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Windows EVE Online Players Sound Off!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by RotoSequence, 10 Sep 2006.

  1. Cruelinios

    Cruelinios EvE Addict

    21 Jan 2002
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    Yeah, you need to go to www.eveonline.com/api , get your API details of your account, then put that into evemon and you can then start setting up skill plans.

    Best thing to go is aim for a good ship for doing missions, if you're new then aim for a cruiser from the race you are ... then battlecruiser ... then battleship (take about 5 months to get to). If Caldari, then improve your shield skills (engineering) and missile skills. Gallente then do armor (mechanic) and gunnery skills for hybrid weapons (railguns and blasters). Amarr do armor skills again but improve skills for gunnery, specifically pulse or beam lasers. Minmatar are a bit harder as you can shield or armor tank them and they use missiles and autocannons/artillery weapons (gunnery).

    If you're not sure how to fit your ship, BattleClinic have a database of good fittings for ships that have been rated by users, http://eve.battleclinic.com/browse_loadouts.php. It's a good place to start. If you see tech 2 modules on ships listed on there, there are always named variants you can use as a substitute, just find the module you want to fit in eve, then go to info on it and the variations tab gives you similar modules. T2 stuff is always very skill intensive so beware.

    Eve fitting tool
    is the ONLY tool to use when you want to fit ships, it has every module and takes your skills into account, check it out.
  2. kingred

    kingred Surfacing sucks!

    27 Mar 2008
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    Battleclinic is pretty bad, I would recommend looking for the new failheap challenge forum, where it will teach you about fitting, usage and methodology.
  3. Jards8595

    Jards8595 Minimodder

    31 Aug 2011
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    Been Playing since december 2009 and still a proper Noob!! Addicted to it but havent played for a few months owing to the fact im in Afghanistan haha back soon tho
  4. Future Dilution

    Future Dilution What's a Dremel?

    29 Aug 2011
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    Wondered how long it would be before I found an eve thread :p. Been playing since 2004, currently in RVB, and I think I've finally had enough... again sub cancelled! (again)
  5. Jards8595

    Jards8595 Minimodder

    31 Aug 2011
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    You'll be back!! RvB has always had me interested, how have u found it?
  6. Future Dilution

    Future Dilution What's a Dremel?

    29 Aug 2011
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    Its a lot of fun, you don't have to go far for a battle. The Red and Blue HQ are a system apart and there's always people roaming.

    Most people fly T1 ships, which is preferred but you can generally fly want you want as long as you don't mind losing it, just don't be a dick about it. i.e. killing rifters on the undock in a battle ship and docking up again.

    The most fun I have had are at RVB events, Babushka Bawl, everyone starts in a frigate, once it dies you get a destroyer, then cruiser etc to bs. Then there's Cruiser Bawl, everyone has 10 t1 fitted T1 cruisers (supplied by the CEO) you all warp into the same place, and see what happens, can last for hours!

    Last even was FFA weekend, max gangs of 3 from any one in RVB I missed it but looked messy!
  7. Jards8595

    Jards8595 Minimodder

    31 Aug 2011
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    Sounds cracking.

    That babushka brawl sounds especially freakin great i might steal tat idea to take back to my alliance when i get back from this sand pit.

  8. MightyBenihana

    MightyBenihana Do or do not, there is no try

    8 Sep 2011
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    AlphaAngel checking in.

    Haven't managed to log in lately since the last update pushed the minimum specs to far for my aging laptop.

    I don't have my desktop as that is in the UK but I have managed to convince the other half to let me buy myself a new rig in october/November time.

    Ill be back on then but just a little guttd as I have missed out on about 6m SP. Think im currently around the 75m SP mark.
  9. Jards8595

    Jards8595 Minimodder

    31 Aug 2011
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    I'm in the process of building a new desktop to enjoy the gamne in all its glory!!

    AlphaAngel you know u can turn all that walking in station crap off, then maybe your laptop will cope?

    I use a laptop myself at the moment to play (well not for the last 3 months due to work commitments)
  10. MightyBenihana

    MightyBenihana Do or do not, there is no try

    8 Sep 2011
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    GAme won't even let me go to the login page, I get a message saying out of date graphics card detected SM3 required etc etc.

    I was playing on my old MBP (I know, the horror) which has a ATI x1600 mobile card. It just about runs Civ 5 at low settings however.

