Windows Bit-tech League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Djayness, 19 Jan 2011.

  1. Chris1554

    Chris1554 What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2011
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    Last edited: 27 Aug 2012
  2. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    care to quote those? My work internets says "NEIN! You are not allowed this games nonsense!"

    A mate of mine (I went to school with him - he's now based in germany) whom I often play LoL with was over this weekend. He's a MUCH better player than me, and jungles virtually anything. His speciality in the Jungle is Malphite, and outside of the jungle his Ali is quite impressive.
    He played a match and kept complainign about "the lag". My ping was 220-230 (which is normal), and he noticed that it's too much to reliably last-hit, to reliably dodge incoming skillshots, etc. He still fared a bit better than me.

    More importantly, though: he sat in on two games of me playing and pointed out a few things that make absoulte sense. Small things:
    "When your teammate is being attacked by a single opponent: Don't run. Attack with all you have. You can get 3-4 hits in before that dude turns around, in which case you run and your teammate does the attacking."
    "Grab jungle creeps if there's nothing going on... the gold is insanely high early on"
    "Grab dragon whenever you can"

    little things that in one game of me implementing them (though the running bit is going to take practise) made a difference already...
    Good exercise, that.
  3. Chris1554

    Chris1554 What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2011
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    From the MLG site.

    "MLG regrets to announce that we will not be awarding 1st or 2nd Place finishes for the Summer Championship League of Legends Event. We have determined that there was collusion between the two final teams, Curse NA and Team Dignitas. This is in clear violation of both the letter and spirit of MLG’s Official Pro Circuit Conduct Rules: “competitors may not intentionally Forfeit a Game or conspire to manipulate Rankings or Brackets.” As such, both teams have been disqualified, and no placements or prize money will be awarded.

    Riot has agreed with this decision and, in accordance with their Season 2 rules on Unsportsmanlike Conduct, will not be awarding Circuit points to either team.

    The 3rd and 4th Place teams will receive the prize money and Circuit Points they have earned, and all other results stand. No 1st or 2nd Place will be awarded for this event.

    Both teams have agreed that the disqualification was warranted. While there is some contention over the exact nature of the actions taken by Curse NA and Dignitas which led to the disqualification, both teams, as well as MLG and Riot, agree that any collusion, or anything involving not playing a tournament match to win, warrants disqualification.

    None of the parties involved, especially the teams, are happy about this occurrence, because they all take League of Legends eSports very seriously."

    Response from RedBeard (VP of Esports for Riot)
    Drakylon - they decided who would win prior to the match - it's not about their strategy during the game or what they are doing with the money afterwards, it's about respect for the game, the sport, the other teams, and the fan

    Curse posted some videos stating:
    They said the only unprofessional thing they did was do an Aram for the first match of the finals bo5. They denied any other accusations.

    Official statement from Dignitas website.

    It has come to our attention that during yesterday’s Major League Gaming Summer Championship League of Legends Event, our League of Legends team have engaged in misconduct. We have found at least some of the accusations to be valid. As a consequence, we have decided to investigate the situation fully to accertain all the facts. We will release a statement describing our responsive actions within two days.

    Michael O’Dell, Managing Director of Team Dignitas, said: “Team Dignitas, our members and all of our partners have never, and will never, stand for conduct that disrespects our team values MERIT, PRESTIGE, WORTH, DIGNITY”.

    We are committed to supporting the eSports community and once our investigation is complete we will respond accordingly.
  4. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    That is quite s***ty of them.
    I understand that money is a motivating factor, but surely there could be arrangements made there in that regard and stilla proper fight could be had... 'tards.
  5. Deewon

    Deewon What's a Dremel?

    29 Dec 2010
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    I'm looking to get into this a lot and hopefully compete at a LAN in a year.

    Last few years the teams winning or getting podium results haven't been great so there is a chance for me :D

    I've only ever played casually but this week been giving it more time. Hopefully going to start looking into a team as the people I play with aren't keen enough to go rated. They are good just want to take a relaxed approach.

    Need to get alot more champion experience under my belt. Got level 30 pretty much just playing Brand and Ashe. Dabbled a little in Morgana and Galio etc but never more than 3 games really.
  6. Lorilath

    Lorilath What's a Dremel?

    26 Apr 2012
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    If you do really want to get into LoL competitively you'll need to learn alot of chars, most teams want people that can at least moderately play all positions and just excel at one.

    Although Brand and Ashe tend to be considered a bit underpowered so if you're winning with them thats a good sign.

    All this reminds me I should get back into competitive play but my god do I hate soloqueue normally I just play unranked far more fun most of the time.
  7. Deewon

    Deewon What's a Dremel?

    29 Dec 2010
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    Would you suggest just randomly picking champs and playing a few games with them to get a feel? Then after playing all / most go back and replay the ones you felt fit you more?

    Just wondering where to start with learning to play a lot more of the champs.
  8. Xahl

    Xahl Your mum's a Dremel

    18 Mar 2011
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    I've found it's the sort of thing that occurs naturally after time; you do well with certain champs in one position then when trying other champs of the same role it should feel quite intuitive.

