Steam Skyrim?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Karas, 15 Sep 2011.

  1. Tangster

    Tangster Butt-kicking for goodness!

    23 May 2009
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    Do you have the annoying shadows appear about 500m away from you problem, because that's all that really bugs be right now.
  2. Journeyer

    Journeyer Minimodder

    31 Aug 2006
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    Ah yes, detailed faces.
    I'm running that one as well.

    Edit: And of course the 4Gb patch...
    Last edited: 13 Dec 2011
  3. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    Da_Rude_Baboon likes this.
  4. Fused

    Fused Minimodder

    19 Jun 2007
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  5. Neogumbercules

    Neogumbercules What's a Dremel?

    14 Aug 2004
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    I love the freedom this game offers.

    I managed to get a quest from some kid who wanted his evil orphanage teacher killed. He was doing the ritual to summon the Dark Brotherhood but I managed to intervene somehow, and felt somewhat railroaded on this quest line. I'm playing a thief/assassin type, but I'm playing as a good guy so I don't want to join the Dark Brotherhood.

    So I go to this orphanage, and sure enough, this chick is threatening beatings and starvation so I figure she has it coming. An arrow through the spine and job's done.

    -Hours- later (days in real time) I decide since I'm in my house I will sleep the night away. I'm a werewolf so I never sleep since I don't get resting bonuses. I just wait all the time when I need to advance the clock. Anyway, I had completely forgotten about this quest but sure enough, I find myself being woken up from a drugged state in a shack out in the middle of nowhere. Above me sits a chick in cool red/black armor named Astrid telling me I did the world a favor by killing Grelod the Kind, but that I intervened in official Dark Brotherhood business. It was not my place to act as an agent of the Dark Brotherhood and steal a job from them. I now have to pay the price.

    With me in this shack are 3 other captives on their knees with bags over their heads. Two of them are innocent victims and one of them is an actual Dark Brotherhood target. It is my job to talk to all 3 of them and decide which one is the real target and kill him/her.

    The first one I talked to was a crabby, brazen old lady with nothing but contempt for the situation and not an ounce of fear in her voice. The second was a sleazy Kajit who admitted openly that he feels saddened every day goes by when the Dark Brotherhood doesn't make a move on him. He confesses to killing, stealing, and being generally dirty. The last guy was a cowardly sellsword who had no idea what was going on and was frightened out of his mind, begging for his life.

    I sat for a minute and considered my options. Maybe there's a clue on Astrid. I make a pickpocket attempt on her, but her inventory is empty. OK. No clues to go on other than what these people have said to me.

    Let's consider my options: This kid drags me into a situation I don't really want to be involved with but I agree to go along with it thinking I'll have an option to maybe talk Grelod down. When I get to the Orphanage she really is a pitiless, evil, violent old woman that beats and starves children. I figure I'm doing the world a favor by killing her.

    Next thing I know I'm drugged, abducted from my home, dragged into the middle of nowhere, locked in a shack with a bunch of strangers and here's this woman telling me that I owe HER a favor and I have no choice but to ruthlessly murder a complete stranger, and I'm not even being told if I'm killing a completely innocent person. You know what?

    Homie don't play that.

    You know who I AM, Astrid? I'm the mutha fuggin DRAGONBORN! Ain't nobody gonna drag me out into the middle of nowhere and tell me what to do.

    I Fus Ro Dah'd her ass and put two daggers in her gut in a slow motion flurry of pain. Then I stole her boss Dagger which absorbs health and her sweet ass outfit which improves my sneak, makes me inaudible and DOUBLES my Back Attack damage. With the 15x perk + those gloves I now do THIRTY TIMES damage with Sneak Attacks which are damn near guaranteed with all of that sneaking gear I took from her.

    The act of killing her triggered a new quest that told me to head on down to Dragon Bridge and tell the Imperial Captain there about Astrid. I freed up the captives and went on my merry way.

    Guess what. I killed 3 dragons on the way there. Maybe if Astrid had seen that happen she wouldn't have messed with me.

    Anyway, the Imperial guy told me where their hideout was and what the password is. I mosey over there and sneak into the Dark Brotherhood hideout and murder every single person in the place with Astrid's own gear. None of them ever saw me coming. Quest Completed. Bitch.

    And that's not the only time I didn't do what the game told me to do.

    I managed to dig my nose too deep in Silver-Blood business. They happen to have a little deal with the Forsworn. Thonar keeps the Forsworn King nice and cozy in his jail cell down in the mines and allows him to command his tribes from there. In return, the Forsworn are used to attack the Silver-Blood's enemies. I guess I knew too much, because before I knew it my contact was dead and I was stripped of my gear and tossed in the mines. Life sentence.

