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Scratch Build – Complete ⭐ Da Module Thingy - Handmade Not Sponsored

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by Jean R built, 19 Feb 2020.

  1. Jean R built

    Jean R built Modder

    17 Feb 2020
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    The main frame, the handle/cable guide, the remote switch case and the CPU cooler bulge are going to be left brushed aluminium, as for the shells I'll wrap them with black PU leather.
  2. Jean R built

    Jean R built Modder

    17 Feb 2020
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    Here some pics it's not 100% finished, for that you will have to wait a couple more days


    I have put a banana for reference obviously, this came out as a tight build there is not a lot of room left inside.

    I discovered that the 2 big fans addressable RGB have 3 pins 5v, while my MB has 4 pins 12v I'll put a controller for that somewhere in the next months, it's my fault I bought them with the sleeved cables that were on flash sale, and I should have checked in advance.
    But they are PWM, move a lot of air and are super silent so I'm fine with that.
  3. censored_Prometheus_

    censored_Prometheus_ Minimodder

    26 Mar 2019
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    All done by brain, bro...
    ...by brain. :cooldude:
    Dot_Kappa and Jean R built like this.
  4. ciaognep

    ciaognep Minimodder

    10 May 2020
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    you are so funny:rock::rock::rock:
  5. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    I opted for a cartoony low-res avatar. That monkey is doing serious stuff.
    The rig looks fantastic. :D It might need some space underneath for better airflow, but it looks better as it is.
    Jean R built likes this.
  6. ivory2k19

    ivory2k19 Minimodder

    8 Feb 2019
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    Really cool, respect!! :rock:
    Jean R built likes this.
  7. Jean R built

    Jean R built Modder

    17 Feb 2020
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    Thanks Cheapskate, I like it too especially with the low stance.

    As for the space underneath, at least for now temps dropped some degrees as the temporary case wasn't the best for airflow.

    For the project I was going to craft all feet, but then I had to buy the inox standoffs I bought through Amazon for the top fan, having them available I used them as the case feet.

    The good thing is that they are sold in different lengths, so if I need them longer I can change them in a minute.
  8. The_Crapman

    The_Crapman World's worst stuntman. Lover of bit-tech

    5 Dec 2011
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    Just awesome. So much glorious metalwork. :baby::rock:
    Jean R built likes this.
  9. Jean R built

    Jean R built Modder

    17 Feb 2020
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    By the way if anyone is interested, the bare case without the shells and the hardware weight 4.2 Kg or 9.2 Pounds.
    censored_Prometheus_ likes this.
  10. Canardwc

    Canardwc @French_fab_factorie

    22 Sep 2011
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    I didn't realise the small tall of your build because I d'idn't get a scale base, now I know it's quite small, I like it so much better than before!!!!!!!!
    Jean R built likes this.
  11. Jean R built

    Jean R built Modder

    17 Feb 2020
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    The sewing phase is done :hip:.

    Now I'm going to finish off the handle and the CPU bulge, as they need some fine tuning with the brushing finish to match the rest, they need to be a bit more matte.

    I'm going to start with the power switch case, and the acrylic wing that's going to cover the power switch cable near the GPU.

    My brother think that the handle doesn't really need another metal scale, I'll buy some nicer screws or some nut covers, for the attachment screws.

    The acrylic windows were already done, so I just have to put them on.
  12. Jean R built

    Jean R built Modder

    17 Feb 2020
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    Update, I'm going to add some holes on the frontal acrylic panel, because it's closer than I thought to the GPU and it get starved of air.


    After some days I've made the choice of removing the remote cable power switch, it is cool as concept, because in that configuration the case doesn't have any buttons, and you turn it on from the desk, but when you have to move it the switch becomes a big hindrance.

