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Windows Don't buy MOH if you're British

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by DragunovHUN, 22 Aug 2010.

  1. Toploaded

    Toploaded What's a Dremel?

    28 Mar 2010
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    I bet EA where happy about this free publicly.
  2. Faulk_Wulf

    Faulk_Wulf Internet Addict

    28 Mar 2006
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    To play devil's advocate for a second. What do any soldiers think about this? If we have any in these forums. I think it might almost be "Too Soon" to do this. But then again, Arma II has enabled you to play as OpFor for ages and one look at the modding community and a lot of it is Afghan and Baghdad mods.

    Six of one half a dozen of another? (It's only getting flack because it's tied to the MOH name?)
  3. Stewb

    Stewb What's a Dremel?

    16 Dec 2009
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    The BBC had 40s of responses from troops that was on the British Forces Radio, most were against it (4 vs 1), however the only information they seemed to have was what Liam Fox had said...

    EDIT: And the person who didn't care was teh onyl person who actually had some form of argument
    Last edited: 23 Aug 2010
  4. sear

    sear What's a Dremel?

    2 Aug 2010
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    How dare they make a game which portrays white people being killed? It's obviously fine when it's those Godless towel-headed darkies being slaughtered by the boatload, they're not even really human, but our good boys? Never!

    I wonder what the world would be like if there weren't so many overt racists in the military and government.
    Last edited: 23 Aug 2010
  5. UrbanMarine

    UrbanMarine Government Prostitute

    7 Aug 2008
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    It's a video game. Fiction.

    What's sad, is the fact that they care more about image than their actual soldiers. I'm sorry but most soldiers, marines, sailors etc don't ****ing care. They care more about getting their pay, food & equipment which the Government doesn't fight to get. Protect their lives not their feelings...

    Topic: The MOH beta was ****, so I wouldn't of bought it anyways.
    Last edited: 23 Aug 2010
  6. sear

    sear What's a Dremel?

    2 Aug 2010
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    I'm sorry, are you saying that the lives of soldiers are more important than a politician's poll status? What's wrong with you?
    UrbanMarine likes this.
  7. Ergath

    Ergath Giant Zombie Pigeon Photographer

    6 May 2009
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    I agree with Fox - playing at being the Taliban's completely unacceptable. Whereas playing as the Nazis in any number of other games is completely fine - because they didn't kill anyone or commit any atrocities or anything.... oh, hang on...
  8. m0ngy

    m0ngy What's a Dremel?

    3 Mar 2010
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    The Defence Secretary has the GAUL to talk about dead fathers and brothers, when our troops kill women and children daily, the press casually referring to these innocents as 'colatoral damage'. It's 2010 and I guess it's still OK to bomb the sh!t out of little brown people, just like Vietnam 40 years ago. The Taliban are defending their homeland against foreign imperialist invaders.

    Prove they had anything to do with 9/11, not even the CIA can draw any real conclusion. Are you really telling me a guy in a cave with a satellite phone brought down NORAD? A guy in a cave?! Impossible! For decades US domestic flights have been regularly queried by NORAD and intercepted/escorted by fighter jet, for the smallest deviation from their flight plan. Yet on 9/11 they missed 3 planes in one day, even after one had flown straight into the World Trade Centre... how was this possible?

    How do the Taliban oppress us? How do they infringe on our civil liberties? They don't tell us how to live. Yet we send special forces into their homes at night and kill entire families on a regular basis. Our forces drop cluster munitions on wedding ceremies, killing dozens, sometimes hundreds of civilians. Dropping bombs on people from 20,000 feet is gutless, this is a dirty, gutless war. The Taliban are a rag-tag army, brothers, fathers, and old men, with AK's and RPG's fighting the most technologically advanced fighting machine of all time. That, my friends, takes BALLS. Any one of us with any BALLS would do the same if England, Australia, ot the US were invaded.

    I am PROUD to play the Taliban in any video game.
  9. Pookeyhead

    Pookeyhead It's big, and it's clever.

    30 Jan 2004
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    But it's absolutely fine for British troops to shoot theTaliban huh?

    It's a game.
  10. m0ngy

    m0ngy What's a Dremel?