    I managed to trade some booze for a shiv, and that shiv for a meeting with the King. Turns out he wants to manipulate me, too. He knows the way out and wants to know if he can trust me. He gives me a new shiv and tells me to go kill a fellow prisoner. The target is a snitch and a thief, but harmless. He's the one I got the first shiv from. Didn't seem like a bad guy to me, but the king says he's gotta die.

    Turns out the King was right not to trust me. I've been getting ganked by those Forsworn A-holes in The Reach ever since I traveled there, and I didn't to dick to them. Now the King, a guy responsible for thousands of deaths and giving the corrupt Silver-Bloods their secret army, wants me to work for him?

    I don't think this guy got the memo. I'm the mutha fuggin DRAGONBORN! I KILL DRAGONS for a living and STEAL THEIR SOULS. Does this crumby old man think I'm gonna be some Forsworn lacky. Hey man. I see your letter, I see your key. Guess what?

    I turned around and jammed that shiv right up his cornhole. Then I Yol'd his face off, took his key, and escaped the damn jail myself. Again, the game supported this action and instead of just failing me, shifted the quest to accomodate my actions.

    Turns out that Thonar guys crapped his pants so hard when he found out what I did that he cleared my name, gave me back all of my stuff, and made me a hero of The Reach.

    That's cuz I'm the damn Dragonborn. I do what I want.
  6. Da_Rude_Baboon

    Da_Rude_Baboon What the?

    28 Mar 2002
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  7. law99

    law99 Custom User Title

    24 Sep 2009
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    Last edited: 13 Dec 2011
  8. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    Well i just bought Skyrim for £20 at Game!
  9. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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  10. MiNiMaL_FuSS


    24 Dec 2003
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    I also did the first one - and loved that the quest changed to accommodate me, no hint that it was allowed...thought it would just be quest failed. This game amazes me with actions like that.
  11. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    yeah what really got me is the story about the snow elfs.. when you realize who they were, you look at the dwemer in a totally different light

    @neo you missed out on a lot of content if you wiped out the brotherhood.. I was brotherhood in obvilion too- but the night mother was buried under a statue remember- was cool is you could be as evil as they come in oblivion and the king would wipe your bounty at the end.. those poor guards
  12. Draksis

    Draksis What's a Dremel?

    21 Oct 2009
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    Really cool, gonna go for this for my "Talos smite thee!" Paladin (Resto SpellSword)

    Any word if this can also happen with the thievies guild? I think not though as there a few misc. quests that end there (unsual gems)
  13. Jedra

    Jedra Supermodel

    11 Sep 2010
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    Has anyone out there installed the 11.12 AMD CCC drivers? Are they better than the 11.11c performance drivers? 11.11c contained some specific Skyrim fixes and I can't find any mention of Skyrim in the release notes for 11.12.

    EDIT --->

    OK. just found out that there are already preview drivers AFTER 11.12! Here if anyone is interested - specific Skyrim fixes included.
  14. Dwarfer

    Dwarfer What's a Dremel?

    30 Mar 2011
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    Looks like the 11.12 are faster than 11.11C...
  15. Jedra

    Jedra Supermodel

    11 Sep 2010
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  16. Da_Rude_Baboon

    Da_Rude_Baboon What the?

    28 Mar 2002
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    A nooby question. How do you build up your skills such as speech? Combat and armour goes up as you use them. Do you just have to talk a lot?
  17. TheKrumpet

    TheKrumpet Once more, into the breach!

    18 Oct 2011
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    Trading is the primary way to do this. Succesful persuasions/intimidations also help.
  18. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    Starting again with a new character, haven't gotten far but like the idea of being an elf thief type. I used to do all round character but think i will do a solely sneaky character!
  19. Tibby

    Tibby Back Once Again

    9 Oct 2005
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    I think I'm gonna do another run through with an Elf-Sneak style as well. I love being a big badass Nord, but it's just so clumsy using big axes.
  20. Almightyrastus

    Almightyrastus On the jazz.

    21 Mar 2002
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    I'm finding that a sneaky Nord can have a lot of fun too. Dark Brotherhood armour with a few one handed and sneak perks backed up with an ebony dagger equals lots of sneak kill fun (30x damage with daggers is awesome).

    Of course there are always going to be times when a less than subtle approach is needed in which case the dual ebony axes come out to play. A good combo with those and the marked for death shout and even dragons don't get a chance to do much.

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