Anonymous Attacks Child Porn Websites

Discussion in 'Serious' started by lp1988, 25 Oct 2011.

  1. lp1988

    lp1988 Minimodder

    24 Jun 2008
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    Anonymous Attacks Child Porn Websites and Publish User Names

    This is in my eyes awesome news, with the skill (and lack of respect for the general law) this group has they can really do some damage to these sick *******s. My only concern is that some governments may not use this for anything because the evidence came forth the way it did. But this may help on the fact that there are currently no proper international effort to catch these people.

    “We are Anonymous.
    We are Legion.
    We do not forgive.
    We do not forget.
    Expect us.”​
    Last edited: 25 Oct 2011
  2. kenco_uk

    kenco_uk I unsuccessfully then tried again

    28 Nov 2003
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    This is amazing. Go Anon!
  3. Blazza181


    19 Apr 2011
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    My only issue is that these sickos might learn from where they made a mistake, and will try to patch it up.
    I do think it's totally right morally, but might have some slight implications.
  4. yassarikhan786

    yassarikhan786 Ultramodder(Not)

    10 Aug 2011
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    This is amazing. Those sick f***s deserve anything bad that happens to them.
  5. lp1988

    lp1988 Minimodder

    24 Jun 2008
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    Not just slight.

    You could see this as undermining our system where it is supposed to be the law that punishes people, and this is actually an act of taking the law in ones own hands.

    To top this off some people may actually use this as a reason for more control of the internet as it apparently is a place ridden with pedobears and lawless hackers. This may actually contribute to more control of the internet.

    But yet if people was beating up a pedophile in the middle of the street I would properly make sure they had something heavy to beat them with, preferably something spiked.
  6. .//TuNdRa

    .//TuNdRa Resident Bulldozer Guru

    12 Feb 2011
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    The issues with this are twofold. One: The paedophiles are learning that their usual hiding place isn't safe, and two; Anon could be ruining evidence used in legal investigations to try and get the sites in question taken down anyway.

    Admittedly; it's wonderful to see Paedos getting their comeuppance in this matter, and from Anon too, but I fear that there won't be any lasting repercussions for the people that they may be able to publish details on. Any actions by the law enforcement services in any of the countries that the paedophiles are found in could be found as entrapment. After all "Anon could've planted the files"
  7. Byron C

    Byron C Multimodder

    12 Apr 2002
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    I'm in two minds about this, and anonymous in general. Yes, child pornography is wrong and must be stopped, but anonymous are probably breaking more than their fair share of laws by taking the actions that they do. That doesn't mean that I disagree with them, but I may question their methods.

    If you put aside the emotional questions, it's an interesting question of morals: is child pornography more wrong than a DDOS attack? They both break the law, after all. If anonymous' actions aren't deemed to be wrong, then just how much will people let them get away with? How far do you want to push that boundary?

    I would probably be one defending the paedophile (though probably not phyiscally if he was being beaten with something spiked!). Not because I support what he has done or I agree with him, but because he's a fellow human being who's being treated unfairly. He might be a complete a$$hole and his actions may have been inexcusable, but - as with anonymous DDOS attacks - does that make it okay for people to beat him in the street? After all, he's still a human being with just as many basic human rights as you have.
  8. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    makes me wonder how they know of 40 pedo websites.. now let's see who disappears off this forum xD
  9. kenco_uk

    kenco_uk I unsuccessfully then tried again

    28 Nov 2003
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    I'm not sure how you can load these two into the same boat tbh :eeek:
  10. Margo Baggins

    Margo Baggins I'm good at Soldering Super Moderator

    28 May 2010
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    anon are the ghosts of internets past. They know of all websites.
  11. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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  12. Votick

    Votick My CPU's hot but my core runs cold.

    21 May 2009
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    Go Go Anonymous
  13. lp1988

    lp1988 Minimodder

    24 Jun 2008
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    Well ethically we have no right to beat such a person, however in my mind paedophilia is such an awful act that I would have no problem with these people being castrated with dull garden shears. But I don't see that entering the law any time soon.

    The basic human rights are not without limits, where are these limits, well right where all other peoples rights start. Taking away peoples basic right to freedom is taken away if you do any major crime, thus the basic rights only apply if you do not step on the basic rights of other people. Paedophilia is pretty much the worst thing you can do, worse than straight up murder, so no I am not going to stand up for his "rights" as I have a hard time even calling him for a human any more.

