Windows Bit-tech League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Djayness, 19 Jan 2011.

  1. CanItRunSoldat?

    CanItRunSoldat? What's a Dremel?

    8 Nov 2010
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    And you can no longer bribe the GP on the other team to one-shot tibbers!! It's a pro-tibbers conspiracy i tell ya
  2. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    Well unfortunately the standard LoL player tends to complain about just about anything they can when a change has been made.

    I didn't mean that she would always be rocking it with 700+ AP, but if you were to build Annie as pure AP (rabadons, zhonya's, archangelsx3) you could hit that sort of amount pretty easily, even getting past the 1000 mark, but that is beside the point. It was more of a theoretical example, because I've no idea how people are going to be building her, or indeed how she plays for that matter.

    When reading the patch notes all I could imagine was a cc orientated team with tibbers at the heart of it: Tibbers+amumu+galio=splat. Obviously there are counters and the like, but with that sort of scaling on his persistent damage Annie has suddenly got the potential to become more of a force to be reckoned with, rather than a single player nuke in the way of malzahar/ww.

    Having not played Annie before (though I was tempted a couple of weeks ago before opting for brand and his skill-shot fun) I can't speak definitively on this, it is all just the impression that I got from the patch notes, and I could be well off the mark.

    Out of interest, does Rylai's Crystal Scepter mean that tibbers aoe then slows enemies down by 15%? It isn't something that I've noticed before, but I imagine it could work quite nicely.
  3. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Theoretical builds are nice and all, but i tend to stick with more viable builds when discussing... unless i'm talking about something for lolz.

    I think the current method (although i'm not sure on this) could be similar to the original build for her, aka Catalyst -> Boots -> Rabadon's -> Zhonya's, then RoA or Banshee's. Personally i like go RoA first, however i might switch that out soon.

    Also, as for a CC Orientated Team with Tibbers at the center, it's always been that way since it's not like they've changed Tibbers stun. The main thing is that late game she'll now actually do damage as a Nuker/Mage, as opposed to being relegated to simply a stun bot/supplemental DPS.

    The other problem with her is that the time it takes to viably cycle a stun in a teamfight isn't that low, in general you can only get a maximum of 2, and the third comes if the teamfight really drags out. (Initial Tibbers (Stun)->Q->W->E->Q/W->W/Q (Stun)->wait for CDs of WQ etc.)

    You should definitely try her out, especially as she's free that week. Technically Brand has more DPS and is fun to get the skillshots, but watching someone die to having a Bear dropped on their heads edges out seeing them disappear in a pillar of flame :p.

    As for Rylai's... i'm not sure but i don't think so because Tibbers classes as a pet and only the initial "drop" is the ability. However i'll be sure to test that out now.
  4. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    Pure AP is viable, you just need to have very good positioning/map awareness so you don't get caught out. I've run morgana with sorc boots+rylais+zhonyas(pre rabadons)+3 archangels many times, sometimes picking a 4th archangels over the rylais, and it is perfectly playable, if a little ridiculous.

    I think I will try her out this week and see how she plays, if for nothing else then to know her mechanics better for countering. I just checked the LoL wikia page:

  5. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    I'm not saying that Pure AP isn't viable... just that your build is IMO a little... "less viable" than a more traditional build.

    There are very few champs that i personally run Tear/Archangels on simply because i don't spam enough to fully proc it out (the only ones on the top of my head are Kassadin, Karthus, maybe Kog).

    I've seen Archangel stacking before and whilst it can get rather ridiculous, i'd much rather get a more traditional build simply because i prefer the benefits from other items as opposed to having a godlike Mana Pool and (effectively) nothing else. Also IMO Annie's not one that really kites particularly well in teamfights, her base move speed is low and she has no CC after an initial Tibbers drop. Any competent Assassin waits until after Tibbers and Q/W nuke and then uses their gap closers to get in your face (Kassadin, Akali etc.), since you're the AP Carry, delaying Tibbers until they show their face isn't an option since the AoE stun is the main reason to have it.

    As for Rylai's, that is rather tasty, however i was reading a debate on the forums (with regards to RoA vs. Rylai's) and i agree that between the two, Rylai's just isn't that important on a nuker, simply because you have your stun. Also it's not like Brand where the you need to combo a spell so the Rylai proc helps you with your combo. I'd much rather spend that 3105 gold on the components for a Rabadon's.

