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Discussion in 'General' started by BentAnat, 2 Nov 2009.

  1. DarkLord7854

    DarkLord7854 What's a Dremel?

    22 Jun 2005
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    So you're saying you're pissed off because you bought a game with downloadable content in a country where you don't get Live and thus can't get downloadable content, and are pissed off because your way of bending/breaking the rules to get Live isn't working out in your favor to get the codes you paid for, which are dependent on having Live in your country..?

    Lol. I'm sorry but I fail to see how you should be entitled to the codes. No offense meant mate.
  2. kenco_uk

    kenco_uk I unsuccessfully then tried again

    28 Nov 2003
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    Unless you buy the game in a Live enabled country, you don't get the codes. Seems a bit wrong tbh :/ You're paying for them, whether you (can) use them or not is up to you.
  3. DXR_13KE

    DXR_13KE BananaModder

    14 Sep 2005
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    Then don't sell Live enabled games in places that don't have Live!
  4. DarkLord7854

    DarkLord7854 What's a Dremel?

    22 Jun 2005
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    Why? The games can be played with or without Live. If they didn't sell the games in non-Live enabled countries then everybody would get all butthurt about that.
  5. Altron

    Altron Minimodder

    12 Dec 2002
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    I don't think it's obvious that it would be downloaded on a specific service. "download" implies getting it from the internet. Obviously, there is internet in South Africa. It doesn't matter whether or not a specific internet service is available. If the box says that it can be downloaded, and it doesn't allow you to download it despite having a functional internet connection, it's false advertising. They cannot expect the average customer, many of whom buy games as a gift or for their children, to know the detailed nuances of the requirements to download. It does not say "download on xbox live" or "download in europe", it says download.
  6. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    No, i am saying i am pissed off because i bought an edition of the game that's SUPPOSED to have DLC for the same damn amount of money that everyone else paid for the same edition. The only thing is, they didn't even include the f*cking facilities to get the downloads.
    I wouldn't have an issue if (even though this was never marketed) you needed XBL Gold for the downloads... So long as the option was actually there.
    The best part about all of this is the responses that MS gives... it's a cold "We don't care - wrong country - and it's IMPOSSIBLE to have LIVE there... f*ck you"
    Read This thread a bit... it's not long, but it's one of many on the Forza forums.
    If they want to shaft us like that, then don't f*cking ship the LCE here... just ship vanilla edition. That way noone has a problem.
    The big point is that it's nothing shy of falsified advertising. If they pulled that **** in europe, they'd be hit so hard in court it wouldn't be funny... but noo... it's ok to rip off people that buy games in the third world... that's fine... why do they have xboxes anyway... they don't f*cking have electricity...
  7. M7ck

    M7ck Ⓜod Ⓜaster

    28 Mar 2009
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    I dont use my xbox that much but im pretty sure the only way you can download content to an xbox is through the live service. Therefore by putting the sticker on the box that the content has to be downloaded you have to expect it to use the live service. Its not false advertising as it also states on the sleeve that live is not available in all countries.
  8. kingred

    kingred Surfacing sucks!

    27 Mar 2008
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    Cant some kind soul just give him the required files and get around microshafts lame regional policy.
  9. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Kingred - Won't work. all the files are locked to the console they were downloaded on.
    Would need the redeem codes for that.

    Still missing the point. I'm not complaining about the fact that i'd have to download it... i have my peace with that.
    What i am complaining about is the fact that the Cpollector's edition is marketed to contain:

    What it in actual fact contains (in most of europe) is
    - Forza Motorsport 3 2GB USB Storage device and key-chain
    - VIP Membership for use on the online Auction House, Community Storefront, and on the forzamotorsport.net forums; five cars can only be accessed by having a VIP Membership. - according to FM3 forums this is not working. VIP membership to forums is not implemented.
    - download codes for the Exclusive Car Pack consisting of five cars, hand tuned and painted by Turn 10 Studios
    - Potential download of the Forza Motorsport 3 Theme for the Xbox 360 Dashboard - not exclusive to LCE buyers

    What we got here (with the same damn marketing material):
    - Forza Motorsport 3 2GB USB Storage device and key-chain
    - NOVIP Membership for use on the online Auction House, Community Storefront, and on the forzamotorsport.net forums; five cars can only be accessed by having a VIP Membership, as this would require the F*CKING redeem codes.
    - NO download codes for the Exclusive Car Pack consisting of five cars, hand tuned and painted by Turn 10 Studios
    - Potential download of the Forza Motorsport 3 Theme for the Xbox 360 Dashboard - not exclusive to LCE buyers

    In other words (at the risk of sounding like a broken f*cking record) - the marketing material stated i would get stuff... i don't get stuff. I don't even get the OPTION of getting stuff. They just flat out f*cking refuse to give me the f*cking cars (that are already in the game but locked to non-VIP members - nevermind the downloaded ones), simply because they are to damn retarded to figure out which version of the game you have?
    Then there's the issue with the download codes.