    I had to leave my desktop in the UK when I moved to Brazil. The good news however is I have convinced her to let me buy a new system as I now 'need' a SFF system. 570 gtx Twin Frozr iii here I come!!!
  11. ccxo

    ccxo On top of a hill

    23 Oct 2009
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    Until this game actualy gives us a expansion that we can actualy do stuff in and start fixing problems, the game isnt going forward at all.
  12. Jards8595

    Jards8595 Minimodder

    31 Aug 2011
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    Sweet mate, my new build budget just keeps gettin bigger and all i play is EvE, Football manager and Civ...... for now :D
  13. MightyBenihana

    MightyBenihana Do or do not, there is no try

    8 Sep 2011
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    Hang on thats all I play to! Are you me?
  14. Jards8595

    Jards8595 Minimodder

    31 Aug 2011
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    Double post
    Last edited: 17 Sep 2011
  15. Jards8595

    Jards8595 Minimodder

    31 Aug 2011
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    lol you have good taste my friend

    but once my new machine is built im sure i will be playing a few more
  16. Leitchy

    Leitchy Minimodder

    5 Oct 2004
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    Get a room
  17. spectre456

    spectre456 What's a Dremel?

    29 Dec 2007
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    I bought incarna in a steam sale a few days ago to give this game a whirl. The difficulty has always interested me. made a brutor character and I've done the third combat mission. I'm considering a career in mining.

    The only thing I'm having a really hard time grasping is the traveling aspect. I find the starmap to be quite confusing. But I suppose it can wait. I'll finish the tutorial before I consider exploring since there give you quite a bit of cash.

    What I came to ask was if anyone could summarise for me, the big players and corps in eve. Who should I stay clear from (apart from pirates) and who I should keep an eye on.

  18. ccxo

    ccxo On top of a hill

    23 Oct 2009
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    Do finish the tutorial.

    Mining is okay if you enjoy it, not the most profitable way to make money in eve but if you enjoy it then continue with it.

    Haldas mining guide is the best guide to mining in eve.

    The star map is pretty simple, universe or solar system views but mainly you will use the star map for traveling about though you will most likely stay in high sec so wont need to worry about low sec.
    As you're char is new the map should plot routs around low sec etc, will get a warning before jumping into low sec/0.0. If you do enter these areas of eve space you can be agressed freely by any other player, war decs and sucide ganking are the only ways to die in empire.

    EVE has 1000's of corps from a few people to thousands of members that are either in alliances which can be big or small. So a list is quite a complex thing to compile, if you can be more specific then its easier to answer.

    0.0 allainces are the easiest to list as they own space and are visible on sov maps/ low sec is harder as you have to live there to know which alliances/corps are there.

    Empire the corp lists can be endless, from carebares to mercs, its quite big.

    As a new player you will most likely be in high sec, in a npc (non player corporation) which is immune from war dec's but high tax rate. So early days in eve will be pretty safe as long as you dont agress people otherwise concord will kill u.
    spectre456 likes this.
  19. spectre456

    spectre456 What's a Dremel?

    29 Dec 2007
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    Been reading Haldas' guide for a bit.

    I want to know if it's possible for me to buy another race's ship. If so, are there race specific bonuses for sticking to my own race's ships as opposed to another race's ship?

    Regarding territories and Corps. Are human pirates classed under a corporation?

    If i decide to mine in nullsec, what are the basic requirements i should meet in order to defend myself?

    Thanks for the previous response (have some +rep)
  20. suenstar

    suenstar Collector of Things

    13 Sep 2009
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    There's absolutely no bonus for flying your own ships, you just train the skill for the ship you want and you're set. It's usually best to pick one race's ships to start with until you can comfortably fly a couple of ships.

    You'll find each race equally has a good range of ships to fit each role, so there's no stopping you from switching to go with the ones you think look the best. :)

    Personally I stay clear of mining nowadays, so can't really help there... I found it a little too soul destroying with the vast nothingness of waiting for rocks to be collected. Generally the basic requirement though is to have enough shield/armour repairing to counter anything the NPC belt rats throw at you.
    It's always useful to fly with a small group when living in nullsec space, not always necessary but it helps (especially when one of the pilots has trained their leadership skills to give fleet bonuses (increased shield, mining yields, etc.).

    As for your question of big corps/people to make friends with or stay clear of, that's quite a tricky one as one man's good friend is likely to be another's biggest enemy. I'm primarily a manufacturer and trader, so I'm usually considered neutral to most of the big alliances but sometimes have a few bad experiences when dealing with people in the Test alliance.

    Human pirates are generally part of a small player-made corporation/alliance, a few fly solo or in pairs but most are a part of a corporation. The majority stick to low security space, generally in systems that border a high security system as it tends to be quite lucrative.
    It's sometimes hard to tell if someone's corporation is a pirate one (most of them advertise that they're pirates, but some are a bit more quiet about it), so you might find it a good thing to get yourself into a mind to be cautious around anyone until you get to know them.

    Also along with Halada's mining guide, you might want to look up the ISK: Industrial Sized Knowledge-base guide (it's pretty much a one-stop shop for information on a lot of things in EVE and a great look-up reference: (link) - the current version is over 400 pages long, so there's a lot to read!).
    There's also the EVE Career Guide that they've linked on their own website: (link) - it's a little outdated and I'd recommend taking everything they say with a pinch... or maybe a handful of salt.
    spectre456 likes this.

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