Wii or another console (i.e. PS3/Xbx) - pissed off my girlfriend!!!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by nevynev, 19 Jun 2008.

  1. Da_Rude_Baboon

    Da_Rude_Baboon What the?

    28 Mar 2002
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    Our Wii is only really switched on when people come around and the people who get the most fun out of it are the ones who dont normally play games. Apart from a few exceptions most Wii games have the depth of a puddle and Nintendo seem to be the only people who can develop decent games for it. the Wii controller, atm, really is just a gimmick imo. The games are what i call 'waggle ware', you just have to shake the controller about, what you actually do is not reflected on screen. Once you realize that the novelty wears off and so does some of the magic.
  2. Shade

    Shade What's a Dremel?

    17 Jun 2008
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    LOL @ Chrisb2e9

    But yeah man she probably saw the adds on tv and thought ohh that look like fun and I might be able to play with him as well. The Wii is a great console but you won't enjoy it to the fullest unless you play with others as well. SO be happy
  3. Blademrk

    Blademrk Why so serious?

    21 Nov 2003
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    Don't forget there are also some excellent Game Cube games which will work on it.

    If you haven't already played it, I highly recommend Eternal Darkness: Sanities Requiem (can be picked up 2nd hand from most Game/Gamestations for around £5), although you may need to pick up a GC controller as well.

    There's also Metroid Prime, Mario Kart: Double Dash and loads more (although they are getting harder to track down now).
  4. xaxaz

    xaxaz What's a Dremel?

    11 Jun 2008
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    lol graphics don't determine how fun a game is in any way, shape or form. If this were true I wouldn't be shelling out 90+ bucks for older games such as Neo-Geo carts, PSOne titles, etc. If you limit how much you enjoy a game to it's eye candy you might as well drop the hobby all together and stick to movies. That's just my two cents.
  5. sotu1

    sotu1 Ex-Modder

    24 Aug 2007
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    Here's my quite understanding of it:

    You're under the thumb. (have personally cut a lot of this thread out because i deem it a tad rude, but seriously do take a little control over your relationship!)

    anyhoo, the wii is good fun and has a lot of potential coming its way. it's much more the party console which, judging by her age and therefore your age, (i assume you're at uni?) the way to get the best from it is buy party games and get some alochol and make the wii an excuse for a party. a nintendo themed party at that. also, download mortal kombat 2, then take a shot of beer for every time you get uppercutted, yep,k even mid game. scorpion's spear and sub zero's ice ball work wonders for gettin people pissed!
  6. inverted

    inverted What's a Dremel?

    21 Jun 2008
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    I would keep the wii if you have a decent PC. Most of the decent games on the PS3 / 360 are on PC or there are many alternatives. The wii is great to play with other people, to play it by yourself is pretty poor but thats what the PC is for. Though bad call on telling her you didn't like it, should have just lied and said it was fine.
  7. Solidus

    Solidus Superhuman

    26 Dec 2005
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    Yes I have always said in these Console war discussions the Wii is a great piece of kit.The games it offers are just as enjoyable but it is more limiting because of the power of the console. I look at Gears Of War on my xbox 360 and think "god thats an amazing game" and thats because of the whole package - Playability, gameplay, 2 player co-op, online play and YES graphics too.

    You have that on the Wii and it wouldnt be as good for numerous reasons, online play wouldnt be as sophisticated with as much options, depth in the game would be limited to some extent because the hardware cant generate as much detail as the xbox 360 can, the levels wouldnt have as much depth either etc.

    Im taking into account the whole package and Graphics do play a role.

    With the Wii it can try and compensate all it wants and thats solely on its gameplay - they can make the gameplay as great as they want but it will always suffer in one area and thats graphically whereas you switch roles and the xbox 360 can have its games have great playability BUT it isnt limited as much with graphics and offer MUCH much more - Do you see now my point?

    Gameplay can be improved on any console - its down to how the designers make it but the graphics front is limited to the different consoles and Xbox just takes it there.

    With that said, the Wii has its place in the market, its unique, its controls are different and can be enjoyable and its great for when friends are over - a very social console.

    Xbox 360 isnt so, it looks too sophisticated, too big, too noisy etc but its something you get into once you play it for a while.

    The ps3 goes purely on its branding - The console is the most powerful, offers great value as a blue-ray player and also 1080p resolution but the games designed on it can be pants and its limited to very few note-worthy games like MGS4...

    Each console has its place, I wouldnt say any is better overall but its about sifting through the negatives and positives and seeing which suits you more or appeal more so.

    Just my two cents...
  8. Thacrudd

    Thacrudd Where's the any key?!?

    27 Oct 2006
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    Thank her for it and proceed to tell her you were having a rough day and you are an idiot. The Wii is great, don't even think there are many good games on it because there are, you will really enjoy it. Tell her you would like to play some games with her, she'll love it.
  9. GoodBytes

    GoodBytes How many wifi's does it have?

    20 Jan 2007
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    Oh and play with it everyday! To show that you really like it.
  10. freedom810

    freedom810 Minimodder

    3 Dec 2007
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    I had one for awhile before trading it in, i just couldnt compare it to my high end pc, it didnt come close.
    My step-brother who is 9 still has his though and he plays it reguarly, ill just use his :D or try too.
  11. modgodtanvir

    modgodtanvir Prepare - for Mortal Bumbat!

    28 May 2007
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    If you want my opinion, I don't think graphics make a console. Graphics are definitely fun, and jaw dropping graphics are often reason enough to buy a console, but at the moment (well last week, before I got MGS4) I found myself blowing the dust off my N64. Not because I wanted to watch a helicopter gunship zooming across the screen in high defininition, but because I wanted to play the games which made me the happiest (Goldeneye, Zelda OOT/MM, Super Mario 64).

    I'd say hold on to the Wii for a while. It'll be a laugh. You'll love it, and when you (both) start getting bored of it, swap it for something else.
  12. Bauul

    Bauul Sir Bongaminge

    7 Apr 2007
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    Way to go on the ungrateful front! From what you've said she hardly seems like a gamer, so for her to ship out the £150 odd for a Wii is a huge gift and you should be thanking your lucky stars you've found such a giving woman.

    Now that you've got the console, why not stop whinging like a spolied child, plug it and have a game with her on Wii Sports. Once you've played that a bit, there are plenty of extremely engaging games on the Wii, and you've the whole Gamecube selection as well (get yourself Res Evil 4 and be done with it). Whilst you're at it, grab Guitar Hero 3 and have a play with her on that as well.

    Really, having a console that allows you to directly play games with your girlfriend more than any other console ever made is ten times more important than having a 360 and playing all by yourself. There are far, far more important things in life than fancy graphics and your gamer's ego.
  13. Veles

    Veles DUR HUR

    18 Nov 2005
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    The Wii is a great console, it's not good for "serious" games, by that I mean modern video game staples like FPSes. It's got great multiplayer though, some of my friends and I love playing;

    Wii Sports
    Wario Ware, best game evar!
    Maro Strikers is a good 2 player game (can have 4 but it's not as good IMO)
    Big Brain Academy
    Mario Party

    They're all great multiplayer games, not so great on your own but still quite fun. IMO the Wii is a good console to have, but if you like Halo, MGS, type games it's a good idea to have a PS3 or 360 as well as they're good consoles for single player and online multiplayer.
    Last edited: 25 Jun 2008
  14. barry99705

    barry99705 sudo rm -Rf /

    20 Apr 2008
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    Search for "wii fit panties" on youtube. Yea, keep the wii, your pc is for hard core games. The wii is for goofing around with the gf. :D

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