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Rant Comet HDMI cable scam

Discussion in 'General' started by streetuk, 1 Aug 2011.

  1. faugusztin

    faugusztin I *am* the guy with two left hands

    11 Aug 2008
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    Yep. That is why i paid the 8e for this one as i said before :
    http://www.evolve.cz/photos/1/UserF... EVOLVE XXtremeCord_1.4.jpg?newitem=1&text=3D

    True. So the expensive cable will be better at 4096x2160 or above 10m length. Too bad most people don't use any of those "features".


    Yeah, the "i need a sawblade to open this plastic mess" instead of "i need a sawblade to open this plastic mess" packaging, right?

    Of course, but just in case you find another one crazy enough to pay for your overpriced Monster cable :). The rest will buy the throwaway <10e cables.
  2. wyx087

    wyx087 Homeworld 3 is happening!!

    15 Aug 2007
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    same complain about Apple iphone cables, but even worse: exactly same cable:
    EXACTLY same cable, just without packaging. i've bought a few from ebay, and as long as it says genuine, it IS genuine, right down to the rubber feel of the cable, fake ones are plastic, and don't last as long.

    end of the day, just got to know where to buy, or getting ripped off by sales person.
  3. DLDeadbolt

    DLDeadbolt Space Cadet

    15 Sep 2010
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    Aye Wyx..

    I posted about those a few weeks back...

    Apple wanted £15, another store wanted £20+, and another wanted almost 30.....
    Went on amazon and the exact same cable is 83p.........

    Same thing with their headphones...
    Apple wants £20 minimum (highest is £350)
    High street store £8 (cheapest model)
    Amazon £5....
  4. streetuk

    streetuk What's a Dremel?

    3 Jul 2009
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    Yeah, I was being sarcastic.
  5. streetuk

    streetuk What's a Dremel?

    3 Jul 2009
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    Dunno about you (or anyone else) but I think this looks far better than the one you have - http://www.hardwaresphere.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/monster-superthin-hdmi-cable-m2000-hyper-speed-hdmi-cable.jpg

    That's the sort of build quality I was talking about with the screws and the blue logo, attention to detail and stuff. Don't forget though that I'm against expensive HDMI's. I was just stating this because you seem to have attacked just about every comment in this thread so I thought I'd be bitchy back. :thumb:
  6. dancingbear84

    dancingbear84 error 404

    16 Oct 2010
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    I need an hdmi cable. I'm confused is a monster worth it then....

    Seriously people still shop in the high street these days, whilst I agree that what they have done is false advertising and completely immoral, the sales guy will get a tidy commission. I tried to explain to my dad when he went hd that he didn't need an expensive cable, fortunately he listened.
    And in case any one took me seriously I'll be getting one from play for under 2 quid.
  7. streetuk

    streetuk What's a Dremel?

    3 Jul 2009
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    Seriously people still shop in the high street these days, whilst I agree that what they have done is false advertising and completely immoral, the sales guy will get a tidy commission. I tried to explain to my dad when he went hd that he didn't need an expensive cable, fortunately he listened.
    And in case any one took me seriously I'll be getting one from play for under 2 quid.

    Does that answer your question?
  8. dancingbear84

    dancingbear84 error 404

    16 Oct 2010
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    My question was sarcastic too. Id never spend 60 quid on a cable
  9. zulu9812

    zulu9812 What's a Dremel?

    21 Oct 2010
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    I know that we're talking about HDMI cables, but last week I had a need for a DVI cable and I had to have that very day, so I popped off to the local PC World store. I knew that I could get it for a couple of quid online but, like I said, I had a need for it that day. I knew it would be more expensive, so I thought I'd just suck it up and pay the £20. But oh no, thirty quid it cost me! I just about choked. At least the store assistant had the decency to look embarrassed. Still, that's what you get for not planning ahead, I suppose.
  10. streetuk

    streetuk What's a Dremel?

    3 Jul 2009
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    Ha! and i was annoyed at the other guy not getting my blatant sarcasm. Sorry. No sarcasm.....I'm not being sarcastic there ether, I'm genuinely not being sarcastic.....neither am I being sarcastic there....

    oh forget it
  11. dancingbear84

    dancingbear84 error 404

    16 Oct 2010
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    I'd have ordered one and waited a day. Or bought an adapter. But I'm a tight wad.
  12. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    Just wanted to quote this again because a lot of people seem to be completely misunderstanding Xtrafresh and it's making me a sad sloth.

    Lying about a demonstration of composite and HDMI by calling it a demostration of two different HDMI cables? Definitely a legitimate scam and total dick move.

