affecting his mind.

    When consoles are constantly shipping, and practically all generations ship in the double millions of units, where's he realistically coming from?
  3. steveo_mcg

    steveo_mcg What's a Dremel?

    26 May 2005
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    Well with the PS3 attempting to position itself as a PC/Media hybrid that also does games there is nearly logic in what he's saying. The traditional mono-purpose console is dead, well except the wii...

    If your console arm is loosing money hand over fist then what is the motivation to make more? Blu-ray in the case of Sony and market awareness for MS.
  4. Jordan Wise

    Jordan Wise Baby called to see the boss...

    24 Jul 2007
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    please quote this guy more and mark rein/epic less. and yeah, nice cigar
  5. Wicz

    Wicz What's a Dremel?

    19 Mar 2007
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    The best way forward is for all consoles to be based on same hardware ( i.e compatible ) and that fits the pc perfectly ;)

    Much shorter development time with only one architecture to worry about and infinite upgradeability, customization options. I think he's right, although we may not recognise them as pc's :D
  6. bowman

    bowman Minimodder

    7 Apr 2008
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    They're converging. I remember with the ps2 and such when the console users' arguments were that oh it's so simple, no upgrading, no patching, oh and we don't have to worry about piracy as well, etc..

    Well, I seem to recall consoles needing both patches and firmware updates to even work with GTA IV, this year's platform-selling juggernaut. I seem to recall that same game being leaked on torrents before release and played by crafty Xbox 360 owners.

    As the consoles gain more and more functionality and complexity, they'll end up being so close to a PC developers might as well drop the hardware limitations they are constrained by and go for a platform that is much more flexible and where games are easier to update.. The PC. Preferably using Steam.
  7. Silver51

    Silver51 I cast flare!

    24 Jul 2006
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    Does anyone else think he looks like Rip Torn in that picture?

    While I don't personally think consoles are dead, I do agree with his reason (DRM) for them being so strong right now.
  8. shigllgetcha

    shigllgetcha Minimodder

    3 Mar 2008
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    is it so hard to stopn piracy?? having to register your game online, why does this not stop piracy or is it just not utalised properly- i know its years ago but i dont play on pc anymore but i remember having to reg Delta Force 1 online then it made no difference as the same code could be used on different PC's, could registration not stop piracy if it was used properly
  9. Mister_Tad

    Mister_Tad Will work for nuts Super Moderator

    27 Dec 2002
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    Damnit! I just got rid of my main rig and picked up a console because of what Epic said, now I'm going to have to switch back!!

    Piracy is so difficult to stop because all of the teenagers in the world are collectively a lot smarter than all of the games developers in the world.
  10. badders

    badders Neuken in de Keuken

    4 Dec 2007
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    That's a bit like the old adage that engineers spend all their time developing better and better foolproof systems, and the universe spends all it's time making better and better fools...

    Consoles will carry on until it's no longer economically viable to design & build just games machines. PCs will carry on regardless, because they do other things as well.

    When the consoles become no more than standardised PCs (as multipurpose as PCs), then will they really be consoles any more?
  11. mmorgue

    mmorgue What's a Dremel?

    16 Feb 2005
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    Meh, this debate has gone on for years and will continue to go on.

    Of course, PCs will undoubtedly have the potential for far better graphics and processing power than any console, as a console is a 'fixed' and static bit of kit whereas PCs are (usually, he says) upgradable.

    But there's pros and cons for either side but one of the biggest, I think, would be the ease/speed/time in terms of development:

    - On the one hand PCs are far superior in power and scalability, but are a pain for developing in that you don't have the ease fo a singular, uniform system to write code for -- every PC is different, with different drivers, hardware, OS versions, etc.

    - A console on the other hand, *is* uniform -- the hardware and drivers are internal and not exposed to the outside world, so a developer can easily assume that what is written will run the same on all consoles (i.e., PS3 code on PS3s -- please, don't try and be stupid and think i mean PS3 game running on an Xbox...)

    As for piracy, etc -- well, that's on both consoles and PCs so i dont think that is a deciding factor. You can fairly easily pirate software for the consoles just as you can for the PCs.
  12. donnie

    donnie Moddin' my way out of a paper bag

    1 Apr 2008
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    I can see in the future upgradable parts for the consoles and i can't help but wonder where its all going end.
  13. roryok

    roryok What's a Dremel?

    24 Jul 2007
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    well, he's half right. consoles exist only as a game delivery mechanism. an xbox or ps3 is basically a gaming pc sold at a loss with a dumbed down interface and control system. this serves three big advantages.

    1. it reduces piracy because the games use proprietary systems
    2. it allows stuff to be developed for a standard set of hardware.
    3. it makes them easier to use

    However, since consoles are becoming more and more advanced, and turning into dumbed down PCs, its makes more and more sense to just figure out a way of fixing the two things that plague pcs - piracy and hardware variations. hardware variations are more difficult, obviously, but big companies like ASUS and Apple are standardising hardware in their own way. In fact, I'd say we're likely to see console/PC hybrids in the near future - ie, PCs with standard hardware, and games devs developing for that standard. Maybe we'll even see a new, console like version of linux with some kind of steam like client built in to it. With the success that ASUS are having with the Eee PC, I can really see them bringing out a whole slew of Eee products, like desktops, media centers, and maybe even a little PC games machine.
  14. chicorasia

    chicorasia What's a Dremel?

    8 Jan 2008
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    Has this turned into a race to see who can say the most bombastic statement AKA crazy race for free media exposure?
  15. Firehed

    Firehed Why not? I own a domain to match.

    15 Feb 2004
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    So is that an official piracy endorsement?

    As an aside, that may be the worst corporate headshot ever.
  16. wolff000

    wolff000 I am here to steal your secrets.

    26 Apr 2005
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    I don't think that is tobacco in his cigar. He has got to be smoking something to think consoles are dead. The only company losing money on their console is Sony and we all know they blew it on the PS3 when it launched. MS and Nintendo are raking in millions. Consoles are going to continue as long as gaming exists. I know literally thousands of gamers that are console only some don't even own a computer. (I used to work in a game store which is why I know so many.) Consoles are far from dead but I don't think PC gaming is ever going to go away either.
  17. MrMonroe

    MrMonroe What's a Dremel?

    27 Dec 2007
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    What a ludicrous argument. A console is a delivery system just like the computer. It's a vastly inferior system in terms of the actual experience of gaming, IMO, but it's very attractive to developers who don't like it when people pirate their games.

    This guy is just blowing smoke because he doesn't want the system that he codes for to die. He'd have to go get another job.
  18. Thacrudd

    Thacrudd Where's the any key?!?

    27 Oct 2006
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    I don't see either industry taking any hard falls. Both have their adavntages, and both have disadvantages. Piracy will always exist, but It'll just get harder and harder to "pirate". Very, Very fine line between priracy prevention and privacy intrusion....
  19. mikeuk2004

    mikeuk2004 What you Looking at Fool!

    3 Sep 2004
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    PC gaming will always exist as long as there are PC's. And because everyone seems to be dependant on pc's there will allways be games to play.
  20. dr-strangelove

    dr-strangelove What's a Dremel?

    26 Feb 2008
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    I can't see why everyone seems to be so convinced that there is a 'battle' between consoles vs pc's. I have always owned a console and a pc and they were never competing for my money or my time. I think that all consoles do is bring people who might not otherwise have been gamers into the market, they do not 'steal' pc customers
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