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Scratch Build – In Progress THE SAMURAI SACRILEGIUM

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by abbas-it, 7 Jan 2013.

  1. abbas-it

    abbas-it We came, we saw, we mod, you awe!

    1 Jun 2011
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    hi everyone, i did a little more on the base and here are the pictures.
    also a video to show ho the main keyboard drawer which is also the monitor base too will basically work. still a lot to do here. i had to stick another thicker ply plate to the base underneath to give it more stability. dont want it to bend under the SAMURAIs weight later on. as you can see the kvm will also be integrated. evene though the whole build is an all in one, i want that you can switch between the internal pc or the external source for more versatility.
    more to come

    two of the holes were not exactly lined up properly, have sewn them up with pegs again and will bore them anew to get them right. maybe its time i bought a ruler and went to the opticians :D
    i decided to shorten the base tunnel between the drawer and case to lessen the height in a whole of the case and compensate for the drawer height a bit. i chopped of
    about two inches, the picture shows only about one, but i cut twice to get it right.

    this is a 12 volt gear motor and will be driven back and forth by pole exchanging the wires and the biswitcher
    [​IMG]set in two stop switches to cut the power and stop the motor for the other direction can be fine adjusted by the coat hanger wire seter by unscrewing a bit and sliding.
    and here is the video first trial result of this ordeal.

    oops, anyone know how i can insert a youtube link here, somehow cant get it in
    more to come
    Last edited: 21 Jan 2013
  2. SuicideNeil

    SuicideNeil What's a Dremel?

    17 Aug 2009
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    You just need to use [noparse][/noparse] tags like this to embed videos- and only include the part of the link after 'v=' :thumb:
  3. dreps

    dreps Minimodder

    3 Oct 2012
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    nice idea you got there! very stylish
  4. abbas-it

    abbas-it We came, we saw, we mod, you awe!

    1 Jun 2011
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    thanks mate, will hopefully get it right next time thanks to your help.
    appreciate it.
  5. GLA-58

    GLA-58 What's a Dremel?

    1 Sep 2011
    Likes Received:
    The drool-factor is getting bigger and bigger. keep up the work so we can awe. :D
  6. abbas-it

    abbas-it We came, we saw, we mod, you awe!

    1 Jun 2011
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    thanks mate, still a lot to do though.
    here is a small update, its a back plate for the back which will have a purpose too when its ready.
    its not exactly finished yet though.
    will be doing more today and sending an update again asap.

    the back panel is drop in, i lift it up a bit under the top nippon bow and drop it into plave , so its doesnt have to be fixed, works great and gives me easy and quick access to the rear without any srewing needed.
    for the first plate i scrounged around in internet and found this one, will be slightly altered in design.
    more to come tonight..
  7. abbas-it

    abbas-it We came, we saw, we mod, you awe!

    1 Jun 2011
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    hi guys, so have worked a bit again today on the keyboard tray, still getting more conours into it. want to slant it of in the front and back too apart from that i have taken 2 envelope opener and they will be modded into the build too. they are miniature katanas and i have built a cross to hold them with one single rivet later on. they will be shield mounted under the helmet chin. so its back into the basement now to get some more done before beddy byes.
    more to come later
  8. abbas-it

    abbas-it We came, we saw, we mod, you awe!

    1 Jun 2011
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    hi guys, here is the next update, have been filing on the keyboard drawer a bit and also set in some ports at the back. still a lot to do but now the main base is finished i can decorate it accordingly. here is alsoa small video to show the top flap which moves up and down to cover the keyboard totally when retreated and concealed. tomorrow i will start decorating and doing it up to match the whole concept.
    more to come tomorrow
  9. abbas-it

    abbas-it We came, we saw, we mod, you awe!