    Charging high prices for HDMI cables which are much cheaper to produce? Not an actual scam, just marketing. If people percieve the value of an HDMI cable to be $50 then they'll gladly pay that. A lot of buyers who don't know the cheaper alternatives honestly think that's a fair price, it's not the store's fault that these people don't know how to shop around. It's not nice, but it's not illegal.
  13. streetuk

    streetuk What's a Dremel?

    3 Jul 2009
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    I appreciate your clarification, perhaps your post will do better than me repeating it over and over again. Either way thanks Captain Obvious.
  14. erratum1

    erratum1 What's a Dremel?

    30 Apr 2009
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    People that buy Monster cables and the like normally don't have to look at the price tag.

    If you have a 10 grand setup you can afford a 60 quid cable, is it worth it?

    To some it is.
  15. streetuk

    streetuk What's a Dremel?

    3 Jul 2009
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    I've never seen anything at Comet worth £10,000. My mum had bought a £150 DVD player...
  16. Invictus.

    Invictus. Minimodder

    28 May 2009
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    This has happened since when HDMI's first came out, when I got my HDTV in 08 at the time being 15 I didn't really shop online much, popped into comet I think it was their cheapest cable was around £25-30 for a 1.5m, went to argos 2m cable for £10 still works today :)

    As for them scamming Not much can be done unfortunalty apart from making your family and friends etc aware there is no difference between digital signals therefore no matter what they show you instore just get the cheapest you can online or off ebay etc.
  17. rayson

    rayson Damn sure it was legal

    23 Jul 2010
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    if it looks really good then i might even put it in a 200 quid setup

    but the comet thing is still scam
  18. supermonkey

    supermonkey Deal with it

    14 Apr 2004
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    In my opinion, all of this pretty much boils down to two points:

    1. Selective pricing. A manufacturer or store is welcome to price their products however they choose. The idea behind selective pricing is that you can sell the same product to different customers at different prices. Some people - let's call them geeks - will put in the time to review products and make an informed decision. They will buy an inexpensive yet fully functional cable from Company 1. Company 2 has a similar cable but for a moderately higher price. They know that some people don't want to put in the time for product research (or they simply don't understand the technology behind all the big words). Those customers are willing to pay for the convenience of someone else telling them which cable to buy. Company 3 has a brick-and-mortar store complete with flashy displays and attractive sales people. Their customer base is all about the brand name. They are into high end sports cars, designer shoes, and bragging rights. They simply don't care about the actual technology behind the big words; for them it's more about the appearance that the big words provide. They will happily spend a lot of money on Monster cables because then they can show off their shiny deep color cables to all of their friends. This is nothing new. Starbucks and other companies have been doing this for years. You might be surprised to discover just how many "generic" and store-brand products are manufactured and packaged by brand-name companies. Everything from cold medicine to cereal is subject to selective pricing.

    2. Fraudulent claims. If Company 1 is deliberately making a fraudulent claim in order to sell a product, that is wrong. It's one thing to sell a cable for an increased price because the label has a brand name. It's another thing entirely to claim that one HDMI cable is better than another HDMI cable, when the second isn't even an HDMI cable.

    I tend to think that Monster falls into a gray area. The way they package and market their cables is intended to mislead the customer, but there isn't anything inherently wrong with stating that your cable is compatible with 4K video if that is in fact the case. It's up to the consumer to presume - however incorrectly - that if the expensive cable carries 4K video, then the cheaper cable must not.

    It's also worth noting that if the package has the HDMI logo, then there are some actual guidelines that must be followed due to HDMI licensing requirements.

    In summary, caveat emptor.
  19. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    A few months ago i paid 8.99$ for a 20ft, sleeved HDMI cable on ncix. Great deal :D

    Some reviews said they couldn't get 1080p signal out of them but i had no trouble whatsoever

    Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
  20. Guest-2867

    Guest-2867 Guest

    Honestly, in a forum full of modders, i'm amazed there's so much 'hoo har' about this.

    Example; How many of you spent £20 extra to buy a PSU sleeving kit before it became the norm for PSU manufacturers to ship them sleeved? How may of you WC your computers because it looks cool, even though it may not be strictly necessary? etc etc

    I'll spend £30 instead of £2 on a HDMI cable if I please because it looks 'cooler'

    I'm not disputing Comet's shady tactics, but hey if the average Joe walks out happier for it then what's the harm? They do say ignorance is bliss.

    Far worse goes on in the Hi-fi industry as demonstrated earlier in the thread


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