I have to get this in now before Bennieboy overtakes me and spoils it.... I have just hit a Trifecta - 20M points Top 20 producers Top...
Aaaaah Unicorn, welcome back to the top twenty producers!
Looks reasonable in places, not so much in others, and the price WTF!. What was wrong with just sprucing up the TJ07 eg anodising black, cut out...
What about specs? Are both machines identical - CPU/RAM/HDD/PSU! What about any software running in the background which could affect performance.
Dislexia rules KO
Just back from work and I'd like to say very well done sir! May you and the likes of saspro, DocJonz et al continue to be an aspirational target...
It's alright for you self made millionaires buying all this Gucci equipment and setting it off against taxes thanks to your expensive...
Good Job! Looking forward to the next million.... Fold On!
Nice showing there coola but motors can be such a money drain. We do however look forward to seeing you on Police Camera Action! HaHaHa....
Can't remember now, seems so long ago..... Wouldn't have thought it wouldn't be much more than a week though!
With current fluctuating weather, swinging anywhere between 70-80 on 920 & 64-72 on Q9550's. :thumb:
Have you thought about overclocking your i7. 3.8GHz is quite easily achievable with a Titan Fenrir, and will net you a good amount of PPD. Oh...
Yes, you have to complete 10 WU's with 80% success rate (ie 8 within the allotted time) to qualify for bonus points. Every -smp completed on time...
Separate names with a comma.