Project: BGAIOC 2T Monster : 19th MAY Log :"SCRAP TIME"

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by CrazyModder, 14 Jun 2006.

  1. Constructacon

    Constructacon Constructing since 1978

    12 Oct 2004
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    Excellent enhancement on the fan.:thumb:

    That's one monster of a case :jawdrop: I didn't fully realise the scale until I saw the picture of all the hotswaps stacked on top of each other. It conveyed what reading the specs couldn't.
  2. CrazyModder

    CrazyModder What's a Dremel?

    13 Jun 2006
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    Thanks "Constructacon", here is a mock up picture; with some cd drives that I had laying around.

    That is the official layout of that side, as of today. See you guys are the next post.

    P.S. One thing is starting to bother me, the weight might pass the 100 lbs, I had put some reinforcement blocks in the division panels. :sigh: Maybe I will even add some heavy duty handles :confused:
  3. scifi3018

    scifi3018 Minimodder

    6 Feb 2005
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    Nice work so far. This case is made of polycarbonate right? Is it going to support all that weight? Maybe some alu strips strategically located will be a good idea? I have no idea how well the poly will hold up,, but i hope it is well.
    Keep up the modding :)
  4. CrazyModder

    CrazyModder What's a Dremel?

    13 Jun 2006
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    Yes, I know the screws will hold the rear and side panels, is the middle part that has no support; this could be a problem when lifting it. At least I had plan from the begining to have two 3/4" cooper pipes ( with a treated rod inside ) reinforcing the middle part, some kind of columns.
    The case feels strong, I had to make sure that stays that way while moving it.
  5. CrazyModder

    CrazyModder What's a Dremel?

    13 Jun 2006
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    I went out looking for a scroll saw, found this baby at a PAWN SHOP $20, had to fix/mod the center plate, it was missing;but now works. :D
  6. CrazyModder

    CrazyModder What's a Dremel?

    13 Jun 2006
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    Since I had decide against using turbine fans mod for the radiators air box, ( I still gonna use them for the HDs ) I gonna do a little mod to the radiators fans.

    Start with a clear 120mm fan, can you tell I like this fans, they are cheap, LED ready, clear; in a way disposable.
    Took out the rear label, to expose the dust plug.
    There is our objective, the plastic collar that holds, the impeler in place.
    Take it out and
    the impeler comes off, so much easy to work with the frame.
    Replace the dust plug and mask the rear for extra protection.
    Masked the motor too, don't want any failures after all the work, I gonna put into it.
    Some more masking, motor support and part of the frame.
    Now is ready for the mini table saw.
    Adjusting the blade height, I just want to cut off the four corners. I never liked the way fans look when they have nothing attached to the front. In this case nothing goes in front, so off with the corners. By the way I started this mod, no knowing what I wanted at the end, because i had no direction I decided to take a lot of pictures in case something good came out. I will post the log and let you guys by the judges.
    Look Ma' no more corners.

    You will understand why I continue in the next post.
  7. CrazyModder

    CrazyModder What's a Dremel?

    13 Jun 2006
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    I decided to include this tool mod just in case, maybe somebody will find it usefull. The log still follows the fan mod sequence. :confused:

    I decide to buy this tool instead of a dremel, with the hopes that it could be more usefull and so far it has been. A dremel, grinder, polisher; three tools in one. Now I gonna mod it to make into a fourth tool a sander.
    This is the buffing wheel and the easiest one to take out.
    Remove it and you got the axle of the motor with some screw treads at the end.
    Now I have taken apart the drum sander and you can guess where this is heading.
    Just screw it counter clockwise and let the treads pull in place, easy.
    Now you see the final product, yes the drum is balanced automatic if you screw it straight, nothing is holding it in, at the left side { tha axle is not long enought to put back the nut} it hasn't come out or looks like it will. It's safe but do this mod at your own risk :dremel:
    Now that I have converted my tool to a sander, I can use for this.
    I tell you what, it beats a dremel anyday. :dremel:
    I then smooth out or polish the edges with a torch, those are the burn marks in the tape.
    Now I can continue with the masking.
    I don't want paint in the inside or the frame edges, only in the middle and in the outside of the frame, making like a rim or fake round. The goal is when you look inside the fan you see the color of the paint but the smooth glossy surface of the clear plastic; painted in reverse :confused: , I gonna do the same to the impeler.
    The frame has now been, spray painted.
    Next :D

    Can't post anymore pics in this post, I will continue in the next one. :duh:
  8. CrazyModder

    CrazyModder What's a Dremel?

    13 Jun 2006
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    After some intense masking is ready for paint.
    Flip it up and paint
    Now is egg time, the easter eggs have to halfs with different profiles; a long one and a short one. For this mod I'm gonna use the short half, since the fan won't have a shroud. Reason I still want to use is because, I want to improve the air flow and just maybe it will look good. :confused:
    Some paint take care of that funky color.
    Time to merry the spinner egg and the impeler, so I gopp them.
    Now I pronounce thee, turbine impeler :hehe:
    To complete the union, another coat of paint.
    Now for the unwraping of the frame, notice how the outer rim of the frame stays clear only the side of the frame is painted.
    After some more unwraping and a dust pan for a blue background you can see the end result.
    After adding LEDs, this is how it looks with flash on and
    with the flash off,shiny :hip: .
    After some testing, I solder the connections to power the fan and LEDs.
    Mr. Impeler is back looking glossy, after removing the tape off :D
    Mr. Impeler and Ms. Frame, together again, for the final pictures
    First with the flash on then,
    with the flash off.

