Smacking your child

Discussion in 'General' started by Guest-16, 7 Jul 2004.


Smacking, right or wrong?

  1. Yes. I agree with smacking children.

    85 vote(s)
  2. No. I disagree with smacking children.

    24 vote(s)
  3. Hmm. I'm undecided.

    17 vote(s)
  1. Ubermich

    Ubermich He did it!

    21 Jun 2002
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    I'm a firm believer in teaching right from wrong. Start by explaining WHY it's wrong. WHY the child should do right... Then, if the child does it again, calmly explain that what they did was wrong, ask them if they remember that it is wrong. if they say yes, tell them they will be punnished when they get home... if they say no, tell them they will be reminded when they get home... Reminders aren't spankings... it's grunt work that absolutely sucks (if they're too young to clean a toilet, then time-out would have to suffice I suppose). Then explain to them that if it happens again, there will be spankings, and it will hurt like no pain they've ever known before...

    Or maybe I've just been around too many coaches.

    I was personally raised to know right from wrong. If I did something wrong, the reason was explained to me, and taht usually did the trick. I was only spanked once, and I've only gotten into trouble once since then (and that was for a stupid prank...)

    But I think the key is to explain the difference between right and wrong, explain responsibility for one's actions... at a very young age. Raise the child to understand that there is a consequence to every action, good or bad.
  2. HRH_Nick

    HRH_Nick What's a Dremel?

    13 Jun 2004
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    To my mind, the problem with child abuse in most Western legislators don't know the difference between abuse and discipline. Parents are given absolutely no rights, while kids can do whatever they please with no consequences. All of this nonsense about spanking a child who will not listen to reason being a form of abuse is exactly what leads to kids coming to disregard every form of discipline on the grounds that "you can't do anything to me anyway". This becomes a problem in schooling and out in the real world where the it is imperative to realise that there are limits.

    Spanking should never be the first form of discipline, but is sometimes needed. Politicians, in the meantime, are too busy winning support from 'child protection groups' to put this into policy.
  3. Astrum

    Astrum Dare to dream.

    8 Mar 2002
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    Physical discipline is okay in my opinion. Definetely a last resort though. If things progress far enough I think it's within a parents right to give a child a spanking. Not hard, but enough to transmit the message you're trying to get across. Of course if you're leaving lasting marks you should be disciplined yourself.
  4. WILD9

    WILD9 Been here aaaaages

    13 Sep 2001
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    The thing about smaking is it doesnt actually have to hurt its more the shock of knowing youve stepped over the line. Hitting to really hurt a child isnt smacking its child abuse. Ive been smacked when i was a child and it helped me learn where the limits of acceptable behavior lie but i have never associated smacking with pain it was just associated with my parents displeasure which was what hurt the most.
  5. Piratetaco

    Piratetaco is always right

    15 Apr 2004
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    and this is the reason we have sooooo many chavs today.they have no fear of their parents or the law.
  6. Spiral Architect

    Spiral Architect Cooked on Phonics

    4 Sep 2003
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    I can count on one hand the amount of times i was smacked as a child. Talking to my Mum about this when it was on the news we both said we agree with smacking. Once you've done it once or twice you can then just threaten your child with a smacking and they know they will get one, instead of just empty threats.
  7. Bloodsmoke

    Bloodsmoke What's a Dremel?

    20 Jan 2004
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    If you raise your kids correctly you shouldnt have to spank them. IF they do something wrong you punish them and stick by your punishment the parents that have to resort to spanking are the parents who let their kids act like monsters at home but them they are out in public they have to behave, the kids dont know what to do, have your kids behave all the time and you wont have a problem. I think if you spank your kids, do it one time in public, the embarrasment is usually enough.
  8. Murdoc

    Murdoc Gas Mask..ZOMG

    25 Jul 2003
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    The problem with society is everyone knows their rights but no-one knows their resonsabilities...and smacking I'm for it, never hurt me.

  9. jezmck

    jezmck Minimodder

    25 Sep 2003
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    if you ever have to cross the line from threatening to actually smacking then you're not spending enough time with your kid(s). (which doesn't mean i'm against it, just that it shouldn't be outlawed.)

    smacking is necessary sometimes, and simply becomes less effective if done too much.
    a hard smack is just unneccessary - it should be a humiliation/"I'm in charge here thing".

    anyway, how come we suddenly need a law about smacking? we lasted millenia w/o, why now?
  10. Astrum

    Astrum Dare to dream.

    8 Mar 2002
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    We've lasted thousands upon thousands of years without all the laws we have today, doesn't stop them from writing them though.
  11. Abadon

    Abadon What's a Dremel?

    17 Jul 2004
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    bloody hell, smack em!

    coming from greek family with greek rules made in greece, i am now proud to say i was smacked (smacked is a light term) it provides obedience and makes the parent stick the moral of the "lesson" in

    let's be honest look and the canadians/americans younguns walking around acting like they are the shiznit disobeying rules and such

    WHY? because it turns down to the government, parents who want to smack, can't in fear of being jailed

    but then you get parents who don't smack that give time outs........pfffft! :rolleyes:

    time outs are unheard of in a household with rules and order.....that why time outs lead it disobedient kids running around....which has been cause by the government

    so folks....moral of this discussion.....if you see and MP/MPP (Canada) or a Governor/Senator (USA) smack them!
  12. Halgy3000

    Halgy3000 Minimodder

    22 Mar 2004
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    Well, to clarify, I don't think that people should beat children to a bloody pulp, but I also don't think that they can't touch them.