    And on a complete side note, i'm personally in the "Support" camp when it comes to Morgana as opposed to the AP Carry camp. I used to run:

    Doran's Ring
    Needlessly Large Rod
    -> Zhonya's Hourglass
    -> Sorc. Shoes
    -> Guardian Angel

    I generally just prefer to be there for the Snare, Magic Resist Debuff and the stun proc on her Ult.
  6. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    Good points well made WRT Annie. I guess Rylias falls under the 'nice to have' category rather than the 'need to have'.

    For Morgana I would flit between the two, depending on what the team comp was, I do the same with Lux when I play her (though I think she is a better AP Carry). When I was using Morgana more regularly (read: before the nerf to her shield) having AP meant that you could keep a teammate from a lot of harm coming their way. Throwing the shield on someone like Yi to block all CC and 500ish Magic damage while he wiped two or three champs out was always amusing.

    Also, running guardian angel on Morgana is just cruel.

    Complete tangent, but the multiple mastery pages brought in with the last patch are fantastic, don't know why this wasn't done months ago. It was also a pleasant surprised they outright gave us the 10 pages for free though, I was expecting them to give us a second and then charge 6300+ IP per page after that, considering how high they have been pricing everything else for the last few months.
  7. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    GA Morgana is cruel... combining it with Zhonya's is even more hilarious :D.

    Lux is an odd ball IMO in that because she kites so well (and all she needs to do is kite), she can fufill both roles without too much difference in itemisation. Whereas with Morgana, if she builds AP Carry there's the problem that she'll get focused down during her Ult and she's squishy squishy.

    I was surprised too at the Mastery Pages being free, but then i think it's because with Rune pages, you have to make an active choice in buying runes to fill the pages (thus, being optional) however everybody has a full set of Masteries at Level 30.
  8. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    Holy thread revival batman!

    I finally bought ashe and got a rune page for her (as and armor pen) and damn is she fun. Sadly, the one ranked game I did we had 2 leavers, I had to solo and got zoned hard by a xin and garen both with exhaust and did brutal. I absolutely hate how I expect ranked games to go a lot better than normal games team composition and teamwork wise but I still seem to get stuck with leavers, rage quiters or people who just generally have no common sense. As of now my rank is something like 888 (brutal I know). I'm at roughly 9 wins and 19 or 20 losses, but the sad part is most of those losses were due to leavers or afkers. In all honesty out of those 19 or 20 losses, I would easily allocate 1/3 - 1/2 of them to afk / leavers. The rest are people that lack common sense.

    Case 1. Maokai decides to initiate against 5 of them while im Kennen with 1/2 life without tower support and he gets upset we don't help. They were all at full health. The lack of common sense is actually really frustrating.

    To make ranked games worse, people's attitudes are marginally worse than in normal games. You have people that try so hard and just bad mouth the team, don't help with ganks, name call and seem to dissapear whenever you need their help. I have yet to find a game where I am not wanting to rage at team mates or ignore them for stupid remarks. I understand ranked means more than normal games, but its still a game and instead of being constructive people just have to put everyone down. Ranked games are VERY frustrating, atleast for me at this point in time.

    Side note, friend of mine told me queue dodging ranked games makes your rank lower apparently.
  9. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    People complain a lot about "ELO Hell" and there are those who believe it doesn't exist (Ab, i'm looking at you).

    The main problem is that after numerous complaints about Ranked Players, i've seen complaints at almost every ELO with regards to bad players... most recently Elementz (US Top Tier Player, currently playing in WCG) stated that he'd dropped a few ELO and now found his teammates to be useless... problem? He was still rated roughly at 1900.

    Whilst i've no doubt that the players probably weren't as good as him, it's the constant Elitism from players (that plagues the LoL community) which makes proper concerns laughed at as simply being "not good enough".

    I fail to see how people don't understand that with a constant influx of "new" players at 1200 ELO, that whole zone, ranging from ~1000 ELO to ~1400 ELO is constantly shifting simply because some people are lucky and get carried, whilst others have mega feeding teammates etc.

    Sure, law of averages means eventually you'll get yourself to where you belong, but for some players that's 10-20 games and for others it's 100 games.

    Anyhow, enough ranting about ELO from me.

    I've personally given up on Ranked Games ever since people stick to the whole "metagame" aspect too much. I remember that every game i went into always had the same bans and you'd be shouted at if you either banned someone different, or you chose someone who wasn't considered "OP"/Top Tier. Not to mention they do this AFTER you pick/ban because they remained silent despite me asking every question under the sun.

