World War 3

Discussion in 'General' started by ComputerKing, 15 Jul 2008.

  1. ComputerKing

    ComputerKing <img src="

    8 Sep 2006
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    Lol you make me Feel Safe... COME ON! I live in UAE not in UK.... I Think I will see the missiles from my balcony
  2. Major

    Major Guest

    Wasn't trying to make you feel safe. ;)
  3. charlesbeams

    charlesbeams TRANCEFORMer

    10 Jul 2007
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    hahaha, take a photo if you do ;)
  4. Oreon_237

    Oreon_237 CHEA BRO!

    11 Dec 2007
    New Zealand
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    hehe and i far far away from were the bombs will hit!
  5. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

  6. ComputerKing

    ComputerKing <img src="

    8 Sep 2006
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    What makes you so dam sure? maybe they have a ****ing Nuclear bomb and we don't know about it :wallbash:
  7. talladega

    talladega I'm Squidward

    18 Aug 2007
    Demote Thread Krabby Patties: 7,219
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    If somehow Iran attacks USA, Iran will be flattened within minutes. :)

    And yes you would die from a nuke if it hit Iran. One nuke will take out a whole continent.

  8. ComputerKing

    ComputerKing <img src="

    8 Sep 2006
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    THAT IS WHAT I MEAN :clap:
  9. talladega

    talladega I'm Squidward

    18 Aug 2007
    Demote Thread Krabby Patties: 7,219
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    also, I heard it was going to happen next week. :rock:
  10. Khensu

    Khensu likes to touch your special places

    22 Feb 2007
    Canterbury, Kent
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    They're probably stupid enough to do it, but if they do it every neo-nazi on this earth will cream himself. Even with US and UK backing, Israel will be demolished.
    I don't mean the above as a threat, but an unprovoked (*) attack on Iran would (or should) send a lot of Arab nations to wage war on Israel.

    [ (*) Testing missiles, even if they're capable of carrying nuclear warheads, is not provocation. That's merely playground-like showing off (or a penis measuring contest, if you will) after Israel's military exercises/manoeuvres and the Israeli PM's comments. Basically, they both want to pee the furthest into the pond. They want to have the biggest military dick. Governments = children = temper tantrums. ]

    CK, don't worry too much. They're just showing off. I highly doubt any war is going to start, and if it does, it won't be a world war (we don't feel that guilty about the holocaust anymore, do we?).
    The media like to say these kind of things ("OMG!! WAR!! SOON!! REALLY!! NOT LYING!! YOU'RE GONNA DIE!! NOW GO BUY STUFF AND DON'T LOOK AT HOW BAD THE ECONOMY'S DOING!!") for sensation, because sensation is the only thing that sells newspapers and brings money to the owners, editors and journalists writing those articles.

    For the same reason, newspapers (if you can call them that) and other media love to focus on celebrities. Stupid people want to know what celebrities do, what they wear, what exact shade of brown their feces are, etc. Stupid people also like to be scared by media prophecies of war, because stupid people are too stupid to occupy themselves or find something interesting to talk about, so they rely on the media to occupy them/give them a subject to talk about when they're in line at the benefits office.

    I'm not necessarily saying you're stupid, I'm just spouting my opinion on most of mankind. It's normal to be a bit scared if you live that close to a country in which nuclear weapons may be used. However, like Cthippo pointed out, most of Iran's "bombable" nuclear stuff is in the north-east, which you won't get any nuclear fallout from. If it ever - but the chances are slim! - comes to a war between Iran and whoever, you don't have too much to worry about.

    Try not to let it occupy your brain. Focus on your life, your computers and other things that interest you. We cannot know for sure when the world ends - it could be 2012, it could be 4085, it could be tomorrow - but if you spend your life in fear of death, what kind of life do you live? We don't know when we will die, both individually and as a species/Creation, and we are not supposed to know. Do yourself a favour and just live your life. I'm sure the both of us have got a few decades to go :)

    Plane + bomb? It's been done before.

    Now stop trying to scare the guy and go act studentesque, you dirty commie. *shakes fist*
    Last edited: 15 Jul 2008
  11. Cthippo

    Cthippo Can't mod my way out of a paper bag

    7 Aug 2005
    Bellingham, WA
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    They're just missing the bomb part. Kind of an important bit, actually.
  12. ComputerKing

    ComputerKing <img src="

    8 Sep 2006
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    Khensu You talk with sense. I agree that media is bull **** and money makers, But if there is no media how we know news?

    I know that we will die any time and we don't know when. But we live with no Threat because we know that is a fact we can't run from it, and no human hands control that.

    What the say is like this > When some one tells you " There is gun pointed on your head. But you don't know when it will shot, So live your life normally and don't give a dam till it shot you in the head" Can you live with that ?

    My mind not working good any more. I'm scared little bit, Confused. have dreams. Thinking 24/7. Can't sleep, What happens killing me Psychologically
  13. Khensu

    Khensu likes to touch your special places

    22 Feb 2007
    Canterbury, Kent
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    If you were Iran, would you tell everyone you had one?

    I would, but then I am the type to pull down my trousers in public and show my stuff. It makes political sense (bomb, not trousers) but if I was being threatened by two countries, I'd keep my trump card in my back pocket. Plus, we don't know whether or not Iran's president (can't spell the guy's name) is some kind of apocalyptic lunatic... maybe he wants to be invaded, so he can set off his Russian-bought doomsday device, kill everyone, the Hidden Imam will return and all followers of <insert Hidden Imam's favourite Muslim denomination> will live happily ever after while us heathens burn in hell/America? :p

    (I apologise for being a hypocrit and "scaring the guy" :blush:)

    Yes, apart from the fact that I would die because of a criminal (someone pointing a gun at you, surely, isn't going to have the best of intentions).
    In essence, though, how is it different from normal life? We all have a gun pointed at our heads. We know that one day the trigger will be pulled, but we don't know when. All we know is that, depending on our current age, health and a bit of luck (not getting run over by a truck, for example) it may last a while or not.

