Other Games you gave up on...

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Kronos, 20 Jan 2017.

  1. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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    It occurred to me that I seem not to be finishing a lot more games these days and most are of the AAA variety but not all.
    Recent games include.

    Alien isolation This did not grip me right from the start and there was just not enough killing for me, I also thought the alien was pretty meh.

    Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, This I should never have bought as I have long thought the franchise had gone down the toilet. But I succumbed to find that for quite a bit of the game I needed to fly a brick whilst the enemy zipped about I seem to wallow in treacle. But I mainly gave up as the game is far to scripted with short periods of activity strictly linear with long film sequences. Stopped around some battle in space where there seem to be many enemies and I did not seem to be able to destroy them before dying myself.

    Dishonoured 2 I was sort of enjoying this though I felt that the number of collectables to find meant that following the story was difficult. But when I got to the palace which I think was almost at the end I was bored and gave up on it.

    No Man's Sky. This was so repetitive.

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Pripyat.
    I only got this recently to complete the series and after playing for a while I though what no horses or vehicles? What's with all the walking?

    Of course many games I buy in the sales suffer the same result but that is acceptable as you can try games you might not otherwise look at and of course get a refund nowadays.
  2. LennyRhys

    LennyRhys Fan Fan

    16 May 2011
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    Crysis, Bioshock, and Mirror's Edge. Not to say I won't go back to them, but I generally only play the games I have already completed - playing through BL2 again for the gazillionth time and it's still magnificent.
  3. Porkins' Wingman

    Porkins' Wingman Can't touch this

    23 Feb 2008
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    You and the rest of the internet.

    Though I try not to give up on games, generally. I tend to only buy games by reputation, and so if the reputation is really good I want to see a game through to the end to try and understand how that reputation has come about.

    Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii) has a very good reputation, so I made it my first JRPG. I'm about 40hours into it and it's all so samey all the way through - run around, initiating fights with wild animals who most of the time are minding their own business, so that you can level up enough to beat the next forced encounter. The battles are tedious, the environments are vast but most of the time unengaging. The only thing keeping me going is an interest in the story and to find out if anything gets better nearer the end. But it's a lot of hours to make it there, so it's going to remain a slog I fear. But I won't give up. I think. If it represents the very best of JRPGs, I may have to steer clear of the genre in future though.

    I did recently give up on Mount & Blade, but as in, gave up after about 10 minutes gameplay. It is ranked highly on Steam, but it was just too clunky feeling and looking for me to fancy it.

    I had kinda given up on this. I've not played that much of it, but it wasn't wowing me and then I got stuck in a fight with a crazy doctor and I ran out of ammo and had no idea how to resolve the matter. I do intend to return eventually to the game though and probably just start from scratch.
    Last edited: 20 Jan 2017
  4. Aterius Gmork

    Aterius Gmork smell the ashes

    25 Sep 2007
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    Try the shock plasmid. The whole floor is flooded iirc. A few shocks and a few shotgun shots and he's history.

    Also if this is your first playthrough - use the Vita Chambers. I hate them with a passion because they feel so cheap but they will always respawn you with a bit of ammo.

    I'm sure I will get burned alive for this but...

    Half Life 2. I only got this game in the Orange Box. Tried it right after Portal. Lame physics puzzles were revolutionary back in 2000 I guess, but after Portal they just felt really cheap. The game just has not aged very well imo. Then there is this whole Episode 3 / Half Life 3 thing which means the story isn't finished. So why bother honestly?
  5. VipersGratitude

    VipersGratitude Multimodder

    4 Mar 2008
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  6. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    Crysis 3. "Why am I still playing this?"
    Stardew Valley. What do people see in this?
    At this rate.. new DOOM. Pretty much too repetitive.
    Never Alone. Yaaay to yawn quite quickly
    Ori and the Blind forest. Yaaay to yawn quickly
    GTA 4: Why did I not refund this??
    Antichamber: A few hours and yawn
    Psychonauts: Never in the mood
    Vampire Masquerades Bloodlines: Boredboredbored
  7. LennyRhys

    LennyRhys Fan Fan

    16 May 2011
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    Gah... I wasn't going to say it but you've cursed me now. :lol:

    Also, did anybody ever actually play Crysis 3? I thought people bought it just for the viz jizz factor (I did).
  8. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    From memory, though I will be honest and say pretty much every modern game.

    Crysis 3 - same as you Bindi, WTF this game is crap. I think once I was done "ooing" and "Ahhing" at the graphics I realised it wasn't much fun. I got the last level but it was such a slog I gave up.

    GTAV4 - took me three years to run and then realised it was boring.

    GTAV - was enjoying this a lot until I got to Trevor and his vapid personality and the endless shooting missions bored me.

    Mad Max - gave up because the fights were unreasonably difficult. There's fair and there's "do it countless times until it lets you win". Games were once too easy, now some of them are LOLZ hard. I don't like that. I want to enjoy the experience not get all wound up by it.

