Other Leaving PC Master Race? - Thoughts? Anyone done it?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Speed, 17 Sep 2017.

  1. Speed

    Speed I'm all you need!

    13 May 2004
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    Hi Guys,

    So colour me curious but has anyone here actually considered or gone through with a move from high end PC Gaming to 100% console gaming? How did you find it? Any unforeseen issues or benefits?

    I've had my fair share of computer problems over the last 5+ years and part of me wants to ditch the high end PC gaming for either a PS4 Pro or a Xbox One X.

    What are peoples thoughts on this sort of move? Is it still as bad a proposition as it was a few years ago or have the more powerful consoles bridged the gap?

    At the moment there are very few PC exclusives that I'm interested in and all can be played on lower end systems should they take my fancy in the future. So there is little holding me back from giving this a go. Sure I'll miss the eye candy but I won't miss the consistent problems with hardware and software that I seem to get these days.

    Any thoughts or comments welcome!


  2. theshadow2001

    theshadow2001 [DELETE] means [DELETE]

    3 May 2012
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    Yeah, sometimes a high-end laptop plus docking station plus a games console seems appealing. If all you do with your pc is gaming then it might be worth a shot switching over.

    I prefer the whole PC setup to be honest, plus I don't just use it for gaming, so a console for me is always going to be a non-runner.

    That being said I don't think I will go super high end on a PC again. In terms of graphics at least. A GTX x70 or x60 type card with air cooling will do me in the future. Nothing like being strapped for cash to put some perspective on spending lots money on pc components :D
  3. bagman

    bagman Minimodder

    18 Apr 2009
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    BAN HIM! For his treacherous ways!

    VladTepes and goldstar0011 like this.
  4. Anfield

    Anfield Multimodder

    15 Jan 2010
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    Issues like 30 FPS and the abysmal input lag of 4K TVs are still an everyday reality of console gaming.
    Plus there is the ethical issue of supporting any of the consoles due to all the anti consumer bs they constantly pull.

    When it comes to problems with Pc gaming, most of them can be avoided if you avoid new games and wait for them go on sale, by then they have been patched and its not like you miss out on much by doing that, after all you have near infinite backwards compatibility to keep you entertained.
  5. David

    David μoʍ ɼouმ qᴉq λon ƨbԍuq ϝʁλᴉuმ ϝo ʁԍɑq ϝμᴉƨ

    7 Apr 2009
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    Who are you and what have you do with Mark? :jawdrop:
  6. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    That's like asking if I'd go from enjoying BJs and HJs to just HJs.

    Silly question is silly.
  7. Speed

    Speed I'm all you need!

    13 May 2004
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    These days all I use my PC for is gaming. I do have a low end system for office work and the like but it doesn't get used much these days.

    I'll be honest I'm not a fan of gaming laptops so it would be a complete shift away from all forms of PC gaming if I did decide to go that route.

    lol! Please do mods! I might actually get some stuff done!

    I'm kinda willing to accept 1080p @ 60FPS at this stage if it would side step some of the issues I'm having.

    As for the ethical issues of supporting consoles, I'd say in many ways PC Gaming is nearly as bad. Early access, broken games on release, the price creep on hardware (especially GPUs) with minimal improvements in performance. At least with physical games on consoles you can sell the games after you've completed them and get back 60-80% of what you paid.

    I rarely buy games on release; A because they are almost always a mess on release and I don't want to support this "sell a broken product maybe fix it in a few months BS" that seems to be more frequent and B because you end up saving money that way.

    The biggest problem I have is the price of hardware and my magnet like attraction to hardware issues. Currently I have a system that randomly defaults to 30Hz, artifacting and no signal issues which I can't seem to nail down to a single cause. Although it is looking likely to be a faulty monitor (I hope). I'm just sick of having to spend hours trouble shooting issues in what seems like every system I build.

    I ate him! In all honesty as I'm getting older I'm less willing to put up with the BS that this industry considers acceptable. Guess getting older is making me more cynical!

  8. theshadow2001

    theshadow2001 [DELETE] means [DELETE]

    3 May 2012
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    I think there is a huge amount of anti-consumer business practices in gaming in general. As a quick example Day-z being an eternal alpha or beta seems more like a get out of jail free card for anything bad than anything else. There's loads of it of shoddy goings on right across the board.