    You might get overwhelmed if you try a different champion every match.
    My advice, whatever it's worth, would be to get skilled with one or two champions from different lanes. You'll probably find the skill will just transpose onto whichever other champ you then try (if they're similar enough).
  9. Kylevdm

    Kylevdm The Mod Zoo Podcast Host

    4 Oct 2007
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  10. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    I know that feeling super well...
    That said - I seem to be making my way out of "lower level hell", with me winning more than losing and both sides playing better lately than, say, 4 weeks ago...
  11. Kylevdm

    Kylevdm The Mod Zoo Podcast Host

    4 Oct 2007
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    Have not played on my lvl 30 account in a while now, been playing on a smurf to get another friend levelled up. 5 of us in a group 4 smurfs... We have not lost a game in a while, domination is the only word for it :D
  12. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    So, with the better half working late, I have had more time than ussual to play games. As a result, i managed to get a few rounds in yesterday.

    Safe to say I think I found the worst premade I got matched with them 3 times in a row.
    Every game, the entered the lobby, someone screams "me mid" and then suddenly, as the game starts, it's "Teemo mid". FML! Say something EARLIER, so I can go Ashe, then.

    Also - reliably, whenever I managed to pick Ashe, inevitably, someone else would ALSO pick an AD Carry (Caitlyn, for example).

    Overextending, running into traps, Alistari headbutting AWAY from me and our turret... those were ALL things I saw.
    To make matter worse, I watched them play a bit, and it never seemed like they were trolling. They seemed to actually be trying to play the game, but failing horribly.

    Funnily enough, I came up AGAINST that premade in my last round. My team was all randoms, but we stomped all over them without even trying. 20 minutes in, their inhibs were down...
  13. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    After well over 100 games with Teemo, I figured I need a proper alternate.
    I went with Renekton for now, mainly because he looked interesting.
    I haven't had that much fun with a champ in ages.
  14. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    I've moved over to Dota2 and I'm really enjoying it. It's vastly different than league in many ways and it seems like there are more items. I also like how skills don't scale with your items, so you don't have to sacrifice survivability for more of your main stat. There are a lot more items that have more active uses that I think are very beneficial for your team. The first few games sucked but now that I'm starting to adjust (probably only played 20 games), I haven't touched league. If friends want to play I'll still play a game or two but it's basically been placed back on the shelf to collect dust.
  15. Yslen

    Yslen Lord of the Twenty-Seventh Circle

    3 Mar 2010
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    Way to kill the conversation >.<


    League has been more fun recently that it has ever been for me; playing with the same team consistently really makes it a different game.
  16. Xahl

    Xahl Your mum's a Dremel

    18 Mar 2011
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    The very mention of Dota 2 has clearly poisoned the thread.

    Tbh season 2 overall has been rather awesome. Given the development between season 1 and now it'll be rather interesting to see what season 3 will bring.
  17. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    I have hit level 30 now, and have played 2(!!!) ranked matches. Only to be thrown in as "picker" for both matches.
    Standard routine: Block Darius, Blitzcrank, Diana, Morgana and then see who else.

    Then get flamed for whatever champ you chose. Or get a leaver the moment you block any champ.

    The good news is that I am getting a bit better with Renekton, and that my Teemo is quite strong at any phase in the game, as long as he doesn't get zoned too heavily very early on (i.e. before MPen Boots). He's also quite adaptable.

    Since I am level 30 and CAN play ranked now, I have also started arranging a team to play with. Preferably 5-man with local, RL friends. we're 3 so far, with a guaranteed 4th, and a likely 5th.
    In that light, we're planning roles, and since I spend most of my time playing bottom lane, I'll be the Bottom lane damage dealer. A mate of mine plays a solid mid, and another plays a mean Ali in bottom support.

    I have now picked up Graves, played one practise round and found him easy enough to play, as well as being quite heavy on the damage output.

    Another thing I noticed is that Syndra has the frikken annoying ability to be great for trolls: Grab blue, throw blue around. REALLY disruptive, that.
  18. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    Recently picked this up. Rank 10 but I've managed a few decent things. Oddly I'm maining as Twisted Fate and previously Jarvan IV.

    Dat Yi. And Syndra is the only character capable of denying her own team.
  19. Xahl

    Xahl Your mum's a Dremel

    18 Mar 2011
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    Congrats on reaching lvl 30 :clap:
    It's so much more enjoyable when you have a prearranged team; particularly if you know them irl. I unfortunately do not know enough cool people :eyebrow:

    Yeah Syndra is a bit lack luster at the moment damage wise but has some nice utilities, such as trolling the hell out of Heimer and blue buff :D
  20. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    I was happy to see that Rengar got buffed in one of the recent patches... he needed the buff, TBH..

    Of course, then there were two games with Rengar dealing out rapage...
    And I (and this was quite to my -pleasant, mind - surprise) witnessed a good Amumu again.
    I have seen Amumu so little lately, and if he was in game, he blew. Over the weekend there was one INCREDIBLE Amumu in the game that after a big of luck managed to just dive in and destroy my whole team (well - 3 of us at any rate)...

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