    I'm very happy with the paint job, the glossy frame really help reflect the light of the LEDs more than my previous fan mod. You can really see the difference in brightness and the clear parts of the frame kind of dissapear; that is what I wanted. The shape I'm not 100%, I tought that with the painted frame, it would make it look more rounded, but it looks like an octagon. Even do is a lot of work, I like it more that just a plain LED fan, so it makes me happy for now. Call me CrazyModder :rock:
  9. scifi3018

    scifi3018 Minimodder

    6 Feb 2005
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    Nice find at the pawn shop, i need to go check some out as well for tools...
    Interesting contraption there.. i was considering buying a new dremel (mines from the 80's.. i think) and i might have to check that out.

    I like the fans, but perhaps you could try the pointy end of the egg instead of the round one? Keep up the nice work.
  10. yahooadam

    yahooadam <span style="color:#f00;font-weight:bold">Ultra cs

    21 Mar 2006
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    that does look pretty cool, but the egg bit and the top of the fan don't seem to meet just right, leaving a lip :( perhaps some bondo or something could fill the gap
  11. CrazyModder

    CrazyModder What's a Dremel?

    13 Jun 2006
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    Kind of bothers me too, it looks stubby and big :p
  12. CrazyModder

    CrazyModder What's a Dremel?

    13 Jun 2006
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    Here you can see the difference between the two fans, in this side I'm going with the top version. This will be cover by the rads, but they will be visible from the inside of the case.
  13. CrazyModder

    CrazyModder What's a Dremel?

    13 Jun 2006
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    Today I'm gonna try and build the front panel, for the fans control and WC stuff.

    First I need to find a place for this pair :confused:
    in this front panel and add some green plexi pieces.
    Since this is the water level indicator, I'm gonna place it; at the highest point. In the picture, I'm triying to place it level.
    This is my el cheapo, hole saw set.
    Pull out a hole saw, the closest one to the WC level indicator diameter.
    Guys we got a hole, that is
    close, but not big enought :duh:
    I had no idea, where or when I got that rasp/file, but now, I can't live without it . Well it fits the hole now, but I don't like that blue color. :eyebrow:
    Took apart, the WC level thingy, to give a coat of silver paint.
    Now it will go better with the other silver stuff in the case. But I should not have painted the interior ( flakes of paint with time will end up inside the pump ) :duh: Oh well, I will sand it out later.
    Here I started cutting the hole, for the fan that goes under the WC thingy.
    That's a big hole gentlemen. I love this tool it makes this cuts easy :D
    Now back to my mini drum sander to even out the circle hole.
    This a 1/8" green plexi, that will go around both the WC level indicator and the top fan.
    To be continue in the next post :D
  14. scifi3018

    scifi3018 Minimodder

    6 Feb 2005
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    Interesting wc bits. I see the res, but whats the other thing in the picture? A flow sensor?

    If it is, your going to have a lot of trolls complaining about how it kills your flow due to the right anlge connectors...
  15. CrazyModder

    CrazyModder What's a Dremel?

    13 Jun 2006
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    Yes, the flow killer :waah: They will be a lot of more right angles in the radiator fittings and more WC crap, Oh my, the poor flow :waah: That's ok, let them discuss the flow, nobody is perfect :D

    The big one is the water level indicator ( the res are a pair of 3"x12" clear plexi pipes that, I have yet to start work on ) , the flow indicator is for me; I need to see the water running, call me crazy. :hehe:
  16. CrazyModder

    CrazyModder What's a Dremel?

    13 Jun 2006
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    Cut out the plexi trim plate and took it, to the scroll saw table.
    After some cutting we got the holes ready for some finish sanding.
    Some more sanding with the drum sander, to remove some burrs, it look a lot better now.
    I place trim plate it over the front panel, to see how it looks.
    Screw the plates together, so they stay firmly in place, that way I can do
    this. make the two holes the same size. Should have tought about it when I first made the first hole, but with out a plan that is what happen. I doing this as it comes to me, no planning. " Please don't try this, at home"
    Round around we go :hehe:
    Two shots with different fans, can decide which one to use yet. :confused:
    This is gonna be the green piece for the flow indicator and the lower fan.
    In place and screw it.
    Now this is gonna be a complicated cut,but fun. I cutting to bothe plexi sheets at the same time, finnaly learning something.
    Some filling later and its close enought fit.
    Here you can see the fan hole too.
    Both trim plates in place.
    And after cutting a square hole for six bays in the middle, I test fit it to the case.

    Keep in mind that I started with no idea of how the finish product will look like, so for me is better that what I have before that, nothing. I still have a lot to do to thet front panel and already have a lot of problems with it. But some how I will make it work, thanks for watching...CrazyModder....out.
  17. scifi3018

    scifi3018 Minimodder

    6 Feb 2005
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    Thats some fancy work on the acrylic. I cant wait to see the pieces fall together and this beast start to get assembled.

    BTW nice avatar, i never noticed it before :)
    it reminds me of murdock of the gorillaz
  18. CrazyModder

    CrazyModder What's a Dremel?

    13 Jun 2006
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    Thanks , good one.. I forgot to mention that, while working on those green pieces, thet case spoke to me, it said: " Black Paint". The color shceme is going to be a black case with accents of green and some copper, silver mesh and fans. some home made mirror pieces maybe and more green. Sorry for the lack of chrome guys, can't afford it; the way I want it.
  19. simon_C

    simon_C Minimodder

    13 Nov 2005
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    if you wanna strip the color from anodized aluminum, a soak in clorox bleach will make it shiny bare aluminum again. ive done it with a few heatsinks.
  20. yahooadam

    yahooadam <span style="color:#f00;font-weight:bold">Ultra cs

    21 Mar 2006
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    you stole my hole saw set ;)
    nice progress man :) interesting to see how your idea turns out :)

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