News Capcom defends Resi Evil from religious criticism

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 26 Nov 2009.

  1. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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  2. ChaosDefinesOrder

    ChaosDefinesOrder Vapourmodder

    6 Feb 2008
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    QFT, Leo, QFT
  3. AshT

    AshT Custom User Title

    9 Jul 2009
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    Maybe Rev John Goddard should not play the game that way he won't open himself to influences and put himself at risk.
  4. Digi

    Digi The not-so-funny Cockney

    23 Nov 2009
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    Damn, that's about as honest a back-lash as I have ever seen. Very well done. No more of this Religious nonsense, I agree!
  5. barndoor101

    barndoor101 Bring back the demote thread!

    25 Oct 2009
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  6. xaser04

    xaser04 Ba Ba Ba BANANA!

    27 Jun 2008
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    Something that is sorely lacking in a multitude of areas in society.

    I love it though, the moron rev Goddard has shown complete ignorance of the gaming industry (yet again) by assuming that all games are aimed at children. Does he understand the concept of a rating system?

    God I hate people that get offended on others behalf. If you don't like something, keep your opinion to yourself!
  7. Centy-face

    Centy-face Caw?

    26 Apr 2009
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    I treat the Christian church or any religious cult with equal contempt subjecting yourself to any of that brain washing garbage they are all as bad as each other just some are less vocal.
  8. Skiddywinks

    Skiddywinks Minimodder

    10 Aug 2008
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    Wow, damn good job there Leo. Finally, someone telling the religious fear-mongerers exactly what they need to be told, and the whole time keeping it based on fact and logical arguments.

    This guy deserves a raise and a promotion! Exactly the kind of person we need more of; logical and not afraid to say what needs to be said.
  9. paisa666

    paisa666 I WILL END YOU!!!

    4 Mar 2009
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    "This is scaremongering and typical religious hysteria. You cannot blame society’s ills on video games. It’s just absurd,"

    "Unfortunately the clergy is showing a lack of understanding of the video games industry and is too quick to splash the holy water and lump video games players into stereotypical boxes."

    Is there really anything else to say?
  10. Phil Rhodes

    Phil Rhodes Hypernobber

    27 Jul 2006
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    the game promotes interest in the occult

    I cower in the face of your unimpeachable record on "not believing in the supernatural', Captain Religious.
  11. Star*Dagger

    Star*Dagger What's a Dremel?

    30 Nov 2007
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    I call churches "Temples of Evil", because that most accurately describes their alignment and activities therein.
    For 2000 years the Church has held back humanity, it is good to see so few people go to these Temples of Evil, but we must be ever vigilant, because they try to infect our modern culture with their intolerant views and mindset. (Ditto for the mosques and any other Patriarchal religion).
    When a religion is based on telling you what to do, when and for how long, there is a real problem. When the decision making power of these rules is placed in people the problems grow larger. When religion finally subverts government to go to war against people who believe differently or limit the rights of people at home, the problem is urgent!

    Yours in Freedom from Religious Oppression,
  12. bahgger

    bahgger Minimodder

    13 Apr 2005
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    You get quoted for the awesomeness that is this post.
  13. Rkiver

    Rkiver Cybernetic Spine

    23 Apr 2009
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    Common sense? Surely that is the antithesis of religion. Expecting religious nuts to have any is pushing the bounds of reality.

    Regardless I agree, games are entertainment, should be treated as such, be marked appropriate age limits due to their content, and if you don't like it, don't play it and shut the hell up.
  14. Ph4ZeD

    Ph4ZeD What's a Dremel?

    22 Jul 2009
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    Organised religion is one of the most disgusting and evil influences on this planet. The only time we will be able to have a world at peace is when this manipulative and corrupt system is banished.
  15. gnutonian

    gnutonian What's a Dremel?

    6 Jan 2009
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    Totally, because people would all be friends if it weren't for them evil religions. :eyebrow:
    By saying that you're the same as the Reverend, except on the other side of the fence. He blames games, you blame religion. Any intelligent person blames people and the fact that we're inherently massively retarded.

    Whereas I respect the Reverend's position (his job, if you will) I think he should keep his opinion in his congregation. He's their proverbial shepherd, not the UK's or the world's.