    3 Mar 2010
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    It's not that I don't empathize with the families of dead soldiers, I do. However, our troops are NOT conscripted, they join the army knowing the risks involved. People living in remote Afghan villages did nothing to us, yet we raid their home at night killing women and children. You think special forces knock on the door? No, they lob nades in first and ask questions later, this is war. How would you feel if the government smashed down your door in the middle of the night and threw explosives into your lil sisters room? We'll never win because the people HATE us, and the corrupt regime we support. Poppy production has exploded since the US/NATO invasion, because we're supporting the warlords who use herion to support their armies. Why are we there? Better have them dying in their beds overseas than another bomb on a bus? There's no correllation, it's a myth. The endless 'War on Terror', where our civil liberties are being quickly eroded so that fat cat politicians might save us from a peril we will never understand.
  11. stuartpb

    stuartpb Modder

    16 May 2008
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    So the videos where Bin Laden claimed victory for 9/11 were manufactured then? All the intelligence that subsequently showed us how they managed to pull off the attack was just a fake? Are you implying that the US government manufactured the attack to justify the invasion? Or that they were complicit by not taking action against a "known" attack?

    No but they sure as hell run Afghanistan in a manner that would literally and absolutely scare the hell out of any other civilised populace. Murders due to petty "crimes", beatings for not doing as one was told, mass murders against those who spoke out against them, all in the name of Allah. Sure they were doing a great job of running the country...not.

    If you are that proud why not go and fight for them. Seriously, you seem to hold them in some regard, and seem to think the Taliban are just the common or garden "freedom fighters". What about the mass intimidation of their own countrymen, and all the murders, torture and beatings carried out on their behalf? Then there's the fact that the Taliban control a massive share of the opium production for the whole world (something like 75% or more iirc), and use the drug heroin to attack the west's way of life, and do so with a fair amount of impunity. Yeah aint the taliban just great.

    EDIT: as for the poppy cultivation explosion, this is due to the crop yielding much more than traditional crops do. For the coalition forces to reduce the amounts grown would mean having to physically destroy the crops, resulting in families starving due to having no produce to bring to market. This would have the further negative effect of alienating those who the coalition forces are trying to give some sense of security to, and make the job 100% harder. The taliban are acutely aware of this problem and do take measures to ensure it stays the same. The British Armed Forces have been actively trying to encourage farmers to grow traditional crops, but they cannot do so when the market conditions make growing poppies vastly more appealing to the farmers, where traditional crops may not ensure they have enough money with which to feed themselves.
    Last edited: 23 Aug 2010
  12. DaveVader

    DaveVader Fast Action Response Team

    10 Aug 2007
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    m0ngy: you sound like someone that would picket a soldier's funeral.
    Get a grip.
    Even if you don't agree with the war (there are multiple parts of it I don't solely agree with) the least you could do is support our troops and not make stupid comments about being proud to play the Taliban in a game.

    As for the topic of Mr Fox. He can also get a grip. Complain about it all or complain about none of it.
    I've killed multiple allied troops in multiple war games, oh facking dear.
    What a nob sack.
  13. pimonserry

    pimonserry sounds like a party.

    20 Dec 2008
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    If he had teenage kids, I'd bet they buy it.
  14. mars-bar-man

    mars-bar-man Side bewb.

    17 Apr 2009
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    I was talking to some guys (and girls! :O) at work about this, and showed them the article. They thought it was all BS. One of the girls I work with is going out with a Marine, currently in Afghanistan, I asked her about it, she said when he's played things like COD (very similar to this situation), he doesn't side with anyone side in particular, he'll play whatever.

    If people really are getting upset by shoosting some pixels that make up a British flag, then they have something wrong with them tbh. The sooner the media accept there are games out there that show violence, and that not every single god damn human is going to mimic what they see, the better. Same with politicians.

    You know, this reminds me of a thread on here a few months ago, when violence in video games was discussed (term used loosely).

    It's just a bunch or arse.
  15. Canon

    Canon Reformed

    19 Jul 2010
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    Wait wait wait, the news a couple of weeks ago.....somewhere along the lines of, our Troops are civilian mudering monsters (believe me that's how it felt to some people). BUT NOW! Anyone that is so 'unbritish' as to allow themselves to so much as contemplate virtually harming one,they're the monsters, make up your bloody minds or pipe down I say.
  16. cheeriokilla

    cheeriokilla What's a Dremel?

    18 Feb 2009
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    the game sucks anyway so nobody's gonna miss out on anything, nor will people be playing as Taliban for too long
  17. Ph4ZeD

    Ph4ZeD What's a Dremel?

    22 Jul 2009
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    Of course, this is also great publicity for EA.
  18. bogie170

    bogie170 What's a Dremel?

    11 Aug 2008
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    Why don't they turn the Taliban side into Politicians? Everyone can then enjoy the fun!

    I'd love to headshot Gordon Brown and I'd definately Melee and then Teabag John Prescott!

    What fun!
  19. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    jesus **** people chill out.
  20. ledbythereaper

    ledbythereaper What's a Dremel?

    2 Jan 2007
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    I have it on good authority that fictional PC games are serious business.

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