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News Sony to sue over Change4Life UK ad?

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 10 Mar 2009.

  1. badders

    badders Neuken in de Keuken

    4 Dec 2007
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    Hmm, If you can do this without feeling like a tit and not drinking, then there may be something wrong with you.
  2. Xir

    Xir Modder

    26 Apr 2006
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    Which is quite an excercise by itself, as they tend to run away...besides, after the first one bloodstained your sofa, it's WORK to get anotherone into knife-range...

    ...or wasn't this what you meant?

    Back to Topic:
    I for one definitely need to get out more :)
  3. Perforated

    Perforated What's a Dremel?

    29 Jan 2006
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    No, that's pretty much what I meant :) The trick is to get their head down first, then they don't see you pull the knife from behind the cushion. Pay the extra, it's not like she takes it with her.
  4. Major

    Major Guest

    Silly campaign, waste of money, something like £75m is being spent on this crap?

    You want to be fit? Go for a run and eat decently, the Government know nothing regarding fitness and think employing silly celebrities will fix the nations problems. People get fat because they eat the wrong foods and don't workout, so, what do you do to get fit? Do the exact opposite of how you got fat.

    Now people do need educating regarding the whole fitness thing, what carbs and sugars you can't eat, how many carbs you need to eat a day, how much meat you need to eat, protein, how much you need to workout, and different intensity means different time limits etc. That needs to be sorted out via the internet IMO. All the information is there already for free on many bodybuilding websites (and they are the only websites you will find decent information on for free because they are packed full of people who live to be fit).

    The problem is finding the information, and if you don't have enough knoweldge on the subject, then you just won't find it.

    Heh, I sit on my ass all day playing games some days, but I'm still fit and eat decent.
  5. Xir

    Xir Modder

    26 Apr 2006
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    :clap: fantastic! :D
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