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Blogs I'm Only Stupid Because I Know Too Much

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 8 Oct 2009.

  1. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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  2. [PUNK] crompers

    [PUNK] crompers Dremedial

    20 May 2008
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    my head is so full of this crap. i could find my way around cyrodil blindfolded. i know how much each health kit will heal you in TF2 (and their whereabouts on most maps). i can perform and ultra move with all of the characters in SF4 and dont even get me started on diablo 2.

    another thing that comes to mind is release dates, i know the release date of nearly every AAA title due this winter, i can tell you the developers and the publishers on most titles. in terms of hardware im even worse, want to know the memory bus on a 7900GT? or the nm process for any of the silicon on the market at the mo? im your man.

    despite this i can barely remember any maths even having done it three times to get my pass. nor how to set up a custom material map in 3DS Max, despite the fact ive done it dozens of times.

    selective memory Cheesecake!
  3. Flibblebot

    Flibblebot Smile with me

    19 Apr 2005
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    Yes, Joe. You keep telling yourself that :p

    What I find annoying is the things that I know how to do instinctively, but occasionally I'll start to think about what I need to do, and suddenly I can't remember how to do it. Strange.
  4. Bauul

    Bauul Sir Bongaminge

    7 Apr 2007
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    Memory is based emotional importance. Or, in other words, how much you care about it. You may know, logically, that pythagoras is important (x is 5 by the way. Yay me!), but you don't actually care about it emotionally, so you don't remember it.

    This applies to everything from exam revision to Pin Numbers. I'd be able to remember the code 1712 a gazillion times easier than 1375 for instance. Why? Because 1712 is my birthday, so I care about it. A good deal of memory excercises are about associations: if you can link something you don't care about with something you do, you'll be better at remembering it.

    It's not a problem per say, just a clear indication of how everyone's brain works. It only starts to be a problem when you can remember Gunther Hermann's killphrase ("Laputan machine" for the record), but you can't remember your mum's birthday. That's when you've got your priorities wrong.
  5. Xir

    Xir Modder

    26 Apr 2006
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    ...I really can't remember my mum's birthday...but my phone-kalendar beeps three days in advanced.
  6. logan'srun

    logan'srun following the footsteps of giants

    22 Apr 2008
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    last time I looked/used trig I was 12. I think.
    But isn't the answer 5?
  7. sear

    sear Guest

    I like to walk into public spaces and say "flatlander woman" to see if anyone explodes.

    Oh, and yes, my knowledge of games and gaming is immense. I can cull nearly any detail, including of inconsequential side characters, from most games that I play even a little extensively, I can beat Banjo-Kazooie, Ocarina of Time, Fallout 3, Knights of the Old Republic, and more with my eyes closed, I have the location of every single hidden treasure in Resident Evil 4 memorised, etc. Yet of course, everything but the most basic of math escapes me, and I'm terrible at remembering names and dates. I'm much more of an ideas person in general, but it still sometimes frightens me just how easily my knowledge of games takes priority over my knowledge of... well, pretty much everything else.
  8. yuusou

    yuusou Multimodder

    5 Nov 2006
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    My gf says I only remember and only hear bullsh*t. Selective memory, selective hearing, selective Cheesecake!
  9. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    XD.. you started monkey island probably before the walkthroughs were out.. I'm pretty much like that with all the continents in guildwars- I could close my eyes and can see where all the mobs are in every dungeon, map.. and probably farmed them all at one time or another- used to really love that game

    remember saying in open chat during pvp matches early on.. wow chapa that new alt-f4 menu they put in is nice! watch half the other team of poppers drop and we'd win the matches rofl

    can still remember the roid rages on the first christmas too.. you had one chance to get the grenth antlers- and you had to do was be in lions arch when he came.. right as he was about to give them I typed in open chat.. ah cool if you hit alt-f4 it gives you the hat! saw tons of peeps drop, there was massive roid rages when they came back XD

    quake 2.. I was the guy that came up with name binding- was definitely the first one to do it.. remember first time I played around and used it- was in hal's.. I was making teammates insult each other during a match- it got hot in there

    wish I had those logs still.. I would say as stuff like puppet teammate1: teammate2 sucks ass he's hogging up the ammo

    teammate2: huh?
    puppet teammate1: you heard me chicken lips
    teammate1: wtf I'm not saying that!
    puppet teammate1: ok yeah I am.. I was j/k but stop being a dumbass and drop me some
    teammate2: ...

    switch up the names.. pretty soon everyone was like it's gotta be the admin doing this and after some arguing in observer and sticking words in everyones mouth they all left XD

    could make guys in rtcw yell taunts in observer mode too.. funny to get guys banned like that- admin was always like stfu already with fire in the hole or your gonna to get banned.. he's all I'm not doing it! fire in the hole! I need ammo! xxx was kicked and banned <insert racial remarks here> XD

    can't say know as much about those adventure games like monkey island though :D
  10. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    I can for some reason, remember great battles from AOE2 or CIV4. But for some reason I can't remember any formulas for physics...
  11. Sheiken

    Sheiken Wat?

    9 Jan 2005
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    IDDQD nuff said!
  12. Radical_Monkey

    Radical_Monkey Dremel > Lightsabre

    27 Feb 2008
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    God mode in doom :D
  13. Bauul

    Bauul Sir Bongaminge

    7 Apr 2007
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    I raise you with IDSPISPOPD!
  14. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    Noclip in Doom.

    I'll raise you with 24328, Send.
  15. nicae

    nicae What's a Dremel?

    25 Nov 2008
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    Shift+FUND :D
  16. Dragunover

    Dragunover What's a Dremel?

    24 Sep 2009
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    Hmm. I think I'm doing this right.
    Asquared+Bsquared=Csquared(x is c)
    3*3 = 9
    4*4 = 16
    9+16 = 25
    25squared = 5
  17. Krayzie_B.o.n.e.

    Krayzie_B.o.n.e. What's a Dremel?

    2 Aug 2009
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    I want to thank you Joe for admitting this to the public. i find strength in your openness. Because the more I study CPU architecture and design the more I find myself unable to spell. Every other word in my comment is underlined with a red line. thank goodness for spell check. Anyway Thank you for being honest, I feel better knowing I'm not the only one. Besides... honestly..... lets be serious.....is it really math when the whole equation, problem and answer is all letters?
  18. aron311

    aron311 What's a Dremel?

    14 Jul 2007
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    You shouldn't need to work it out, 3 4 5 triangle Cheesecake :) Its always the first example you get taught and it always works if the triangle's sides are the same order multiples of themselves, i.e. 9 12 15.

    And I have the exact same problem, maths too much above this level I forget faster than makes it even worth studying. I just grab a book when I need to do some funky maths.

    I could however list you every graphics card for the last 10 years probably, most of the CPUs and most of their architectural features. And I didn't even WANT to learn that.
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