If the world could vote - virtual election! (Poll added)

Discussion in 'Serious' started by Jipa, 12 Oct 2008.


Who would you vote for?

Poll closed 3 Nov 2008.
  1. McCain

    5 vote(s)
  2. Obama

    113 vote(s)
  1. Jipa

    Jipa Avoiding the "I guess.." since 2004

    5 Feb 2004
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    I tried to use the search and even my own eyes to find a thread about this, but couldn't find one. So here it goes!

    I just found this virtual election-thing and I think the idea is great enough to be shared here. So far there are unfortunately few votes cast, but hopefully the number will continue to rise.


    So far Obama is waaaay ahead and personally I think it's no surprise. Most McCain-fans propably can't use the internets or reckon it's made by the commies... Sigh.
    Last edited by a moderator: 13 Oct 2008
  2. Stickeh

    Stickeh Help me , Help you.

    20 Jul 2003
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    Wow, i voted, and i am astonished at the amazingly high percentage of the votes for Obama, really interesting as a whole.

    However you have to remember the people finding this website, are clever, intelligent have access to the internet, etc. I was about to make a sterotype about Mcains supporters then, but i won't, i dont know 2 things about the election or the candidates running for it really.
  3. specofdust

    specofdust Banned

    26 Feb 2005
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    Yes. I think that statement is well balanced and correct. No-one could possibly dislike Obama for well reasoned political reasons. Obviously everyone who would vote for McCain has just had a frontal lobotomy and is in urgent need of mental assistance. In fact, we should just automatically remove the vote from anyone who would consider voting republican, because obviously they are far far too mentally retarded to be able to pick a president.

    I love seeing the world in black and white absolutes (just like the republlicans....), don't you Jipa?
  4. Jipa

    Jipa Avoiding the "I guess.." since 2004

    5 Feb 2004
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    Nice one :)

    Anyhow. I reckon as long as the US goes around the world blowing nations up, it would make sense if such election was for real...
  5. modgodtanvir

    modgodtanvir Prepare - for Mortal Bumbat!

    28 May 2007
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    :sigh: Whilst I do respect McCain as a politician, I would much rather vote for Obama... He represents a refreshing new, anti-backward-deep-south notion which I find to be agreeable. He comes across as a better sportsman, his vice does not appear to be a moron and I like the charisma he portrays in these debates. I suppose this is what the international audience sees.

    However, America is full of gun-toting, small town soccer moms who will no doubt vote for McCain... I suppose America just isn't ready for Obama... he'll probably be assassinated internally before he can say 'White House'... which many Americans, no doubt, consider to be reserved for 'white' people...

    (though thats not to say intelligent people won't vote for McCain as well)

    For me, 4 years of McCain = 4 years of Dubya, and he just pisses me off tbh...

    EDIT: indeed as Jipa says, republican America spends more time and resources blowing up 'them darn a-rabs' than maintaining their own country, hence the current economic crisis... this might as well be an international vote. Every country currently occupied by US troops should also have a say in it... every orphaned child, every widow whose husband's corpse was defiled at Abu Ghraib, everyone who has lost someone to this war promoting terror should be able to vote.
    Last edited: 12 Oct 2008
  6. yodasarmpit

    yodasarmpit Modder

    27 May 2002
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    I think Jipa may be asking the question, "just how representative are the results?"
    Does the site attract more more of the type of people who would vote Obama rather than the traditional McCain support?
  7. VipersGratitude

    VipersGratitude Multimodder

    4 Mar 2008
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  8. modgodtanvir

    modgodtanvir Prepare - for Mortal Bumbat!

    28 May 2007
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    lmao. Either the Republicans are blocking genuine voters (which we have evidence for) or the Democrats are in a conspiracy with illegal aliens... I wonder which is a more viable argument...

    now what about in the eyes of the hicks?
  9. Mongoose132

    Mongoose132 Duckmad

    23 Aug 2007
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    Cuba is 100% for Obama :D (From 6 votes :p)
  10. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    At last we agree on something. :p

    Seriously, I'm not sure which would be better. McCain is a Republican, but I'm sure he and his posse would be keen to distance themselves from the Bush administration a bit; a guy who Chris Rock said "screwed up so bad he made it hard for even a white guy to run for president". If he gets elected, the Democrats will just be waiting to pounce on more Bush-type shenanigans. I suspect that this will make McCain want to clean up the Republican act a bit to prove that he is Not Bush.

    Obama is the second coming of Jesus a Democrat, so if he gets elected the whole world will breathe a sigh of relief and cry with gratitude. He will be able to fart "Jankee Doodle-dandy" with his armpit for his first Presidential address and people, frankly, will applaud and fall at his feet. Let's face it, after Bush he will be able to get away with anything. That kind of blind worship will be dangerous. Power corrupts, but worship corrupts devinely.
  11. modgodtanvir

    modgodtanvir Prepare - for Mortal Bumbat!

