I'm confused; when I checked 10 minutes ago CCL Computers were selling Win8 Pro 32 / 64 bit Upgrade discs for only £49; am I missing something?
Personally, I've never understood why computers can't all have a small mechanical switch on them which, if not depressed prevents fundamental BIOS...
One tool I love is my Antex GasCat. It's a combination of soldering iron, mini - blow torch, mini - heat gun (good for heat - shrink etc) and hot...
This looks to be a bit jumbled; the chip doesn't 'draw' 280mV (millivolts), it runs from a supply of 280mV. The term draw is usually used for...
What sort of bulb does it use? I'm guessing something that runs on 12V and is about 50 - 100Watts? I can only think of one practical way to solve...
I bought the first Trine game in a Steam sale but, based on the strength of that game, decided to pre - order this one at full price. The review...
I think the point being made was that with the potentially substantial power savings that tri - gate may provide, you could have a NAS box which...
@ Tattysnuc: The data density is the same as a standard single layer DVD, ie about 4.7 Gb. There is an FAQ document here:...
Most certainly. (IMO) I'd love to build a machine using matching all - white PCBs if it didn't cost significantly more than equivalent 'normal'...
Big shame that it's only going to be on the PS3 :( Loved playing Chime, and would happily buy this if it was on a platform that I own.
Nope... as stated in the article, that isn't a DVI port - its a DMS-59 port. It provides two DVI or VGA outputs on a single connector, and...
I had a look on the Synology website and found the following data published for the DS211j: Power Consumption: 25W(Access); 10W(HDD...
The GX660: The only laptop that opens a portal into the heart of the Large Hadron Collider.
Technically not correct; the current drawn at 110V is more than at 240V. If your rig was fitted with a 240V PSU of similar efficiency to your...
I can see their point - I don't think that the majority of their existing games simply would work well on a console. Then again, I'm probably...
Separate names with a comma.