    The Division - see also - Mad Max. Shame because it had much promise.

    Witcher 3. Gorgeous game, just not my cup of tea. Tried really hard to get into it but it just left me cold.

    I can't even tell you how many games I have played for about an hour and then never played again.

    I think half of the problem is difficultly. It's gone from being far too easy to close to impossible. I still remember completing Donkey Kong 64 and how stupidly hard some of it was (chasing crocs in the barrel...) and yeah, games are just not worth the stress for me.
  9. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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    Not sure I finished Doom either but I really hate final bosses so that may have been the reason. Cannot say I was overly impresed with the game either, I too found it too repetitive.
  10. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    Doom was too repetitive and the map guidance was awful. Some levels I just ran around for an hour trying to find where I had to go. So it too got about four hours. Did enjoy those four hours though.
  11. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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    I seem to have logged 43 hours on this game and reinstalled it to have another playthrough. lol.
  12. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    This. I'm only 1/3rd of the way through. It seems to be. Find the red orbs, rip out heart, kill monsters, repeat over and over. Then get upgrades. I've done 3 hrs so far but it feels like 30. Games reviewers on podcasts I listen to were really digging it for GOTY material and it's got rave reviews on Steam. Seriously? Who do I turn to for advise that gels with my preferences now?
  13. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    I got to the level where you're going up the... I dunno, tower-with-water-in-the-bottom, looks a bit like an oil rig, maybe, but whatever, that bit of Dishonoured, which I think is quite near the end, but for some reason stopped there and never went back to it.
  14. RedFlames

    RedFlames ...is not a Belgian football team

    23 Apr 2009
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    *dons asbestos undercrackers*

    *takes deep breath*

    • Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time... In fact ever Zelda game I've ever tried.
    • The Witcher - wanted to love it [i like the books], but i found the controls too clunky...
    • Psychonauts - same, horrible controls made me rage quit.
    • GTA:IV - clunky controls again [i sense a theme here], only console game i've ever traded in the same day as i got it.
    • Path of Exile - Impenetrably complicated skill tree and equally impenetrable internet guides to said skill tree.
    • World of Warcraft [circa Burning Crusade expansion] - Didn't even make it through the first month, the game was meh and it was just populated with so. many. idiots.
    • Crysis - pretty, but that was about it.
    • Terraria - I just don't see what's fun about this.
    • X-series [specifically X2] - MMO-level grind without the other people to make it bearable.
    • The Telltale chose-your-own-advenute games - Give me a Fighting Fantasy book every time. Not helped by the fact the games all seems to be exactly the sodding same.
  15. Darkwisdom

    Darkwisdom Level 99 Retro Nerd

    27 Aug 2011
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    Fallout 4

    I've never finished the main Quest. The game was kind of dull and boring. Not even touched the DLC I paid for in the Season Pass.
  16. Mister_Tad

    Mister_Tad Will work for nuts Super Moderator

    27 Dec 2002
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    Seems to be a lot of recurring entries here. These ones from recent memory...

    GTA V, Crysis 3, one of the Battlefields that I bothered playing - All with the same reason that I just found I had zero desire to carry on. No particular dislikes about them, just largely indifferent, and there are many other things I could do with my time with a lesser degree of indifference.

    Deus Ex: Human Revolution - I got to the end of the first mission and switched off. Just grated on me. A mate has since advised he had the same sentiment after the first mission but carried on and was delighted with the remainder of the game, so I may give it another try, since I loved the first one.

    Fallout: New Vegas - Hopelessly broken. I got to a point in the game where it just started locking up. Reverted to a slightly earlier save, same thing. I was way too far in to start afresh, so canned it. This wasn't recently, it just stands out because I was pretty disappointed.
  17. RedFlames

    RedFlames ...is not a Belgian football team

    23 Apr 2009
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    I got as far as the first 'boss' fight... which was so horribly out of place and broken it totally killed the game for me.
  18. Mister_Tad

    Mister_Tad Will work for nuts Super Moderator

    27 Dec 2002
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    That was probably all I needed to leave it gathering dust, to be honest.

    Not much gaming going on here these days really, so don't want to waste any of it on rubbish!
  19. RedFlames

    RedFlames ...is not a Belgian football team

    23 Apr 2009
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    Must admit '50 hours of gameplay' is starting to sound more like a threat than a promise.
  20. Porkins' Wingman

    Porkins' Wingman Can't touch this

    23 Feb 2008
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    Now look what you've done - based on your post I re-installed HL2 this afternoon to continue my original playthorugh started in 2010 - I'd put it aside when I got to Ravenholme and just never bothered going back. But played at least 2 hours today and if you ask me it holds up really well. I'm now at the bit where you have to cross a big bridge on foot. How far did you get with it?

    Deus Ex: Human Revolution, I've also struggled with. Have got quite far on it on the Wii U version (previously having abandoned PC version), but I have to admit, the game has never quite done it for me.

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