    And yes it IS a double standard I know that but it is pretty much the only standards we have.

    I do only support anon in this as there really is no proper response from the police regarding this problem, they are not good enough and have too many rules and too little teamwork world wide to properly tackle this problem. So the only ones that may actually be able to do damage to these people are groups like Anonymous, and until things change this is the best there is.
  14. SuicideNeil

    SuicideNeil What's a Dremel?

    17 Aug 2009
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    It's an interesting dilemma; in ye olden days it was perfectly normal & acceptable to marry off your 12 yearold daughter to an older man, in many parts of the world it is still normal, especially in the bible belt of America where most of the religious loonies have their weird polygamist cults.
    Thankfully though such practices are deemed morally unacceptable by the majority, it's just the sickos that get a kick out of child porn who are the bigger problem these days- there are legal ways & means of dealing them, but you do have to wonder why these child porn sites and servers haven't been found already and taken offline by the authorities. Are they unable, or just unknowing?

    Seems in this case 2 wrongs do make a right; childporn sites get taken down by vigilante hackers; the long term implications and fallout may cause problems, may not- depends if the authorities can prove that the list of users whom names were revealed were actually users, or just innocent victims of anon; I imagine some seizing of computers and inspecting of HDDs will sort that out quite easily...
  15. Byron C

    Byron C Multimodder

    12 Apr 2002
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    But don't you find it inherently wrong to inflict an excessively violent retribution? I might want to punch people now and then, but that doesn't mean I'd want to beat them to a bloody pulp or stand by while it happens.

    If someone breaks the law, then we have laws and punishments in place to deal with offenders. Whether or not you think the punishment may not adequately fit the crime is irrelevant - it doesn't give anyone the right to inflict vigilante justice. What if you've got the wrong person? That's happened in the past and it often destroys the victim's life.

    Just to be clear, I'm not defending the actions of paedophiles or child pornographers in any way. I just don't think a lynch mob or castration - physical or chemical - is the best way to punish them.

    Perhaps I'm just too much of a bleeding-heart liberal lefty...
    Sloth likes this.
  16. erratum1

    erratum1 What's a Dremel?

    30 Apr 2009
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    I don't agree with vigilante justice, people breaking the law going after other people breaking the law.

    And why were some of there members browsing CP links, if there viewing and downloading this stuff they themselves could be prosecuted.

    We have the fbi, etc we don't need a bunch of kids running around playing Police.
  17. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    One is "more wrong" than the other from a legal standpoint, one gets a more severe punishment. However, your underlying point holds true in that both are still wrong and the severity of one does not excuse the other.
    I'd do just the same. No one's suddenly sub-human because of a crime which they have committed, he has his rights to a fair trial. A public beating is no such thing. What proof is there of his crimes other than the accusations of his peers? It might all be a misunderstanding, or his actions may not legally be defined as criminal. Or even if he is seemingly guilty I don't have the legal right to make that decision, nor do I have the right to determine a punishment, certainly not a beating.
  18. towelie

    towelie How do I Internet!!

    1 Sep 2011
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    Publish everything you know about them usernames IP's addresses names anything it freakin wrong and they should pay.

    +1 Respect to anon
  19. Measter

    Measter What's a Dremel?

    2 Feb 2008
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    One thing you lot should understand, is that a person being a paedophile purely means that they are sexually attracted to prepubescent children. It does not mean that they are a child molester, or that they use child pornography.

    A paedophile has as much control over what they are attracted to as homosexuals, and last I checked, it was considered morally wrong to persecute homosexuals for being homosexual.
    lp1988 and Sloth like this.
  20. StingLikeABee

    StingLikeABee What's a Dremel?

    17 Nov 2010
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    How many paedophiles then act on their urges and attractions, either by using porn or attacking children? I believe we are right to be suspicious and alarmed by paedophiles, as complacency could lead to increased incidents. Being sexually aroused by children isn't a choice that people make, but we do need to protect our children against those who are. Temptation is a hard task master, as is shown by the numbers of those who do act on it and consequently endanger our children.

    Regarding Anon's actions, I sympathise with their motives, but their actions are counter productive I believe. First, any people identified through the actions of Anon would be pretty free from prosecution, as evidence obtained unlawfully surely could not be used in a court of law? Secondly, these attacks could (and probably will) just drive the people we are trying to catch further underground. This could hamper any investigations being carried out by the authorities.

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