News Xbox Live survey puts Obama ahead in polls

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 23 Sep 2008.


President! I Choose YOU!

  1. Barack Obama

    44 vote(s)
  2. John McCain

    5 vote(s)
  3. Other party

    0 vote(s)
  4. I don't vote

    7 vote(s)
  1. Haramzadeh

    Haramzadeh Son of Sin

    8 Sep 2008
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    That's just a polite way of saying "I DONT VOTE FOR BLACK PEOPLE". :p
  2. -EVRE-

    -EVRE- What's a Dremel?

    12 May 2004
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    wow.. you must be shallow.. I wouldn't vote for him because he's a too liberal for me.. and a lawyer.

    ....Woot for morons that pull out the race card! .... and liberals.. race card pulling liberals.... oh the trouble the world would be in if it were ruled by people like you...
  3. pendragon

    pendragon I pickle they

    14 May 2004
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    wow.. this thread is full of epic fail. :( .. I was hoping for better from bit-tech
  4. cyrilthefish

    cyrilthefish What's a Dremel?

    15 Apr 2004
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    Excuse me if i'm reading this wrong but it seems to me your reasoning is like this:

    -person mentioned obama's race
    -therefore that person must be liberal
    -therefore, all liberals are just pulling the race card :duh:

    I see this kind of thing happening so much in American politics lately, with constant mudslinging against whole parties like that you've no hope of anything ever changing or improving :wallbash:
  5. Haramzadeh

    Haramzadeh Son of Sin

    8 Sep 2008
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    Notice the little 'tongue' smiley. That means I was joking. Gosh I hate right-wingers and their constant political correctness soooo much. :rolleyes:
  6. Cthippo

    Cthippo Can't mod my way out of a paper bag

    7 Aug 2005
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    I'm doing what I can to help Obama get elected.

    I voted for him in the primary
    I caucused for him at the precinct level
    I was an Obama delegate to the county convention
    I donated money to his political campaign (for the first time ever)

    and I'm damn sure going to vote for him in November.

    Obama's not perfect, I'd be happier if he were more progressive on a wide range of issues, but he is an canidate I can and do feel good about supporting.

    As for Americans, yes, a LOT of them are that stupid. Maybe people everywhere are stupid, but living here and dealing with my fellow Americans every day makes me particularly aware of theie manifold failings.
    Last edited: 23 Sep 2008
  7. johnmustrule

    johnmustrule What's a Dremel?

    12 Jan 2006
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    must.. resist... posting....!
  8. C-Sniper

    C-Sniper Stop Trolling this space Ądmins!

    17 Jun 2007
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  9. -EVRE-

    -EVRE- What's a Dremel?

    12 May 2004
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    cyrilthefish: I question your reasoning of my reasoning.

    Haramzadeh: Kidding or not (kinda stupid imo on these boards) the media has said what you did, and they weren't joking, so my statement still stands.

    btw, I would have voted for Hillary before I would have voted for Obama, a few Republicans before McCain. For me, with the choices, its a simple one..

    I think the poll from Xbox live is an interesting one that examines an interesting part of the American public.
  10. HourBeforeDawn

    HourBeforeDawn a.k.a KazeModz

    26 Oct 2006
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    neither are good but I think Obama is the lesser of two evils, at least hes not all religious gun ho ~_~ if McCain wins kiss our tech advancements and medical advancements goodbye here in the USA, at least Obama wants to try to improve the tech structure for the US.
    Last edited: 23 Sep 2008
  11. DougEdey

    DougEdey I pwn all your storage

    5 Jul 2005
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    Obamas website acknowledges Technology and conforms a lot better to W3 standards then McCains, that's all we need to know!
  12. Haramzadeh

    Haramzadeh Son of Sin

    8 Sep 2008
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    Who is this "MEDIA" that you speak of? Has Fox News pulled the race card? Stop turning yourself into a typical right-wing caricature. I was joking, but it's obvious some people on the right want to constantly impose their PC rubbish on the rest of us.

    And besides, there's a lot of truth to the race card pulling anyways. Why else would a competition between a inspiring leader VS a slimebag corpse and religious bimbo be so close? The Republican party is a refuge for closet racists and other assorted scum - thats a fact!
  13. yodasarmpit

    yodasarmpit Modder

    27 May 2002
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    Anymore blatant US bashing and the ban hammer will fall again, already 2 temp bans in this thread and I'd prefer there to be no more.

    Keep it civil or don't bother to post.

    Choosing not to vote for Obama does not automatically equate to being racist.

    Obama would be my choice, but that doesn't mean I don't like white folk, which would be kinda odd seeing as I'm white.
  14. DXR_13KE

    DXR_13KE BananaModder

    14 Sep 2005
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    i think he was talking about the low average IQ of an American.... not that Americans are more dumb... they are simply humans as we are :D

    edit: and as such i feel that certain humans should not be allowed to vote... yes, i am talking about you mister "lets-make-a-blast-crater-out-of-the-f***ing-middle-east" guy.

    i would vote Obama btw ;)

    edit2: this post was not intended as a derogatory comment against or towards Americans.
    Last edited: 24 Sep 2008
  15. johnmustrule

    johnmustrule What's a Dremel?