    Even better, maybe next time he can research the subject before commenting. I highly doubt any adult (or adolescent... or child) will become an occultist or mass-murderer because of this game, just like Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 won't make anyone shoot civilians in an airport. Or anywhere else.

    There's plenty of other "reasons" to commit violence. Criminals need neither games nor religion to lead them.
  16. Ph4ZeD

    Ph4ZeD What's a Dremel?

    22 Jul 2009
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    Oh there are plenty of reasons to commit violence. Violence is inherently part of humanity. But religion gives people the excuse and reasoning to convince themselves that what they are doing is right and will be rewarded for it. If all religion disappeared today, of course there would still be wars. However, there would certainly be far fewer wars, of lesser intensity.
  17. Initialised

    Initialised What's a Dremel?

    23 Jul 2009
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    It's not like religious organisations ]shelter paedophiles or anything is it?

    At least video games don't target little boys.
  18. gavomatic57

    gavomatic57 Minimodder

    23 Apr 2009
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    Lets be honest, if you deny your natural urges for the sake of a book of short stories, you're going to go a bit weird - or you were a bit weird in the first place and needed to bury it somehow.

    Either way, I don't think any organised religion should be passing judgement on anything - glass houses an' all that.
  19. gnutonian

    gnutonian What's a Dremel?

    6 Jan 2009
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    Yes, let's blame religious institutions for 'their' mistakes of the past. Let's also blame all the Britons and Americans for black slavery and all the Muslims and Scandinavians for white slavery. And let's blame me for the fact that my grandfather fought against the Soviets, which makes him (and henceforth, me) a dirty Nazi!

    Just my view, not Catholicism's (or any other religion/denomination's). The sad thing is that, according to Catholic teaching, God is willing to forgive your mistakes if you truly feel sorry for making them. Yet some people can't forgive the Church's mistakes from 500 years ago.

    According to the same logic, all Belgians are pedophiles. Several pedophile cases, the Dutroux one being the highest-profile one, prove this.
    Hold on, all those kiddy-fiddlers are Wallonian (southern, French-speaking region of Belgium for the geographically-challenged). Therefore, all Wallonians are pedophiles and the Flemish go free. Therefore, Flanders should proclaim independence now. And probably hang as much Wallonians as possible for crimes against "think of the children".

    The above may be erratic, but out of hundreds of thousands Catholic priests there have been a few accusations. Even fewer have been proven in court. Doesn't it make you wonder when a supposed "victim" takes an out-of-court settlement (paid for by the local church who doesn't want bad publicity in an already anti-Christian modern climate, not the Pope's wallet) instead of making sure the alleged offender gets imprisoned?

    I think religion's an easy excuse, and I think that the disappearance of it would only "cure" a dozen offenders. All the other ones will continue their acts of violence against innocent people.
    According to an Israeli ex-agent, more than 66% of suicide attacks against Israel were perpetrated by secular groups. People willing to kill others whilst killing themselves without any notion of "martyrdom" or reward. They're just pissed off or have nothing else to live for (if you ever visit Palestine, you'll see what the latter means).

    There's also been a study saying that the majority of "terrorists" belong the to group because of exactly that: a sense of belonging. Not religion, just "something to do" to put it very blunty and extremely simplified. Unfortunately, the name of the study's author escapes me now (to be fair to me, it's nearly 5AM here).

    Yes, religion can be bad. But the ridiculous outburst of one member (out of a ****ing billion) shouldn't cause this stupid wave of anti-religion hatred. It's as silly as "masturbation causes blindness" (every guy on here knows that is anything but true, because you're still reading!).

    Just re-read this, it sounds really weird. But it's the best I can do, with English being the third language I was taught. It doesn't help that "religion" is a very deep and wide subject. Hope it makes some sense.

    Oh, and apologies for the off-original-topic post ;)
  20. Orothe

    Orothe What's a Dremel?

    21 Sep 2009
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    Wasn't it churches that used their power of influence for selfish gains? As well as gained followers for even MORE influence and power? >.>

    Remember Bishop, it is your God(s) that you claim to have all this power. Until he/she/them judges video games as such evil/sins/bad influence, then you have no right to make such judgements based on your own opinion!

    *Splash's holy water* The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!
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