    *edit. When posted from the phone during the afternoon I uploaded the file but the Photo was to big.
    Last edited: 24 May 2020
  13. Canardwc

    Canardwc @French_fab_factorie

    22 Sep 2011
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    Look at that !
    Jean R built likes this.
  14. Jean R built

    Jean R built Modder

    17 Feb 2020
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    Last edited: 24 May 2020
  15. Jean R built

    Jean R built Modder

    17 Feb 2020
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    I wanted to craft the power and reset switches, but the GPU side acrylic gave me trouble with airflow.
    By the way the other Pc temps are good, it's just the GPU that is warmer because it's to close to the acrylic.

    So here was the 2nd Iteration, with some ventilation holes, I tested it yesterday.

    But even though the GPU temp was a couple degrees better compared to the full acrylic, it was warmer than without the acrylic in place.

    And here is the 3rd Iteration I'm testing right now, it's a lot more open now.

    Hopefully it'll get good temps, so tomorrow I can focus on finishing the handle and the switches, and complete the case.

    I added a led strip inside the top crown pointing down, I already had it around because during the last winter I added led underglow to my bed :cooldude:, it's 4 pins like my MB it's controllable via software so why not.
    Honestly now that I have the case with more windows, I came to the conclusion that I prefer indirect lighting, so in the future I'll avoid not controllable lighting on things like the fans so I can control it.

    I'll update you, hopefully tomorrow.
  16. MaximumBubbleMods

    MaximumBubbleMods Minimodder

    22 Apr 2020
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    I could look at this case all day. Every part is really interesting and it keeps you looking at all the details and angles you've created. I'm pumped to see it finished!
    Jean R built likes this.
  17. 4LIEN

    4LIEN Modder

    4 Jan 2020
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    You can put some spacers for that plexiglas panel, so it will be higher and you will get more aiflow.
    By the way, it's a very good project with all this aluminium look, do you keep as is or paint it?
    Jean R built likes this.
  18. Defyant Mods

    Defyant Mods Multimodder

    14 Sep 2004
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    Amazing :rock: Great to see some plex finally make it into the build :clap:

    I think we are all hanging off the edge of our seats for the "My third scratch build" :naughty:
    Jean R built and ivory2k19 like this.
  19. Jean R built

    Jean R built Modder

    17 Feb 2020
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    There is no space to put the acrylic further away from the frame, but In the last days it looks like that the 3rd Iteration is doing a great job with the airflow.

    And for the rest of the project, I'm crafting the mod for the handle part.

    The big scale need just some refining, it has already been hammered down to shape and it's 90% done.

    I started with the switches frames, I made them slightly oversize, because I wasn't sure about the switches final position, but today or tomorrow I should be able to complete it and craft the last small scale for that part.

    The big problem I have right now is that I have to buy a new CPU, I have probably asked to much with my overclocking to it.

    During the last week I discovered that the BSOD I got during the last month were caused by the CPU and not the GPU, due to the Covid situation right now the hotel I work in is still closed, so with my budget extremely limited I'll buy a 3200G so I can use it again as soon as possible.

    I'll update you soon.
    4LIEN likes this.
  20. Jean R built

    Jean R built Modder

    17 Feb 2020
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    This is the answer for the 4LIEN question about the case finish.

    Today I had to do a modification to the cable cover, if I mounted the new scales directly to the frame, it would have been impossible to have access to some screws of the top module, so I had to attach it to the cable cover so they move together.

    Tomorrow I should be able to finish the scales and the reset button, the power button is already done, the new CPU should be in place, so even if the big fans have the LEDs turned off, the case should be complete.

    Here comes the question, due to some changes to the design the case can't lay horizontally, and I don't think it would look that good anyway.

    But I got an idea :idea:, I'm going to craft a separate PC docking station, so I can put the case on it at 45° because it would look ducking cool :cooldude:.

    So even if I complete the case tomorrow, I don't think that I'll consider the project log completed until I finish the dock.

    Now that the PC is going to have an iGPU and a GPU, I'm going to add a small monitor to the case, it could be useful for a lot of things, but I consider that a future project mod and not part of this one, because I won't be able to buy the small screen anytime soon.

    Update incoming tomorrow :rock:.
    Canardwc likes this.

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