    12 Jan 2006
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    Mainly the young uninformed one that has always been liberal, always. I'd be neat to get these polls for other specific demographics though, google time.
  16. Ta10n

    Ta10n What's a Dremel?

    15 Mar 2006
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    I don't think it much matters who you vote for, the difference in leadership when they're in office will probably be trivial. They make all the promises they like, but they aren't obligated to keep any of them once they get into office. Why? Because you can't exactly walk into the white house and pull the president out just because your taxes went up. Instead Presidents get thrown out because they "maybe" had sexual relations with a staff member. Wow. Remember that clause in the American constitution that says the President isn't allowed to show any human impulses what-so-ever? Because I sure don't. Practically every politician is in some sort of scandal these days, and every time I see one on the news I wonder why the hell people think it's such a big deal. OMG he cheated on his wife! Why the hell do we care? As long as our money isn't involved we should stay out of it. That kind of behavior certainly isn't what you'd want from a leader, but everyone has lapses in judgment right? While we're all busy staring at our TV screens and picking our noses George W. has blown the living hell out of someone else's country with taxpayer money so Dick Cheney's company can get taxpayer money to do the cleanup and re-construction. And has anyone ever wondered why the US war effort costs so damn much? Well that's because the US Government is spending billions on mercenaries to supplement it's forces on the ground, and deploying highly trained mercs is NOT CHEAP.

    One way or another the US economy is in the ******* and I suspect that neither political party will be able to put a dent in the trillions of dollars in debt that the country has incurred over the years. The only way I figure they can start reigning in the deficit is by jacking taxes up to a more reasonable level for a country of that size. And start trimming the basic functionality of the country too. Why the hell does it take them 2 years to campaign before an election? Here in Canada Land our current election has what I believe to be a 31 day campaign attached to it. Do you really need more than that? Just catch a couple of TV debates and pay attention to campaign announcements. Do that and you probably just saved over 100 million dollars.

    I've made my voting decision based on which party is going to spend my money in ways I want them to, and not on stupid crap like "creating jobs". If you've ever studied economics you'd know that when a party says "we're going to create jobs" they are a combination of stupid and full of ****. The reason that jobs are being lost in certain sectors (like the auto industry here in Canada) is because there is a shift in demand and because salaries are getting to be stupidly high. Believe it or not, thanks to the auto unions here the average plant worker was making about $70,000 a year. Yes that is correct, no I didn't add an extra zero. That's approximately $33 per hour. Holy crap. Now I know why we have a doctor shortage in Canada, because I'm 99% sure that because of our public health care system a doctor gets paid less than that. That is why you lost your jobs people. I'm sorry to say but things change, and life is about dealing with change.

    Wow, that was a hell of a rant. Just as an FYI I am a Canadian citizen, but I lived in the states for five years, so I can have an opinion :)

  17. talladega

    talladega I'm Squidward

    18 Aug 2007
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    There's the word I needed! I'm much more conservative on most all of the issues so it would make more sense for me to vote for McCain.

    I don't get why people think only stupid people would vote for McCain. I could say the same thing about people who vote for Obama. Vote for whoever you agree with on the 'main topics' that they argue about and such.
  18. Cthippo

    Cthippo Can't mod my way out of a paper bag

    7 Aug 2005
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    The truest test of a man's intelligence is the extent to which he agrees with you ;)

    For the record, I don't think that everyone who votes for McCain is stupid.

    I do have a problem with the people who are voting for McCain because Obama is black, or worse, because they think he's a muslim. I have a problem with the people who are voting for McCain because they think he'll "win" in Iraq or think he will lower gas prices. I have a problem with the Grover Norquist types who want to reduce government until it's small enough to drown it in a bathtub.

    I especially have a problem with the so-called "values voters" who define their values as taking away other people's rights and changing the law to reflect their own religious beliefs.

    I have a problem with the people, especially women, who are voting for McCain because he picked Sarah Palin as his VP even though his election will likley result in them losing control over their bodies and losing any chance of "equal pay for equal work" legislation.

    And I especially have a problem with the people who are voting for McCain because they think Obama is "too intellectual". That statement right there is an admission that they don't want a president who is smarter than they are. Likewise , I have a hard time with people who prefer McCain because he reduces complex problems down to oversimplifications their brains can handle.

    The world is a massivly complicated place, full of multi-faceted, nuanced problems and no easy solutions. The problem is that many Americans get their information in 30 second sound bites and cannot handle that complexity, so they tend to support someone who tells them "Don't worry, we just have to do X", ignoring the fact that X probably won't work and will cause problems Y and Z and probably piss off half the world on whom we increasingly depend.

    I want the smartest, most worldly person in office who shares my values that I can find. Given the choices we now have at this stage of the election, that's Barack Obama.
  19. dark_avenger

    dark_avenger Minimodder

    9 Jul 2008
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    how did south park put it, it's a choice between a turd sandwhich and a douch bag.

    no body likes pollatitions but we have to vote for someone.
  20. PhenomRed

    PhenomRed What's a Dremel?

    3 Dec 2007
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    A vote for Obama is a vote for Relix.

    Bit-Tech users, you know what you need to do
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