Case Mod - In Progress Project: Diabolo (12-12-11 Final Picks)

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by Luciel, 27 Jun 2011.

  1. Luciel

    Luciel Needs more rust

    31 May 2011
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    So goodies arrived : )


    Ok, lets start the paintjob!

    First, a second coat of primer was added, but no need for pictures, it´s just primer, plus it looks like the previous pictures...

    Second, a coat of visceral red (it really does look visceral!)






    Now let´s darken the whole thing with tones of blood red, purple and black...




    mooore! (and while I´m at it, horns!, also, 100th picture of the project)






    That´s more like it : )

    Close ups of the horn that´s almost finished so far...



    Now, 3 hours of dry time and then more ; )
  2. SubZeros Shadow

    SubZeros Shadow What's a Dremel?

    10 Oct 2011
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    Looking great so far bud! I can't wait to see how the horns turn out when you're done :)

    The last close-up of the horn reminds me of roasted marshmallows! XD
  3. peteski

    peteski long live the pc

    8 Jun 2011
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    looking good Luciel :rock: :rock:
  4. Luciel

    Luciel Needs more rust

    31 May 2011
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    Thanks Peteski :D I´m editing the photos now of the second and final exterior fase (second coat, finishing the horns, and lacquer).
    Last edited: 10 Oct 2011
  5. Luciel

    Luciel Needs more rust

    31 May 2011
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    Second Update of the day:

    Second and last fase for the exterior paintjob, another coat of paint and it´s different tones has been added, finished the horns, used brown ink (the one I used to stain the horns) to highlight corners and all sorts of parts in the case, to give it that worn feel to it.

    Tomorrow morning I´ll be doing the paintjob of the inside, bright fire red to contrast, the components that will be painted I haven´t decided yet wether to paint them that way, or the same tones used on the outside.

    Will let it dry for the rest of the day and then in the evening/night, assemble the whole thing, components, liquid cooling, fans, etc...

    On wednesday it´s going to an all week long modding event to make it´s debut.

    Aniway, enjoy. I´m knakered.















  6. Luciel

    Luciel Needs more rust

    31 May 2011
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    The interior paint is done and so are the case´s accesories, as you can see, I only gave it one coat (after primer) because I don´t think a perfect solid red paintjob would suit the look of the case, this way, it still has tones of the black primer, and it´s now been lackered in a metal finish, that way, even the tones shine. It´s time to start with the components.








    Yes, those are the eyes ; ) (modified reservoir).

    More updates and final completed update later today.
  7. Nutman

    Nutman Never stuck with stock

    21 Oct 2008
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    Eeeeeevil eyes. ;)
  8. Luciel

    Luciel Needs more rust

    31 May 2011
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    In deed, wait till you see them with the cooling inside!

    Unfortunately I did not finish it in time for the modding event. However, I did finish the paint so I assembled the components inside, even though they are not in a working condition (so I brought the mod in a week project to use meanwhile so diabolo is just here for show).

    Also as a very nice surprise, I got to meet and talk to for quite some time Angel, the creator of mods just as ghetto art, synthetica, etc. That really made my day : )
  9. AnG3L

    AnG3L Ultimate Modder

    19 Mar 2009
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    Was nice meeting you my friend in Campus and I am glad you are a part of the bit-tech family as most of the modders there werent lolz ;p .
    I will be here watching your work my friend and I am looking forward to the changes you are going to make to this mod and to the completion of it! Peace buddy see you back in action soon! :)
  10. Luciel

    Luciel Needs more rust

    31 May 2011
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    In deed, was great meeting you too Angel, and shall be posting an update sometime tonight : ) and yes, I think I must´ve sent the link of bit-tech to at least 5 different people there, hopefully they will post their worklogs here : )
  11. Luciel

    Luciel Needs more rust

    31 May 2011
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    Hi Everyone!

    I´m back from the Campus Party Milenio, got to meet some great people/modders and see some really good work! Diabolo was put togueter and was taken to this event, however, it´s by no means finished, it was merely made "presentable" for the event. The official presentation of the finished product will be in the Murcia Lan Party on the 6th of December.

    For the purpose of updates, I will ignore the fact of the process I took to get it ready for the event in question and continue with the last update I did before then : )

    Right so, I´ve put the frontal togueter to see how it would look and judge if I needed changes. First problem, the upper grill was measured wrong, so to much space was left between such and the horns, luckyly, I have spares so will be doing that again.





    the 275s have been painted:



    the X-Fi Titanium:


    The Sabertooth:



    The PSU cover (I have left the psu untouched aside from the sleeving I´ll be doing as a sign of respect to my sponsor).