    And yes, you do lose ELO if you queue dodge a Ranked Game.
  10. Professor Chaox

    Professor Chaox What's a Dremel?

    23 May 2011
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    I don't play ranked for those very reasons, everyone seems to take it all too seriously. It is pretty competitive even in the normal games, as vdbswong rightly says it is all FOTM abns and picks or your team rages at you for the whole game. I will prob start playing ranked when season 2 starts up.
  11. CanItRunSoldat?

    CanItRunSoldat? What's a Dremel?

    8 Nov 2010
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    Well 'Chu who was/is arguably the best HoN player has said that even he had to duo-queue to get out of the 1300-1500 bracket in LoL.

    Having experienced losing 2 or 3 games in a row and dropping under 1500, only to end up sitting under 1400, I can attest that it suddenly seems to become very rare to be matched with a cohesive team.

    I think rather than player skill it comes down to the different tactics that are employed, mainly when to engage/run, and knowing what your team-mates are going to do. There is nothing more frustrating than jumping the enemy squishy after their lane partner blue pills, only to have them get away because your partner thought it was 'too risky'. Things like that lead to rage, consequently the team falls apart causing you to lose, and then everyone blames it on team. Voilà elo hell.
  12. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    More frustration from ranked games. It's getting really frustrating. Regardless how decent / good I do I still end up getting dragged down by people who are less skilled or make bad moves. I try my best not to say anything bad, and I'm normally on skype playing with a friend so atleast I have someone to vent with, but its just frustrating. Ughh.
  13. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    You'd like to think that in-game VoIP would solve a lot of issues with cohesion in teams. Sadly I think it would end up just being a vehicle for people to troll even harder.

    I don't play much in the way of Ranked games, usually because there are 3/4 of us playing together, and Ranked has to be 1/2/5 people, but also because we quite like not knowing who we are going to be up against, and attempting to build a team composition that can handle most situations, rather than having enough runes/characters set up that you can pick any character you would need to specifically counter the opposition at character selection.

    Mansueto, who was playing mid? I would almost always have Ashe as the mid character as she is such an incredibly good carry, and more often than not she is the one character you want to get their ultimate first (Karthus being the obvious example of someone taking priority). If my team are in need of extra AD in the lanes then I usually pick Ashe, as she is great fun, though recently I've been jungling with Trundle when I can.

    vdb, I did try out annie. She is ok; there is a definite satisfaction with watching someone vanish under a bear, or melt with the fan-flame skill she has. However I'm not sure she is all that fun for me personally. I prefer characters of the Brand/Lux/Morgana variety (even though I'm still not racking up the kills with Brand). That said, the range on her auto attacks is ridiculous!
  14. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    lol, it's personally one of the things i find most satisfying. Also knowing that i can fall back on her when i need to makes the experience all the more worth it. And as for her AA range, it's why AD Annie was such a lolzy troll build, and the fact that her spells still provided a nice supplement of damage even with no AP.

    I used to really like Morgana, however lately i feel she's very shackled by the need to land her Snare, which IMO is still one of the hardest things to land in the game. In fact me and my friends have an in joke in that i'm the best Morgana you'll see that doesn't land a snare. Obviously i do hit them every now and then, however it's more of a "OMG i landed that" moment rather than a "OMG i missed that".

    Lux isn't quite so constrained with that since her E has burst damage capabilities unlike Morgana's W which really needs to be combo'd with her Snare first.
  15. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    I agree with you on Morgana. The introduction of tenacity has severely hampered her ability to do damage, as anyone with some sense won't just stand in her puddle, and tenacity reduces her ability to hold people in it. I think this is more of a nerf to her than most other characters (though veigar also suffers). Her dominance is mid-game, as late game sees an abundance of banshees veils nullifying a lot of her use in a game. I admit that I've been using her less and less often.

    Lux was pretty much introduced as a Morgana 2.0, as she can do most of what morgana can (minus the aoe sun) with a spammable ult and she doesn't need to get within feeding distance. Hopefully they give Morgana some attention, though with the pricedrop they gave her i think it unlikely.

    As for Brand, I think i need to start being a lot more aggressive with him. It'll probably leave me with bad scores on some games, but once i get the hang of being in peoples faces a lot more and walking the thin line between getting the kill with minimal health left, and getting the kill with no health left, I can see him being very good.
  16. Kasowaree

    Kasowaree What's a Dremel?