    I could have a heart attack tomorrow. I could get run over. I could fall down the stairs and break my neck. I could become the victim of crime. I could get bored and kill myself on purpose.

    Dying is what we are all going to do. I smoke, I drink, I eat crappy food. Maybe I won't make it to 40. I know that, if that is true, I will care when I am 30-something. But now, being 23 years old, I am not too worried. I will keep my worrying for when it is necessary, whether that's in one year's time or fifteen.

    There's enough stress in this world. I worry enough for my girlfriend's safety already (probably for subconscious selfish reasons), without taking my own life too much into account. Plus, life sucks anyway. I am seriously not too bothered.

    Also, assuming that because of your background you believe in an afterlife - if you did your best to live a good life, what do you have to worry about when you do? You'll only be going to a much better place.
    Last edited: 15 Jul 2008
  14. Cthippo

    Cthippo Can't mod my way out of a paper bag

    7 Aug 2005
    Bellingham, WA
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    Several issues there...

    First off, building a bomb is not easy. Remember when North korea did it (sort of)?

    We knew for years they were working on it, and for weeks before they tested it. The facilities involved in this are not easy to hide, and while making the materials is fairly straightforward, there is a lot of emperical design work which is highly specialized and relatively outside the public sphere. This is not to say the Iranians are incapable of building a nuclear device in 5-10 years if they decided to do so, but I doubt they could hide it.

    The bigger issue is, so what? Russia got the bomb, the world didn't end. China got it, Isreal got it, hell, even India and Pakistan, who are sort of at war with eachother got it. We're all still here. I could make a strong arguement that having the bomb is a moderating force, that a nuclear nation has fewer, not more options. In fact, the world might be better off is someone gave them a nuke!
  15. ComputerKing

    ComputerKing <img src="

    8 Sep 2006
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    This also make me More worried. Man I'm not that perfect Muslim , I don't pray at all and I did a lot of mistakes that not small and some big. I was thinking that Later I will pray and be good to god. I'm good with people etc. But I don't do what god said to do. ( Pray etc. )

    SO I'm scared as hell :waah:
  16. UncertainGod

    UncertainGod Minimodder

    18 Oct 2007
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    Chances of someone attacking Iran are high, but it's more likely that there will be a welcome party waiting for us with tea and cakes when we land on Mars than it turning nuke happy.
  17. Khensu

    Khensu likes to touch your special places

    22 Feb 2007
    Canterbury, Kent
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    Well, I am one of those infamous European doubters. The existence of God and us being just bacteria (i.e. no God) both make sense to me. I don't know what to believe - worse, I don't know what I want to believe.

    However, what I do believe is that if there is a God who created us, He must be at least a bit merciful. If you are truely sorry for your mistakes, and you won't make those mistakes again, why wouldn't you be forgiven for making them? After all, you are only human :)

    At the end of the day, all you can do is try your best. Like a colleague of mine once said: "This life, this is the exam - the exam is judged at death." Maybe you won't get points for effort, but you'll surely get appreciation.
    And like I said in a previous post, you have a few more years to live - you have enough time to live a decent life, however you want to interpret that.

    About the praying, and with the risk of sounding arrogant and extremely un-PC: in the seventh century (around Mohammed's time, if you will), it was probably easily possible to pray five times a day. In today's modern, achievement-focussed society, that has become a bit harder. Don't you think God would forgive you for that? You're only human, remember! (Provided that "being only human" does not become an excuse for other things; like utter laziness, crimes etc.)

    I'm aware this sounds quite preachy, but it's hard to say these things without sounding like a know-it-all. For the record: I know nothing. I'll see how much I have known during my life when I die.

    Basically, what I'm trying to say is think for yourself (goddamnit, again sounding preachy and dangerously idiotic). Times change, the nature of mankind changes, ... and all that. Right, I'm going to stop now before I beat myself up for being an annoying c--t.

    It did in Dr Strangelove. And Hollywood = fact. I thought that was obvious?! :p

    Best hypothetical comparison ever :D
  18. ComputerKing

    ComputerKing <img src="

    8 Sep 2006
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    Khensu You rock. Yeah It's not that easy to pray at this time. You really understand what happening with me. But can I risk that god will forgive me? I mean I can't take that risk too.
  19. bahgger

    bahgger Minimodder

    13 Apr 2005
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    Iran don't have missiles that are capable of sending a warhead across the Pacific ocean to hit the US. They might possibly send it over your way though. Best go to the States?
  20. mvagusta

    mvagusta Did a skid that went for two weeks.

    24 Dec 2006
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    Take it easy CK, cmon, seriously :thumb:

    Even if there is no war, ever again anywhere, anyone of us can die tommorow. People get run over by cars, have car crashes, get food poisoning, are bitten my snakes & spiders, there are so many ways to die!

    But does that mean we should live in fear? Live in a bubble?

    No, we should enjoy life, live life to the fullest, and do our bit to make the world a better place which also makes us feel good. If someone starts a nuclear war, well that's a big IF, and just as big an IF as all the other potential ways to die out there.

    If you spend all your time worrying about it and not enjoying life/living recklessly/etc, instead of spending time enjoying life & living well, then that would be wasting life now wouldn't it?

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