    Really - they should have included the download codes... that way they at least included everything they said would be in the box in the f*cking box.
    this way, all their marketing material was wrong. There was no talk of different LCE's for different regions.

    to repeat: the point is that the physical box contents are not the ones that were advertised.
  10. Kyocera

    Kyocera The Garden of Evil

    9 Sep 2009
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    I really do not care to know if you really posses such perverted way of thinking or you're just sticking your fingers up other people's noses for the sheer pleasure of venting your real life frustrations.

    A customer is LEGALLY (because the society agreed on enforcing certain minimum fairness standards) NOT responsible for the described problems; the duty to explain lays on the producer and the shop representing its products.

    I wish to stress that I do not think highly of the member with the problems either; he is egocentric to a degree that hurts himself and others.
    His duty, if he is not satisfied, is to claim back the money, not to propagate his self-awe.
    He decided to support a monopolistic company no matter what; a company that proved many times that there are no limits on what can be done or not.

    Using proxies and other subterfuges in such circumstances is a pillory of his personality; showing that he cannot exercise a minimum of self control, dignity and self-respect.

    Last edited: 4 Nov 2009
  11. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Kyocera - i think that was quite possibly one of the single most honest posts ever posted on the web... i'll give you rep for that.

    "Proxies and subterfuges" - i have tried contacting MS myself to claim my money back. I got put on hold for extended periods of time, i got told that it's impossible for me to have live, and in general got treated in a way that would under different circumstances lead to very nasty outcomes. I tried arguing with them, all to no avail.
    The retailer i bought the game from is not to blame in this regard, and as such i find it completely unjustifyable to go to them and demand my money back.

    as for
    I believe terms like "monopolistic" are for courts to attach, not for you.
    It also indicates that your stance to the whole issue is one of downright disinterest and "oh well - you wanted to support MS" - hence me asking the following question:
    Why bother posting if not to share similar experiences, argue who is to blame or just express some form of reaction towards the situation. Of the 171 words you typed (Word counted that, not me), 34 were on subject. The rest of your post consisted of you tearing into forum members. That's 20% constructive, or even on topic, and 80% pure flaming/trolling.
  12. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Merely ranting. I have nowhere asked anyone for their codes/help/support.

    My question to you is: Where am i propagating what is wrong? I am stating that IMO, the marketing that went along with the Forza3 Collector's edition is just not applicable to this region.
    At no point in the entirety of this thread was i offending anyone, was i attacking anyone or was i propagating anything "wrong".

    As for me wanting to twist the basics, i was never arguing the avilability of LIVE here... i was arguing the box contents that differed, and the fact tha ti felt i was being treated inappropriately. If that's beuing egocentric, then i probably am being egocentric.

    as for your last comment, i'll let that stand in it's own right, and comment no further on that.
    mods, please lock this thread.
  13. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest


    AGAIN I see you cannot control yourself and resort to personal insults. Go away for a day to calm down.
  14. kingred

    kingred Surfacing sucks!

    27 Mar 2008
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    Yeah what he said.

    Whats lame is that its locked to the console. Cant someone just save it to an xbox hdd and send him it. There has to be a workaround.
  15. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Kingred - sweet idea - 250GB HDD version please... ;)
    there are some people on the forza forums that have some spare codes flying around... i am in line for those, hopefully.

    Regardless of my frustrations, Forza 3 is still the best X360 racing game out there, and i'd recommend it to anyone.
  16. kingred

    kingred Surfacing sucks!

    27 Mar 2008
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    Turn that frown upside down.

    channel it into solving the problem as
    [size=-34583743]quote not accurate/may be untrue, but you get the gist[/size]
  17. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    hehehe nice one
  18. fev

    fev Industry Fallout

    13 Aug 2003
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    Tell ya what, because I'm kind and bored of this discussion.

    I'll send you my codes, a bit different to the normal premium pack ones but you get the same stuff.
  19. Altron

    Altron Minimodder

    12 Dec 2002
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    Does a 40 year old soccer mom buying the game for her 16 year old son know that? Does someone who just bought a brand new xbox to play this game know that? This is not a valid argument. Nowhere does it say that xbox live is required for download, or that the download isn't inside. Even if they elected not to include it, the packaging should have been modified accordingly, to prevent making any false claims. It's completely unreasonable to expect the average customer to read "downloadable extra content" and instantly leap to the conclusion "not in South Africa". They would need to know that downloadable content is only available on xbox live (please show me where it says that on the box), and they would need to know that xbox live is not available in SA (please show me where that is written on the box), and that even if they happen to travel to an xbox live-enabled country, and get xbox live, they would STILL not have the downloads available (didn't see that on the box either)

    Box said downloadable content. He wasn't given the opportunity to do so. False advertising, pure and simple.
  20. AngusW

    AngusW mmm

    20 Oct 2009
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    Agreed. IMO They should NOT sell the collectors edition at all in countries without official access to xbox live since the downloadable content is such big part of the deal.

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