    5 Apr 2010
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    I just had one of the most fun games of my life followed by the single worst. The first was a dual que that somehow became an "All Zeals All Mid" Game that was a massive amount of fun. The second had a team massively screw me over and then insult me about it. I was jungle shaco and the enemy had a jungle nunu. So I do as one should and set to counter him by hiding in the bushes at wraiths and stacking boxes(Meaning I now can't get blue). But then someone says "Let's gank Nunu" I say "I already am" and they ignore me all rushing into his blue and his team they get one kill and force nunu and the other two back to there lanes. Not that bad you might think right I'll still kill him at wraiths and get blue. But then poppy starts attacking Golem with half health letting Nunu walk back smite for the buff and kill her. So he walking into my trap and level 4 and manages to get under turret with a quarter health left and instantly I get called a noob. I had to base run back to our blue and manage to get slightly back on track when I nunu trys to return the favor at our wraiths. So I start attacking and ping him. But our mid ignores it for two full minutes of fighting in our jungle she ignores all the pings and me asking in chat for help. So nunu kills me with 140 Health left while morg still has full health and mana three seconds away is still doing nothing. For the entire rest of the game Blitz and Jax spammed chat with insults. I really wish they had a mute all command it's save so much time.

    Edit: It's a curse 5 attempts at jungle shaco and each time my I get a troll or greifer on my team. Just had an mf rage after dieing trying to gank bot said "gg 4v5 now" and spent the next 30 mintues stealing my xp and buffs when she wasn't feeding. Including standing by getting red right next to a fight letting the enemy walk by her with 30 health. great way to spend my day off.
    Last edited: 2 Jun 2011
  17. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    '/squelch enemy' This is your friend. use it well. In fact, use it most games.#

    Jungle Shaco is fun, but he is ultimately a outdated character. He needs a rework because against any half decent team you won't be as effective as any other champion (bar maybe Twitch). The only way to do well with Shaco is to wipe out the red buff half of the jungle and get first blood in under 3 minutes, and roll on from there, farming champions and preventing them from keeping up with your team on creep kills/levels. Invisibility as a whole needs a rework, as shaco and twitch are both underpowered to the point of it not being worth playing them, and Evelyn is more often than not game breaking.
  18. Kasowaree

    Kasowaree What's a Dremel?

    5 Apr 2010
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    As stated before I know how to mute and it wasn't the enemy acting like morons. But I have to say your wrong about Shaco he's anything but up I'd save he was much closer to being op. His burst is massive and hard to avoid a JitB can fear an entire team and he can push better then anyone. His stealth is the most useful out of the stealth champs as oracle and wards are rather meaningless against it given the teleport and the damage increase makes a great nuke. The problem is most people stack AS on him which really weakens him. He needs AD and Lifesteal more then anything get 320 AD and IE on him and he can drop a carrier in an instant and his ult makes charging BT easy as can be with Lantern. And Q can tower dive like mad do it from the brush or over a wall and you land next to them with massive bonus damage. I find Shaco is better mid game and very late game. I tend to end 40-50 minute games with two phantom dancers and three charged BTs with an IE. But to get there you need to play him smart keep your escape preped and pick your targets well. With the right runes and a player that thinks he's the best assassin in the game right beside a laning Noc. The problem is he's fragile and most builds either go for too much health or to much AS making him an easy kill late game.
  19. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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    "," is your friend :lol:
  20. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    That's....a big ol' wall of text.

    You mentioned not being able to mute people, i was just pointing out you can. you can also '/squelch ally' for when your team is full of trolls.

    Shaco is a great nuker. He is a great assassin. He is annoying as hell to chase down.

    Shaco isn't a good team-fight character. Shaco has no real cc, unless you can lure a team into your JitBs. He has the option of using deceive to get into a fight, or to get out of a fight, not both.

    I just think that in the way the game currently plays out, he doesn't add enough to a team. When you leave early game and people are running around in groups, forcing 5v5s, he becomes ineffective. He can deceive in to a fight and get instanuked without any escape mechanism, or he can run in, saving the deceive to get out with an reducing his damage output and the psychological edge of being invisible.

    As I said, invisibility is the most broken aspect of league of legends at the moment. Evelyn and Twitch's ability to turn invisible while being constantly attacked is the biggest load of crap going.

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