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Other [Game] Things everyone but you has done

Discussion in 'General' started by knuck, 10 Feb 2010.

  1. dark_avenger

    dark_avenger Minimodder

    9 Jul 2008
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    I'm with Uni on this one, never really saw the interest
  2. felix the cat

    felix the cat Spaceman Spiff

    11 Jan 2002
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    crikey...this morning when I was doing some serious mathematics I found out that the length of a piece of string is Long!! I feel so clevah right now :wallbash:

    ...It was a serious question, not a "howe can u n0t l1ke blizzard/starcraft u n00b" statement...as they say curiousity killed the cat...anywhoo next time I want to ask Joe something I will come straight to you!!


    The reason why I asked how old he was and secondly whether he first owned a games console or a PC is that I have a lot of friends who first owned game console's, taking into consideration that these friends and myself started gaming in the 90s, they are much bigger fans of games other then Starcraft/Warcraft/whatever Blizzard made. Not that I am saying the everyone who started on a console hates Blizzard games, but for some reason there appears to be a strong corolation between people I have talked to, who started gaming in the 90s, who first owned PC's, and like RTS games that they are fans of the early Blizzard series of games. I was just curious if Joe would fit to my perfect home made NotSoInterestingButMoreQuirky statistic or he was one of those "weirdos" that likes RTS games, owned a PC first, started gaming in the 90s and still hates them...maybe all of this is a big rouse to find out more about Joe so I can ask him to marry me!! :eek:
    Last edited: 18 Feb 2010
  3. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    Not seeing the appeal, or not having the time, is absolutely fine and reasonable. I just get exasperated by people who play CoD4, CS:S, TF2 and/or UT for days on end, racking up hundreds of hours, but flat refuse to even try Warcraft or EVE just on the principle that they're "addictive".

    I know it sounds incredible that such a dumbass hypocrite would exist, but they do. They make me a sad panda.
  4. Unicorn

    Unicorn Uniform November India

    25 Jul 2006
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    Sad pandas make me sad :(

    I literally fall into both categories though. I find any game with stats and ranks involved incredibly "addivtive" and the only two I actually play that involve those things are Halo 3 and Battlefield 2142. I spend enough time on those at a time (when I actually have time to play them, haven't in months) to know that if I did start Eve or something similar (Really wanna try Star Trek) they would take up too much time.

    WoW has actually never interested me though. My brother played it for about a year, got a few level 70-72 accounts, then sold them and moved on to Eve. He used to be better than me at CSS, and when I say better, I mean way better. Now he rocks at MMO's. I'm ok with that, he gets a lot of enjoyment out of it just like I do a great game of Insurgency, Halo 3, Crysis, CSS, 2142 or whatever.
  5. PureSilver

    PureSilver E-tailer Tailor

    16 Dec 2008
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    I've also never been really interested in any MMO. I don't game very consistently (more flood/drought) and I've never had friends that play one seriously, so there's nothing to drag me in. The totally negative public perception of WoW hasn't helped and nor has the mostly fantasy setting of all of these games, which again, I don't really play. I think it's impossible to set an MMO in any of the styles/genres I like, too (seen how ridiculous the tanks-based one looks?). They must be user-friendly to have achieved the level of market penetration that they have, but it still seems a daunting task to go in, start from scratch, level up, join guilds etc, and frankly the only pastimes that I make that kind of commitment to are girls.

    Also, my extreme suckery means I don't play for achievements, even if I really enjoy the game - I'll just be playing it for fun and they'll appear without me really knowing why. I play games for short-term enjoyment, not long-term satisfaction.
  6. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    they do exist and I kind of agree with them but I personally don't want to play MMOs because I find them boring as hell. I don't really have to try them however (tried WoW) because I know I can't get into that kind of game, it's just not what I want in a game.

    I want quick and sharp gameplay with high difficulty that requires top notch skills, fast reflexes and quick thinking. I want my life to always be on the line but to still have the possibility to make some damage because I can master the gameplay and the environment perfectly. I need all this to happen on a constant basis and not within intervals of 5minutes for a 8 seconds fight. I want to actually have a chance if I go 1v10 for a minute because I am on fire. I want to have the pressure to recover my flag or even better, bring back theirs even if the other team is all over me. I want the satisfaction of a win to be because of skills and not because I out waited someone or because I planted some random bomb.

    And now you know why I'm a UT player and will always be. Even when the game will be dead I will try to replicate UT's gameplay in other games and will most likely get bitched at because I don't play the other peoples way (bunny hopping in cod4).

    I now have only 3 options : what's remaining of UT2004 (bigger than UT3), Quake Live and Team Fortress 2
  7. Unicorn

    Unicorn Uniform November India

    25 Jul 2006
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    You sound just liike me Ghys. Even though I don't play UT as much as I used to, it (GOTY Edition) was the game that gave me the reflexes that make me a skilled player in any other FPS that I've played since. Namey those listed in my post above.
  8. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    That's kind of understandable, I suppose, if you know you only like fast-paced instant gratification games.

    Another thing I've never done is play UT2k4. I loved 2k3 and UT3, and missed the middle child. It looked really crap, so I avoided it, like the filthy hypocrite that I am.
  9. EvilMerc

    EvilMerc Minimodder

    1 Feb 2010
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    I've never played a Pokemon game, despite it being the main game all my friends have grown up with (I'm a 90s kid)
    Nor have I ever enjoyed cheese that has any taste to it, it makes me want to hurl quite frankly.
  10. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    if we exclude the lengdary ut99, 2k4 was the best. I never owned 2k3 and have barely played it because of a crap pc and a lack of money, but a big majority of the 2k3 players moved on to 2k4, which is unusual for a ut game, kind of like the cs players not moving from 1.6 to css

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