    I left the cooling running all night to test for leaks with no problem so I put it in, mounted the radiator, haven´t mounted the pump yet, it´s simply sitting on one of the bays, mostly to see where I want to put it). And turned everyone on, just to make sure everything was working, and surely enough, it was. Only one GPU in though as I´ll be using the other one on my current rig so I can use it meanwhile : )

















    I´m currently debating about the horns. While it´s my first time doing such structure, and decently happy as to how it turned out, I´m not 100%, the simetrical different doesn´t really bother me, plus it would be incredibly hard to do so, specially with such materials, It´s the size of them that bothers me.

    One of the ideas that came up was to cutting them to a point and shaping them hell-boy style, what do you guys think?

    That´s all for now, I´m waiting on some materials to arrive before I can continue.
  12. Atasimey

    Atasimey What's a Dremel?

    19 Oct 2011
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    At the base of the horns maybe slap a thin layer of semi long cat licked looking hair on and paint it over with slightly darker ochre that what you're using the for the horns themselves? I'd def keep the horns as they are as you might run the risk of them ending looking like a dodgy pair of coasters if you cut them. The shape looks great the way it is now imho.

    That case by the way is one of the honestly most sick defining creations I've seen in a while. In a good good way. Subbing.
  13. Luciel

    Luciel Needs more rust

    31 May 2011
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    Thanks Atasimey, the colour definition you suggest is quite a good idea! : )
  14. Luciel

    Luciel Needs more rust

    31 May 2011
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    Hi Everyone,

    First of all I´d like to apologize for the delay on finishin this, I had to wait for several thing sto be delivered and once I finally got them I was already busy with AIO AL (a.k.a. nameless mini-mod) and already had my mind set on doing the second mod in a week "Fallout Cause SP", and of course after that I had the final lan & modding event of the year to go to (from which I just got back yesterday). Today I did the finishing touches (several changes had already been done as bits arrived but I wanted to wait till the end to post the final pictures) but to put it all togueter, since my last post. The following things have been changed /added; 1. The horns, as you all know I wasnt 100% happy with them and decided to shorten them and make them as symetrical as I could but I decided to not go all the way to hell-boy style, so I stayed somewhere in between. 2. The paint on the front. I wanted to do something simple that would shape the face that I maded with frontal components. I had done this in the past for a friend and I found a simple V helped a lot, so I went for that and quite happy with it. 3. Touch ups and darkening of certain outside sections, these you couldn´t tell all that much in photos but it was simply something that was bugging me so went ahead and did it. 4. Fix 2 scratches on the side panel. These happened in my last trip and while they wherent that noticeable... you know, just had to fix it. 5. Internal paint touchup, esentially went and redid the inside paint, same colour, but it just needed a second coating. The only left was the frontal spacer for which I couldn´t get a replacement as the spacing between it and horns is quite visible and would´ve preffered to close it up but, not much I can do now. If I come across one (I think they are the same on all CM HAF cases) I will defo do it up : )

    On a side note: I know this mod has been 50/50 all the way, I hope with the final pictures to have changed the mind of some of you who didn´t like it. Personally I am now completely happy with it and quite proud of the result having in mind it´s my first time with epoxy and foam as modding materials. I can´t get over on how much I love the skin effect either. To those that still don´t like it, well... I can´t make everyone happy, as long as you like any other of my projects, I´m happy ; )

    One last thanks to Cooler Master & Kingston for helping out a lot with this project specially someone from Kingston whom I will not mention by name (you know who you are) who has been extremely helpfull all the way, thanks!!!

    So here you go, the final pictures of Project: Diabolo:












    Thanks for reading!
  15. amagriva

    amagriva Minimodder

    13 Jun 2009
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    I'm shocked by the lack of taste and by the waste of good hardware...It seems like those games in fairs/luna parks where you have to close the horns of the bull to win...
  16. Atasimey

    Atasimey What's a Dremel?

    19 Oct 2011
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    Love the paint job but... the horns..!
  17. Sutura

    Sutura What's a Dremel?

    23 May 2011
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    Well, I support the hard work and the dedicated time to the project. But I just can't make myself like this mod. If it was a simple paintbrush image from the game on the side panel it would be much pleasing :). But keep going with modding. Hope you find some really good inspiration next on.
  18. Luciel

    Luciel Needs more rust

    31 May 2011
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    Thanks for the comments guys, I´m fine with that fact, I personally love it, I knew a lot of people wouldn´t, which is provably why I did the Fallout Cause SP project because most if not all would love it (which turned out to be true as you can see in it´s thread also posted on here) : )

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