Kind of true, CSV is part of Windows Clustering but can only be used with Hyper-V and virtual machines. My experience is only within a smaller...
According to the install documentation for ESXi, it requires a minimum of 2GB and upto 8GB for all the features: Link:...
I installed Windows 8 on release and after trying the betas on and off, I am really quite happy. Only thing I keep doing is closing down programs...
This would be very true... I'm unsure of Server 2012 but in 2008, I believe the licencing options only apply to if you're deploying Windows...
We use Hyper-V for our infrastructure, which is entirely windows based, and it works very well. With regards to your questions, 1. Having only...
I have done this so many times...
As we're talking about flying, what do you guys use to fly? For example, I fly using only the keyboard. Always have since BF1942. Can't ever...
I understand that the one player start has been re-enabled until this can be coded/sorted out
I believe so, although I think that the position is the main problem so I don't think that it will have much effect.
I didn't think that the base AA could be destroyed?! I really hate canals for this very reason. Low ceiling and US AA that covers almost the...
I've found that if you are shooting directly behind you'll do minimal damage. Lining up a shot so that you are shooting perpendicular to them is...
Unfortunately no regen in HC but useful to stop the slow depletion of health in aircraft until you can find a decent place to land. Worth...
Do you have to activate the fire extinguishers?! I didn't know that, thought they automatically started... Ended up taking them off as I...
There is one thing I miss playing predominantly hardcore from the HUD which is fire select. If it were easier to see on the weapon (i haven't...
Agreed, but at current it is kinda a self forfilling prophecy! Often there are only 2-3 mediums in high tier battles meaning they're often the...
Separate names with a comma.