    28 May 2007
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    While I don't totally agree with either of their policies, I disagree with you here.

    I don't think that McCain will be an angel if he's elected. The current republican administration refuses to acknowledge that it f*cked up, and I'm not so sure that the next one will either. He might be Mr Not Bush during his electoral campaign, but what is there to say that he shan't follow in the footsteps of his republican brethren?

    And whilst Obama's election will leave a lot of people grateful, I don't think that farting 'Jankee Doodle-dandy' will win him any applause. The man is setting up a lot for himself to live up to - indeed he does seem like the second coming of Jesus. But I think that even if he does not live up to what he says he will do, half a step forward is better than three steps backwards, as 4 years of republicans is bound to bring. Any administration which takes a sh*t on the constitution and takes a country from an economic high to an economic low deserves to be shunted for something new...

    So: You either get back with the man who stabbed you mother, in hope that he has 'changed', or, you just go out and find a new man...
  12. twentynine

    twentynine Can never win...

    6 Jun 2008
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    That's not overly surprising to me really.

    Over the past couple months Obama has gained more and more support in the area around I live. Personally I think America has mostly gotten over the whole "Oh no! Hes black!" deal. Once people actually listened to what Obama and McCain had to say it is not hard to see which candidate would be a better president.

    Obama speaks of wanting to make things better....McCain begins every sentence off with "When I was a POW...". Obama speaks with authority....McCain a lot of times stumbles through his speeches(Reminiscent of anyone?)

    Sadly though, I fear that if Obama is elected he could be assassinated. There have already been reports on the news of KKK supporters holding rallies specially to denounce him alone. :sigh: I sincerely hope no harm does come to him if he is elected simply because I feel he could greatly help America. Also contrary to what Nexxo said, I believe that Obama will be kept under a tight rein. Although I see where Nexxo is coming from, I don't see it happening because of what Bush did. If Obama does get big bills to pass I see it taking a very long time simply because no one wants another Bush. That being said though, I do agree with Nexxo that Obama has a following that worships him almost...:duh:

    But to completely honest, I was about 50-50 on Obama and McCain up until they picked their VPs. Although I'm not overly impressed with Biden, Palin makes McCain look like a fool a lot of the time. Its been one problem after another with her. I'm sure McCain tosses and turns at night thinking of ways to spin Palin's screw ups. So that, combined with McCain's similarity to Bush has pushed me over to the Obama side of things.

    Disclaimer - I know I made a crack about McCain's POW experience. I understand that it took great strength and perseverance to make it through such a daunting experience. I understand that McCain shaped a lot of his political views during that time, but quite frankly I'm tired of hearing about it. I watched the RNC and I swear half of every speech given was about his time as a POW. I realize that they allude to it so often to show he can be a strong leader, but in my eyes it didn't help his case.

    Edit - What do you know...wrong again!
    Last edited: 14 Oct 2008
  13. Ending Credits

    Ending Credits Bunned

    4 Jan 2008
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    Is there anybody here who would vote McCain?
  14. specofdust

    specofdust Banned

    26 Feb 2005
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    I can't claim to be intimitely familiar with either candidates policies, but based on Obama's neo-liberal stuff that I am familiar with, I'd probably vote McCain were I a US citizen just to get someone in office who'd respect the right to bear arms.

    Clearly it does. US polls are only about 8 points different between the two candidates, on that site it was 80% Obama supporters. Personally I think he was just having a cheap jab at dem der stupid republicans.
  15. modgodtanvir

    modgodtanvir Prepare - for Mortal Bumbat!

    28 May 2007
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    heres an idea:

    Bit-Tech US Elections! Obama or McCain?

    Go on... you know you want to... ;)
  16. Burnout21

    Burnout21 Mmmm biscuits

    9 Sep 2005
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    the result are so funny, about Iraq and Afghanistan!
  17. yodasarmpit

    yodasarmpit Modder

    27 May 2002
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    A lot of those votes will be from the armed forces no doubt.
  18. Burnout21

    Burnout21 Mmmm biscuits

    9 Sep 2005
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    i did think of that one
  19. Major

    Major Guest

    Macedonia love McCain!!
  20. Bogomip

    Bogomip ... Yo Momma

    15 Jun 2002
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    Yeah, I just noticed that too :)

    The entire world, according to that, really want Barack... except Macedonia, who are 91% (out of 36x votes) in favour of mccain. Seems odd it should be skewed so.

    edit: and Bukina Faso too, but there is only 2 votes there,

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