Windows Guild Wars 2

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by JPClyde, 10 Apr 2012.

  1. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    Up to 50 now, and I really like the world events where everyone in the zone flocks to one area to kill a giant boss for loot and chests. It's nice to see people working together (Of course its only for the loot) but people actually revive you when you're downed, and its always fun killing something that takes up your entire screen!
  2. freshsandwiches

    freshsandwiches Can I do science to it?

    9 Aug 2009
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    I got this at 8am today. I don't have a guild wars or guild wars 2 account.
  3. Professor Chaox

    Professor Chaox What's a Dremel?

    23 May 2011
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    My friends and I are on Desolation also. Not had too much time with it yet, but looks like there is a good number of BT guys on there so should be good for some PVP.
  4. Harlequin

    Harlequin Modder

    4 Jun 2004
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    i got this email as well today - and like the above poster dont have an account
  5. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    I have yet to have this email about password reset but thats been disabled or should have been. Problem is the details for GW2 are the same for GW1.

    I like the connection confirmation email. Good way of protecting users.
  6. [PUNK] crompers

    [PUNK] crompers Dremedial

    20 May 2008
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    log in server down again, seems to die a lot
  7. hoochy

    hoochy Need moar cooling

    16 May 2012
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    hmm - im currently logged in - they did do a reset earlier for a new build so might be something to do with that
  8. Smellyhead

    Smellyhead Minimodder

    29 Jun 2011
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    Just done my first "elite/group" event which was insanely hard!

    In the Asura area with two friends and about 20 other people, the boss just kept spitting out fire balls that roll across the floor in random directions plus AoE fire spouts that spawn under you, so if people grouped up you died. It seemed to 1 shot my Warrior though. :S

    I think I died 5 times due to the amount of damage the adds/boss abilities did most of the time being 1 shot. Though it was good fun and I came out with 6 blue items and 1 green.
  9. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    I managed to run from Queensdale to Lions Arch only dying once. Avoided all enemies and quests just to get there.

    Took part in PvP. Stole a five kills in a row. All players being level 80 myself being 17 at the time.

    Kind of fun can't wait to be stronger. Though its not your level that counts its the skill set and weapons used.

    Unlike GW where it was skills used not what gear your had.
  10. Wicked_Sludge

    Wicked_Sludge My eyes! The goggles do nothing!

    15 Aug 2010
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    i hate that damn fire elemental! id love to know why they put such a difficult boss in such a low level area. i fought that thing at several levels all the way up to level 30-something (metrica province is level 1-15) and he will one shot you with those fireballs every time.

    you know theres an asura gate in divinitys reach that leads to LA....:hehe:
  11. hoochy

    hoochy Need moar cooling

    16 May 2012
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    Well I have managed to reach the dizzy heights of level 16 :eek: I am absolutely loving it so far. I have 100% the Charr 1-15 starting zone and it has been great fun thus far. Started to level up leatherworking with all the mats I have attained on my travel.

    Oh and I did manage to sell something on the TP for the very short time it was up/available to me!

    Would like to try out some pvp and WvW but was in the queue for WvW for over and hour with no luck. :( is this normal? Anyone else had any better luck?
  12. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    The WvW queues will vary depending on players time zones, time of day, and what day. Weekends will always be constantly busy, but during afternoon hours during the week they'll be a lot faster / possibly insta-queue's. Another thing is with a lot of the guilds, they have designated times where they basically control the entire battleground so you have large groups all queue'ing at the same time to play at a specific time period (In the eastern time zone, during the morning and afternoon no real queue issues, but in the evening and at night they're super long, longest I've waited was an hour).

    I like how you don't HAVE to be 80 to pvp, you're just at a disadvantage because you don't have all your skills unlocked at the lower levels. I believe you can't get elite skills until 20 or 30? I also like how unlike most MMO's, pvp requires strategy and a small group can successfully defend or attack positions if they do it tactically. One of the biggest issues I have with unorganized groups is people who only attack gates. Oil, and siege on the walls are the main priority as they'll be doing all the damage while you try to take a gate down. If you ignore it, you'll never be able to take anything over. Things need to be organized and tactical in order to be successful. Earlier this morning we had a big zerg group who just capped everything and moved on, we just kept being back-capped and no one was reinforcing or defending, so we just annoyed the other realms but really didn't do anything to stop or push them back.

    Back to co-ordination, players should always carry around supply with them so when you go to siege towers and such if someone has a blueprint you can contribute to the structure to make attacking or defending easier. Siege weapons are a huge part of the PvP. Having a few trebuchets for long distance assaults give you an advantage, but the issue is a lot of people don't carry the supply to complete the structures.
  13. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    I knew that was more fun running there from the location I was at the:p
  14. deathtaker27

    deathtaker27 Modder

    17 Apr 2010
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    There is now space on desolation again if anyone wants to come over

    Can I also get an invite to the guild?
  15. Ivoryspike

    Ivoryspike Air Cooled

    11 Jan 2010
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    Hey guys, I'm on Desolation also, just started playing. Any chance of an invite? My tag is Inhibitor.3072, playing a thief (Ivoryspike). Tried the elemental first but didn't get on with it, might give it another go later tho. Much preferring the combat type than other mmo's I've played, much more involving. Getting used to the different characters before I jump into pvp. Gonna be so hooked when I get around to WvW by the sounds of.
  16. lp rob1

    lp rob1 Modder

    14 Jun 2010
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    I fought the fire elemental at the Reactor today. A very difficult battle - with about 30 people at once, 20 were downed or defeated at one time. Fireballs everywhere, ember creatures spawning constantly - basically hell in a nutshell. But we did eventually manage to defeat it, and got some nice loot :D
  17. Digi

    Digi The not-so-funny Cockney

    23 Nov 2009
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    I hit rank 10 glory today in pvp and am level 36 pve. Loving every minute of it!

    BUT! Some problems I've had:
    - I got DC'd for 6 hours Saturday night due to an e-mail authentication problem (it was a general issue)
    - PvP has been up and down like a yoyo all weekend, especially today.
    - My personal story quest has bugged and won't progress leaving it stranded.
    - Dungeons are impossible due to not being able to get in with your group.
    - I haven't been able to create a alt char due to game client connect errors. (general issue)
    - Lag has been sporadicly appearing.

    Despite all these issues I'm not souring on the game at all, it's that good - and I've played every major MMO in the last 10 years - so I'm willing to give it time and enjoy the parts I can.

    I won't be joining the CPC guild Dom (or anybody else..), I'm in a guild with some IRL friends and mates I've played with across a few MMO's. You're welcome to join it.. :)
  18. Smellyhead

    Smellyhead Minimodder

    29 Jun 2011
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    You can be in multiple guilds at the same time on GW, you don't have to leave you RL friends for the CPC guild. :)

    Also you don't need to be on Desolation to play with/be in the guild.
  19. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    I have been whispering you in game to come on mumble and join the guild all week. Also add me to friends dude. I am level 18. Played a little pvp.

    Currently finishing some Guild Wars Titles and the latest event. Elona to run around and two places in EOTN to go too.

    I plan in repeating one quest 40 times to get another weapon to add to HoM. The quest will also bump my Vanguard title up to finish it.

    Ran around Rata Sum for the free exp too.
  20. brave758

    brave758 Minimodder

    16 Apr 2009
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