DAAAMMMM...why is this happening all at once? Theres star citizen as well. http://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/star-citizen/
Ill take one if theres any going please really wanna give this a shot... Cheers
Time to fire up the tanks for free stuff again. Still gutted about my IS4 moving to a tier 10 hope the replacement is just as good. /me dreams...
AT last the 2.5 grand i spent on a pc will come into effect.....my bets is still plays a bit pants. does look rather tastey though...mmmmmm
Those french tanks are so good im loving the amx1390 so OP..nothing funnier than ripping a lowe appart cause he thinks he can handle you solo. Bat...
running a H80 here, and temps just over 30oC when doing usual windows things. Didnt ahve a problem isntalling it other than having to buy a...
100% crew kill, had a kv hit my is4 and kill it with 100% health left... KV Cheesecake!
Best of luck!
not to bothered connection wise...usual. would like long cables as im getting a large case. i was hoping that 80 quid would get you a decent...
see what i did there.....ok ill leave the room. Ok building a new i7 rig 2700k, 16 gig, 580gtx, SSD Looking for a decent PSU 700 watt...
pffffff...whiners.... Solution....get a bigger tank, or a kv with a DERP, nothing more funny than popping a t59 with some HE lovleyness. The...
BOTP and Ulysees 31 best intro ever!!! I was impressed with the new thundercats they did a good job, and mumras intro was pure class.
Ive just ahd a good few rounds in my t50-2 with 2 other of our clan mates....SOOOO MUUUCHH FUNNN everyone should have a t50, picking off the...
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