    I meant a laptop as a general purpose machine with no gaming capability and a games console.
  9. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    I can't say I blame you really. Everything these days is just sequels of sequels. I was in your position but the Xbone had not released and I wasn't sure about the PS Pro so I dumped a grand or more into my PC. Wish I hadn't now in a way.
  10. Speed

    Speed I'm all you need!

    13 May 2004
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    Indeed and I don't think that is going to change anytime soon!

    Ah I see! Yeah I'm covered in that department thankfully.

    I did own a PS4 Pro for a short time but Christmas was fast approaching and someone in a hurry offered me a decent price that I couldn't turn down. It was decent enough for the titles I wanted to play but as a result I did the same after Christmas and dumped a lot of cash I wish I hadn't into my PC.
  11. silk186

    silk186 Derp

    1 Dec 2014
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    When I lived in Asia I most mostly to console, but not completely. The prospective of walking down to a local seller and picking up a handful of 360 games for a few quid or an external hard drive with every Wii game on it for not much more than the cost of the drive. It was just so convenient. Couple that with online play in Asia when your friends are on the other side of the world, server and language issues...
    If I move back to Asia I will pick up a modded console again.
  12. yodasarmpit

    yodasarmpit Modder

    27 May 2002
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    Do you play First Person Shooters, if yes then it needs to be a PC of some sort.
  13. sandys

    sandys Multimodder

    26 Mar 2006
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    I broke my PC last year so sold most of the working bits and have mostly been using ps4, in many ways I prefer it, you just turn it on, its updated itself and games and just works, the only thing I missed was sim type stuff like civ/anno etc did try the odd one on console like tropic but it wasn't the same.

    I often flipflop between console and PC, 30fps feels OK to me, on PC I game at 4k on a TV with a controller a lot of the time outside of sims so its like a big console anyway.

    I don't mind playing fps on controller, I did have to force myself to play one on console such that I got used to it, I did hate it at first.
  14. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    So does my PC?! Win 10 and Steam and never ever had to worry about an update. I've used the same install for 18 months, never an issue.
  15. David

    David μoʍ ɼouმ qᴉq λon ƨbԍuq ϝʁλᴉuმ ϝo ʁԍɑq ϝμᴉƨ

    7 Apr 2009
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    FPS on a controller... eeesh!

    Win 10 has settled down fairly well on my PC - can't remember the last time I had an issue.
  16. sandys

    sandys Multimodder

    26 Mar 2006
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    Is your PC on to do this? My console switches itself on and does that, the PC doesn't, does the PC update your graphics drivers to work with the latest games, so when you switch it on its good to go, pretty sure Steam doesn't do this for you?
  17. Anfield

    Anfield Multimodder

    15 Jan 2010
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    No idea how it is currently with AMD Radeon drivers, but with Nvidia the driver itself has a notification for new drivers being available, then its just a matter of clicking install.
    It isn't much of an issue however as outside of the latest buggy activision / ea / ubi stuff you can easily get away with updating the gpu driver like twice a year.
  18. sandys

    sandys Multimodder

    26 Mar 2006
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    Not an issues outside the latest stuff from the biggest publishers....erm..OK, even if it wasn't a big issue, it's not the pure simplicity of a console, it just works, no need to delve into settings etc to find the best gameplay settings, its just switch on and go
  19. Anfield

    Anfield Multimodder

    15 Jan 2010
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    Just because they are big doesn't mean their titles are worth playing and spending two minutes tweaking some settings to make the next 50 plus hours more enjoyable doesn't even remotely approach the territory of being a negative in my book.
  20. bagman

    bagman Minimodder

    18 Apr 2009
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    I play my PS2 more than my xbone. I have cut my hours in gaming drastically, so I only play games for nostalgia kicks. I never play new games any more. I am too much of a causal gamer to notice stuff like import lag. I use my PC for FPS, RTS and Sim racing games, I use my consoles for games I can't get on PC or casual racing games like Forza. I am considering getting a PS4 just for Drive Club.

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