I am here to steal your secrets., from Never-never Land
- wolff000 was last seen:
- 16 Dec 2012
There are no messages on wolff000's profile yet.
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- Birthday:
- June 22
- Location:
- Never-never Land
- Occupation:
- Pirate
- Mods:
- Just a few lights, but soon to introduce the most mind blowing mod ever fashioned. All will tremble in its geek glory!
FraggingGroup Memberships
wolff000 does not belong to any groups.Interact
The gospel according to Myamoto, Chatper three, verse six..."And it is written that the gaming of man will die, and rest silent for two years. But on the eighty-fifth year of the twentieth century, it shall rise again. And its triumphant return shall be heralded by two great plumbers and thou will know gaming has been born again."