    For example, I had a great teacher (we'll call him Mr. H) (he is moving to Canada for awhile). Before he came to our school, he was at a nearby town's. While there, he threw a kid into a locker and yelled at him, and he even had a good reason. Dispite this, he got fired, because the kid's parrents threated to sue the school.

    Nowdays you can't so much as touch a kid without getting sued. Back in the day, the teachers used to carry paddles and smack the kids if they f'ed off. Now, they must be calm and kindly ask the kid to behave. Even if they don't, they give the kid riddlin and just basicly have to live with it. If the kids won't respect you, you must make them respect you, by force if nesicary. If you son/daughter is mouthing off, just hit 'em. Not too hard, but just enough to make them stop. If you don't make your kids respect you, then you are a hippie. And hippies suck.

    BTW: I just saw the South Park where the kids were all on Riddlin. I liked the treatment method that Chef sugested: Smack the kids and yell the **** out of them and they will behave. Horay for South Park. If it didn't exist, where whould I get my morality from?
  13. Piratetaco

    Piratetaco is always right

    15 Apr 2004
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    i remember when two chavs stole a petty cash box from a mill near my school.they came running across the bridge followed by some of the blokes from the English teacher Mr K saw this and grabbed the one with the box and held him while the police teacher twisted the chavs arm behind his back to keep him still,the chavs keeps trying to get away and my teacher says
    "keep squirming and i'll deck you"(now my teacher is 6ft5 and a big,hard he could easil beat the **** into this he's got a black belt in marshal arts)
    the chav then says the line
    "you can't lay a finger on me you big fat *******.if you do you'll get put in prison and i'll get away scott free."
    now the chav can hit my teacher(which he did.we all saw it) and he can't get hit back.thats bollocks.bloody PC brigade
  14. Firehed

    Firehed Why not? I own a domain to match.

    15 Feb 2004
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    Being 16 myself I don't have a real opinion on this, but I'll tell you my brother (12) is nothing short of a complete ass to my dad (24/7, not now and then) and by all means he needs a smacking, generally upside the head - which I'm more than happy to deliver :naughty: I mean yes, it does it just because my dad gets pissed easily and my brother finds it funny (and if you see him, you would too...) but he just doesn't know when to stop.

    Basically my thought is that in some situations it's ok, but most of the time it should be avoided. In most situations it tends to do little more than annoy people, but not get the right/wrong point across at all.
  15. Halgy3000

    Halgy3000 Minimodder

    22 Mar 2004
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    PS: I'm only 16 too.
  16. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    Its a joke isnt it. To be honest perhaps for some stuff they should try kids as adults as young as 13 or 14. If they dont know right from wrong by then the parents need sorting out.
  17. henson0115

    henson0115 Banned

    16 Apr 2004
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    if you see some ones kids acting like arses and be ****s like stealing bullying andall that i think that the parents should be smaked and the kids also but mainly ground him/her take away there freedom and explain what a bum they will be when there older they can usauly get away with out a smack
  18. MaplinMan

    MaplinMan What's a Dremel?

    8 Feb 2003
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    i got a 2 and a half year old son, and i slapped his hand when he played with something dangerous so that he learnt it is 'bad'. he now knows that playing with the telephone is 'bad' but still he is not afraid of the telephone and talks on it if you hand it to him hehe

    he has done a lot of crazy stuff like knock my laptop over, tried to pour himself a drink (lol) and he loves climbing, but still i never hit him when he does something wrong.

    when i was a badly behaved young boy i read a book my mum bought to try and control me, called 'bad behavior' and it said you should never hit your child because YOU are angry. if you spank your child it should be to teach THEM a lesson.

    so all you guys talking about decking townies, even though i want to merk the ones on my road, i dont think a kicking would do them any good. it will just show them to respect you only. and that means the will treat others with even LESS respect... ie, if i go and kick a townie in, he might feel more comfortable smashing your car windows because he knows you probably wont kick him in... so its encouraging them... well... unless we ALL beat up the townies lol but thats going off topic

    i tell my son everything he does is nice, and i dont get angry at his curiosity. when he gets older i will not need to ever slap his hands (i dont really consider that spanking) because i have a lot of control over him now because he knows he can listen to me without being scared of how i will react. my wife however is always throwing a bender and it just reaches the point where if you act like a townie to your kid, your kid is gonna be one so i wouldnt encourage it.

    but if your kid if 15 and tells you to **** off and go to hell, i would definately recommend you put a foot through their head.
  19. jezmck

    jezmck Minimodder

    25 Sep 2003
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    great to hear from someone who has a kid themselves and treats them sensibly - but i gotta ask how old ou were when you had yours - you were born in 83 (so you're the same age as my gf, 2rys younger than me).
  20. MaplinMan

    MaplinMan What's a Dremel?

    8 Feb 2003
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    married at 18 (in jan) turned 19 (in feb) had son (in march)

    erm... :worried: he was erm... 8month premature? :D

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