    1 Jun 2011
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    hi everyone, so its now time for an update again, have worked on certain different parts. the keyboard locker and the samurai fan etc.. here are some picx.
    these are sliders so that the drawer doesnt touch the top flap. made of coathanger wires, will be polished afterwards
    every samurai has a ceremonial fan and even though its not exactly the feature i like the most, its part of the theme so here it is. will hold then camers chin prtotection servos, monitor leds and push buttons etc.. wehen painted it will look great. have carved and sanded it to look as if its really overlapper parts
    i needed more body and depth so here i fitted a frame around it.
    now i have enough depth for the elektronics
    looks pretty 3d ish, i like it
    will use these rivets to press the monitor button behind them
    this servo controler is for the chin dropper on the helmet, to close or open the camera view
    had to adjust and cut out the back cable tunnels a bit
    when this knob is fitted it hould make the fan look a bit like the japanese red dot in the flag and the ceremonial samurai fanner

    so guys, that all for now, more tonight or tomorrow, wanns get some paint on this one soon. hope the weather gets better so as for drying better.:D
  10. k.3nny

    k.3nny Minimodder

    27 Jan 2010
    Likes Received:
    sick, just sick.

    Looking soo professional :D!
  11. mal

    mal What's a Dremel?

    20 Nov 2012
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    You're doing an awesome job so don't take this as critisim, merely a suggestion.

    The detail work is so stunning I cringe every time you show a hole drilled through it. How about making the fan manually rotate to reveal the controls behind it? Kinda like you did with the sliding webcam cover up top.

    Since I would probably mess up the powerplug hole if I tried something like this; I will take full credit for the whole project if you implement my idea! ;-)

    Last edited: 4 Feb 2013
  12. abbas-it

    abbas-it We came, we saw, we mod, you awe!

    1 Jun 2011
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    thanks mate, glad you like it.

    hey mal hows it going, and dont worry no offense taken. yeah that would be a nice idea too.
    the fan is actually a dummy, even though i did think of making a real one. if i had then letting it open to show the buttons would have indeed been a good idea.
    but since i wanted to get it tough enough and to hold the servo fan ctrl. i made it this way, its not exactly finishe yet though. will change a lot. the knob is too big too, will also change.
    much much more to come. havent even started the rear yet either. i have a lot more surprises coming. am glad you like it:D
  13. shrop

    shrop El Jefe of Sleeving

    22 Jul 2011
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    How did I miss this?! Words cannot describe all types of how awesome this is! Mad props dude, excellent!
  14. Waynio

    Waynio Relaxing

    20 Aug 2009
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    Love it abbas & keen as ever to watch it progress. :)
  15. abbas-it

    abbas-it We came, we saw, we mod, you awe!

    1 Jun 2011
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    hi everyone and all i can say is thanks for the motivating word from all of you, that reall helps and drives me to make this and every other build as good as i can possibly muster..:thumb::thumb::thumb:
    more to come late tonight, will be modding from 21 till about god knows when and will post after wards.
  16. jokkos

    jokkos too busy to mod *sigh*

    10 May 2005
    Likes Received:
    this is true workmanship... everything looks so good, fits so well, it's pretty amazing.
    Can't wait to see what else you've got planned. :clap:
  17. mal

    mal What's a Dremel?

    20 Nov 2012
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    I think you misunderstand me slightly. Im not suggesting making a real fan (though Im sure YOU could and it would be cool!). Keep it solid and hollowed out like you have; just make the whole thing rotate right or left to reveal the controls behind.

    Im living vicariously through your talent. :hip: I will stop now. Carry on. :dremel:

  18. abbas-it

    abbas-it We came, we saw, we mod, you awe!

    1 Jun 2011
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    hi mal, ah i see now what you mean..... i think. well it would certainly have been a good idea, could have been mine, tell you what, "in version 2, will do" .
    more to come tonight, iits down in the basement for now and i will only submegre with something new to show, till then:D
  19. abbas-it

    abbas-it We came, we saw, we mod, you awe!

    1 Jun 2011
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    just amini update, have changed the monitor stud buttins to chrome instead of copper.
    seeing as the eyelets leather bands will be chrome too, they match better
    more to come..have changed the form of the knob too a bit.




  20. morgansk

    morgansk I've got wood

    12 Jan 2013
    Likes Received:
    I'm loving the automated keyboard, that's an excellent feature. Keep up the great work, this one is excellent!

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